
Don’t mix or confuse your sexual fantasies with our future children.

Several years ago when I was in NYC, there was a doctor in our town who had delivered many babies over the years. One day, he was telling me about a very tough delivery where the mom and the baby almost died. But gratefully, both of them came through happy and healthy.

When he finished, I told him, “You know, Doc, that sounds like a miracle.”

He looked at me and said, “every birth is a miracle. I’ve studied how it happens and I know how a baby develops in the womb. But the reality is that I just don’t understand how any of them get here.”

When a baby is born, it’s the work of God. And when someone is reborn into the Kingdom, it’s also the work of God. Just as the baby can’t take credit for being born, neither can anyone take credit for being born again. New life is a gift from God alone.

There is blessing and there is reward when you quit compromising. Our future children should be the result of uncompromising loving ? parents.