Black Women

Quick question for all my black friends in the lifestyle and want an honest answer. I understand and appreciate the the excitement of interracial sex. And understand the desire to be with a white woman and the desire white men have to be with black women. From my point of view, black women when they try can be beautiful, sexy and very desirable. But am I the only one that has been very disappointed, when I slept with several. Not all, but have to say disappointed. I'm not super sized but can compete on length and width of most black men we invite into our relationship. I found looseness, lack of excitement and lack of sexual aptitude to be the case.
Quick question for all my black friends in the lifestyle and want an honest answer. I understand and appreciate the the excitement of interracial sex. And understand the desire to be with a white woman and the desire white men have to be with black women. From my point of view, black women when they try can be beautiful, sexy and very desirable. But am I the only one that has been very disappointed, when I slept with several. Not all, but have to say disappointed. I'm not super sized but can compete on length and width of most black men we invite into our relationship. I found looseness, lack of excitement and lack of sexual aptitude to be the case.
I don’t think you intended this question for black friends. But here is your answer though I don’t know you:
All of humanity has a spectrum. The best sex I’ve ever had always is with black women. They are passionate, wet, naturally curvaceous, and have bodies that invite dick!
Blank women often reciprocate then energy that they are met with. So your experience with a black woman will reflect what you put out. Expect you will have good days and bad days.
I appreciate that you notice some beauty in black women. It’s how I feel about white women - when they try sometimes they look good. But most who do are doing their best to look black with white skin and blonde hair. I say this to iterate that you have an obvious preference and that’s fine but it’s no woman’s responsibility to meet our fetish wants. If you , or anyone can’t admire the beauty in black women, leave em for me. I’ll bed you girls and ours too.
I don’t think you intended this question for black friends. But here is your answer though I don’t know you:
All of humanity has a spectrum. The best sex I’ve ever had always is with black women. They are passionate, wet, naturally curvaceous, and have bodies that invite dick!
Blank women often reciprocate then energy that they are met with. So your experience with a black woman will reflect what you put out. Expect you will have good days and bad days.
I appreciate that you notice some beauty in black women. It’s how I feel about white women - when they try sometimes they look good. But most who do are doing their best to look black with white skin and blonde hair. I say this to iterate that you have an obvious preference and that’s fine but it’s no woman’s responsibility to meet our fetish wants. If you , or anyone can’t admire the beauty in black women, leave em for me. I’ll bed you girls and ours too.
All yours.....
Not surprised at all by the lack of response from both black men and white, everyone is scared to offend except when they are behind closed doors. Black ladies' white men desire you, but you have to do a better job attracting us and making us proud to be with you!!
Out of curiosity, what is it that you think other women do to make you proud to be with them?
I think one thing that usually get over looked, is it has nothing to do with looks, but many black women in my experience tend to be much more conservative sexually. You find very few black women who are willing to be shared, have threesomes with two men or participate in gangbangs, most black women are not into participating in those types of sexual activities
How they act, how they speak, try to assimilate to their surroundings no mater where you take them is a very good start.
So, that means you don’t value the hustle and hard work, the observation skills and awareness, the fact that they are the highest educated population in the nation, the culture they create, the artistry they inspire, nor the full breath of shapes, sizes, and colors they come in?
because I graduated from an Ivy League school and all the blank women in my circle do what you described flawlessly. I also see women from other cultures not do what you value far more frequently and still get rated higher…🤔

btw, I value those same things and have found plenty of beautiful black women to be in relationship with
No your assuming that on your own. Was asking a question that is all. For everyone that is so defensive, I ask the simple question why
Defensive, isn’t the correct word. We’re actually angry. Thank you for asking why:

the assumption your post implies is that a black woman should live her life with the intent of “making you proud”. That’s further worsened by the assumption that your experience with a few black women extends to all black women. Which is worsened by the fact that your definition of what would make you proud is not the same thing you’d ask of a white/Asian woman - what you meant was they should be able to assimilate to white culture and social spaces not ALL cultures and social spaces. So you’ve established a double standard for only black women to live up to that no other woman has to live up to and the only difference you can identify for why they should have additional standards is that they are black.

I don’t expect many people to see how your original and follow up posts did this so allow me to elaborate (note, I hope you can go through this with me as gingerly as I’m hoping to take you through it because to actually learn/grow from our experience you will HAVE TO step out of your own belief system for a moment).

1-not all people will be attractive to you. We all prefer different things. To assume that all black women (as diverse as the world is) are only attractive “if they try” is to say that there is no intrinsic beauty in an entire population of women is this statement true? Absolutely not. You just don’t rate their beauty the same as women of other descent.
2-to state that they must make you proud is to offset your responsibility to take care of your own expectations and happiness and offload your responsibilities on your woman to mold to whatever whim you dictate as being pride worthy. What white woman has made you proud when you take her into a black social scene? Has she defended black people from racism or women from sexism? Was she able to make Hispanics comfortable by speaking Spanish or the educated elite comfortable by speaking with choice vocabulary with intentionality? The standard is different if you can see that
3-lastly to ask a question, that turns out to offend someone, not about a choice they made but about who they are, rather than saying I’m sorry (initially) and seeking understanding, you instead take the stance that you should be able to offend without anyone else being offended. “Why are you defensive?” It’s because you spoke about my mom, my wife, half of my family, many of my friends and a genetic expression that I share without considering that there would be ample variation amidst the millions of us that exist. Where people who don’t express these phenotypes are given your grace that there is variety and depth.
Does this answer your question?
This is the most racist and inaccurate statement I’ve ever read! You’re a black man talking down on black women? Is your mom not black? 😔
Tell me 1 item that is racist?
Tell me 1 items that is inaccurate?

Take your time...

and by the mom would agree on every point I listed and encourages all black men to avoid the black women for the very reasons I stated.

Facts don't have feelings....
So, that means you don’t value the hustle and hard work, the observation skills and awareness, the fact that they are the highest educated population in the nation, the culture they create, the artistry they inspire, nor the full breath of shapes, sizes, and colors they come in?
because I graduated from an Ivy League school and all the blank women in my circle do what you described flawlessly. I also see women from other cultures not do what you value far more frequently and still get rated higher…🤔

btw, I value those same things and have found plenty of beautiful black women to be in relationship with
but did you marry any of them??

I'm a black man....I've dated mostly black women in my life....

Some of my background.....

studied with teachers of Nation of Islam...participated and worked with many black culture based movements....pan Africanists.....raised by Garveyites parents who were active members of the civil rights movement on the radical side....

History Student of Van Sertima, Dr ben Jochannan, Claude Anderson, Cheikh Anta Diop, Charles Woodson and many many others

I'm not some self hating black man that don't understand his history or "self hating" or any of that other PC bullshit that gets labeled on a man that simply tells the fucking truth.

I grew up in the in Atlanta, Chicago, East St Louis, New Orleans, Houston...Chocolate cities so I speak from experience I'm born and raised in black experience is typical of 99% of black male Americans

Your point about Ivy League Black Women.....

well my sister attended Wellesley in Boston, dated black Harvard and MIT men, these blacks represents the .001% of privileged Black Americans and an even smaller percentage of privileged Americans, so your experience its really insignificant in a discussion about anything

......and by the way my sister destroyed every man that she dated and was a terrible mom....I ended up raising her two children....just saying

I stand by my FACTS based opinion

Pass on the all modern Black Woman for the reasons stated....
Quick question for all my black friends in the lifestyle and want an honest answer. I understand and appreciate the the excitement of interracial sex. And understand the desire to be with a white woman and the desire white men have to be with black women. From my point of view, black women when they try can be beautiful, sexy and very desirable. But am I the only one that has been very disappointed, when I slept with several. Not all, but have to say disappointed. I'm not super sized but can compete on length and width of most black men we invite into our relationship. I found looseness, lack of excitement and lack of sexual aptitude to be the case.