Getting work done at 45


Real Person
I talk about the last 20 years in the lifestyle as a hobby. Some people like to golf, kayak, mountain bike, Scuba ect.... At times we are very active and sometimes their is dry spells (winters are tough) we like to be sexual and me, the male half would love to see her on her back or on all fours 24/7 if that was a possible. She has a profile on Tinder now to see if that is a good avenue to meet new guys.

She has always liked the idea of implants and a lift and we know a few people that have them. Growing up being a young family trying to give our ******* the nicer things ( a home in a safe neighborhood) and being stretched thin, we didn't have the expendable funds to plop down 10-15K. Now as we are getting older and the ******* are adults we are seriously thinking about it again. The driving factor to me and I have to admit it is a selfish one, is she would be more confident, dress in more revealing clothes and hoping being sluttier. I know it is her body and her call and believe me she would not do anything she doesn't want to. I never tell her I wish you had them but I am coaxing her to do it. I know deep down if money grew on trees she would.

Currently she will wear tops out without a bra on most days and I hear. My boobs sag down, I need a lift, when I wear a push up bra it looks better. I'm sure it has been done but creeping up to mid 40's is this just unheard of? We returned from Hedonism 2 in Jamaica in March and being nude for a week and seeing the amount of implants out there has given more fuel to the cause.

Not looking for a "do it/ don't do it". Maybe to open a discussion with people that went thru it, recovery times, do you regret it, things you wished you knew before hand. Stay safe and stay sexy people.
This is only my opinion but I'm not for implants at all. I am for all natural women. That being said if it would make her feel better then get the lift. It would still be her natural tits and give her more confidence to dress sexier. I just love the look and feel of natural better. I don't care if they are a little saggy. Truth is I'd probably like hers now without the lift. Too many people go so big usually with implants that they look abnormal.
This is only my opinion. Surgery should be done to please your self not a boy friend, spouse, friend.

Over the last twenty years i have seen a number of ladies treat them selves to surgery. Half did so following breast cancer. They also got tattoos to cover the scares. Half of those left got their done following a divorce. The rest bro please a partner.
My wife got "Mommy makeover" which for her was breast lift, lipo suction on thigh and butt lift. Her recovery for all three was normal time frame and she loved the confidence and looks since doing so. She also been working out and looks better now than ever.