Girls getting Blacked!

I've been keeping my eyes on these two G.O.A.T. of interracial couples between black man & white woman on YouTube Tyrone Magnus & Scar-Lo.
This is just them having fun together, as the definition of true love.
A nice pic of Sarah Jessica Parker,,,but a role more suited for Kim Catrall.
Sarah Jessica Parker is definitely too old to reprise her role as Carrie Bradshaw like, she's old enough to be one of our aunties. No disrespect to her & our elders, but this is almost like Lynda Carter continue to play Wonder Woman even after she ages out the role as the fictional character hence why she gave the role to Gal Gadot.
Ladies, just a quick heads up no offense upon reading my interracial erotica stories loosely using the word "hoes" for I don't use it often & of course I don't see y'all less of a masterpiece of natural beauty.
Since fucking Twitter had it's age restriction upgrade, I had to look for a alternative way of salvaging something good from BlacknWhite comics tweets.
Also by the way the character Kimberly was a country racist, until Russell set her straight in a good way if you look at it the right way.
So yeah, characters background information.
🇬🇧 Rebecca More, like I said before on the other thread she needs to stop messing with these white guys & get with us black men myself included.
What you see before you is obviously a collage of photos from her video she did with some clown ass white guy pornstar name Jordi which I can't stand because he's overedcast for everything involving a white women & black women in the porn industry.