Eric from Charlotte NC, carnival cruise

Your name is Eric. 30-40s black man from Charlotte and work in electrical supplies. Prev army in Clarksville tn. You were very polite to the wife and I when we met you on a cruise out of Charleston SC To the Bahamas. My wife liked you very much and acted awkwardly giddy whenever we were around you. I could tell your mere presence was having a notable effect on her. I found that very exciting. Her nipples got hard whenever we got were around you and I saw you looking more than once. I liked that too.

we have always fantasized about meeting someone like yourself for her but it has never worked out. I wish I simply would have invited you back to our cabin and I would give you two some time to use in whatever manner you both desired.

If you, by chance or fate, read this give me a shout. We have discussed you at great length. we would love to visit Charlotte soon and would like to have the opportunity to meet with you.