Chinese milf wife

Great shots of her... definitely a thick Asian! very sexy... u need some bbc to feed her :qos:
She has watched bbc porn and was shocked by the huge cock. I ask whether she is interested, she said not for now, the cock is too big for her and would destroy her pussy. I wish she’d like to try it later after she gets bored with asian men cocks.

A fascinating post.

She has watched.
She was shocked.

But is she interested?

‘Not for now.’

Yet I wonder ... what exactly does that mean?

Since she has a lover now, her opposing the idea clearly isn’t one of PRINCIPLE. I’d guess she’s not interested in pursuing that experience for the PRACTICAL reasons stated [too large, would ‘destroy’ her].

That said, I read your question differently. I hear it asking, ‘do you find this ‘intriguing?’ In other words, in addition to ‘shocking,’ do you find this at all erotic?

I suggest that occasionally, you watch these flicks together. Might such a ‘shockingly large’ organ also demand deeper, womanly submission? Might it make her possession seem more complete? If one COULD sheath a seemingly impossibly large male organ – would it make her ‘connection’ more real? Would it make sex more intense? Might this evoke a more powerful, sexual response?

So I’m suggesting that you probe her imaginative response to the extraordinary stimulus of the truly man-size phallus. Pondering these things, she may begin not so much to want to ‘do it,’ but simply to find that the scenario warms her. If she finds this ‘hot,’ perhaps you could use it as part of your foreplay.

I wouldn't put any pressure on her to do what makes her uncomfortable. But if her own imagination sets her to thinking about such things -- and RESPONDING to them -- opportunities for further exploration may present themselves to you. Keep your eyes open. Recognize and address issues as they arise.

I wish the very best of luck for the both of you!