First time meeting up.

Straight to action is the stuff of fantasy. In the real world it takes a while to find out if a couple is serious about meeting not just you but anyone. Many think they are but in reality they are not. If you actually find one, then the next step might be meeting at a public place. Good luck with that too, because you will find couples all of a sudden no longer replying to you after you've talked about setting a place and time to meet. They may begin ducking and hiding from you online, etc.

There are very few serious and honest people you'll meet here or anywhere online. At parties the personalities there are a mystery too. Basically this is no easy picking but there are those diamonds in the rough. I speak from experience. There are some genuine people on here too, but they are very very few and far between. Nothing you can do about that but be aware of the situation.
Best reply so far. You hit the nail on the head.
Straight to action is the stuff of fantasy. In the real world it takes a while to find out if a couple is serious about meeting not just you but anyone. Many think they are but in reality they are not. If you actually find one, then the next step might be meeting at a public place. Good luck with that too, because you will find couples all of a sudden no longer replying to you after you've talked about setting a place and time to meet. They may begin ducking and hiding from you online, etc.

There are very few serious and honest people you'll meet here or anywhere online. At parties the personalities there are a mystery too. Basically this is no easy picking but there are those diamonds in the rough. I speak from experience. There are some genuine people on here too, but they are very very few and far between. Nothing you can do about that but be aware of the situation.
I've had many, many "straight to the action" get togethers with couples. This generally happens much more with couples met on actual swing sites where you can see the validations/certifications of the people you're meeting. And you're being invited to their room. A lot of times really experienced lifestyle couples have done the vetting prior to meeting, so there's no need for much "getting to know you' time. They're ready for immediate action. There's a certain straightforwardness really experienced couples have. They're not about wasting time.
So my first BBC was earlier this year in NYC - since I was nervous, it was great to meet briefly in the hotel bar for drinks to get to know my TWO new friends! ;) As referenced by others, that helped me develop trust and feel comfortable with them, and all that was about to happen. By the time we hit the room, clothes were quickly stripped and I was :threesome:soon after! A great first time; can't wait for the next!
Meet face to face, hubby present, neutral location for everyone., Dress nice a little sexy. See how it goes and if mutual attraction, if not then everyone walks away. If attraction take it further and or setup play date to meet up for the action. Like to get to know person and see how they are and if reliable, nice, clean, etc.. Guys who put in half effort like showing up in t-shirt and shorts like done deal are passed. Gentleman and polite is way I like.
usually drinks or coffee first and conversation just to see if we are all on the same page, though other times if we have spoken for awhile, its lets get right to the fun!
Well we should schedule a meet and greet in the near future since we are so close. It's not often you find likeminded people who are geographically desirable as well. 😂