cucks hard.

I’m claiming 4 3/8” hard….maybe 4 1/2“ on a good day. I know exactly why my wife took to cuckolding and now cuckolds the ever living ******* out of me………. I can’t say I blame her. When i say her boyfriends cocks are bigger than me soft when I’m hard, now you can see i wasn’t exaggerating. My normal resting length on a nice, warm day is a pathetic 2”.


Gotta give props to guys who have the courage to post their tiny dicks for the world to see... especially when the post asks to show clitties. It is a good thing to know one's true station in life. Must be a liberating feeling.
It is ! Thanks. I love your comments! They always make my little thingy rock hard! But then again it don't take much 😂