Black male/white female couples mainstream in advertising

Is Germany that great with interracial if so I'm going. Are the women in Germany very curvy.
Coming from a military family all the brothers who have been there say all you have to do is exist and it's that easy. I'm sure you'd find what your looking for over there. Im going to head to Ramstein Germany soon and see for myself. I probably won't come back lol.
In the US, commercials (ads on television) show interracial very frequently! In fact, one night last week, I counted six different ads showing interracial couples, not counting the repeats! So I think the concept of interracial relationships is becoming well established
In the US, commercials (ads on television) show interracial very frequently! In fact, one night last week, I counted six different ads showing interracial couples, not counting the repeats! So I think the concept of interracial relationships is becoming well established
No it's not in America
Beg to differ.

Look at ads for T-Moble and some of the other carriers. Also, a lot of the car commercials have an interracial couple in them, I'm thinking specifically of the new Nissan ad. Finally, I've seen some dealing with medication that show an interracial family. Those are what come to mind immediately.
Beg to differ.

Look at ads for T-Moble and some of the other carriers. Also, a lot of the car commercials have an interracial couple in them, I'm thinking specifically of the new Nissan ad. Finally, I've seen some dealing with medication that show an interracial family. Those are what come to mind immediately.
???? ok most white women I see in America want basketball players and rappers. ???
Not normal black dudes even if he has a huge dick .
Not really seeing this huge bust of interracial love in America.
Bro there's so many pale white girls up there by Colorado Springs, I just hate the cold. I use to mess with a pale white chick from there her friends liked black dudes. I don't live there so I can't view it from how you see it but I knew a few white chick's that were from there.

Over here by PA NY I've seen plenty of IR couples you just have to change your thought process. Thought is the cause of everything, have your thoughts manifest yourself where's there's alot of white chicks lol. Change were you look or grab that passport.
Bro there's so many pale white girls up there by Colorado Springs, I just hate the cold. I use to mess with a pale white chick from there her friends liked black dudes. I don't live there so I can't view it from how you see it but I knew a few white chick's that were from there.

Over here by PA NY I've seen plenty of IR couples you just have to change your thought process. Thought is the cause of everything, have your thoughts manifest yourself where's there's alot of white chicks lol. Change were you look or grab that passport.
Yeah I'm in Colorado springs.
In the US, commercials (ads on television) show interracial very frequently! In fact, one night last week, I counted six different ads showing interracial couples, not counting the repeats! So I think the concept of interracial relationships is becoming well established
I agree. There are more tv commercials showing interracial couples and most of them were white girls with black men.
Beg to differ.

Look at ads for T-Moble and some of the other carriers. Also, a lot of the car commercials have an interracial couple in them, I'm thinking specifically of the new Nissan ad. Finally, I've seen some dealing with medication that show an interracial family. Those are what come to mind immediately.
I agree however most of the ads show a white woman with black men that reflects real life which is fine by me as it helps to promote white girls to try black.
I do not think Asian girls are open to black cocks.

Among the white peoples, nobody is so open to black cocks as the German cunts.

This is wrong on two counts, and I speak with direct experience. Yes, I experienced a little racism in Thailand, but it was very little, and I fucked some really beautiful Thai girls. Two of them were obviously mixed with some Caucasian ******* and were fucking gorgeous. Looked just like white girls. I call one a Thai Jennifer Anniston. And in The Philippines it was even better with lots of pretty Filipina girls willing to go BAREBACK with black men!!

I will say a lot of the Asian girls struggle to take that Yankee American dong though. They can hardly accommodate the white boys, let alone the bigger dicked black men. Some were afraid to fuck me because they were afraid that black boner was gonna be too big and would hurt them. Gotta admit I got turned on seeing some of those Asian girls struggle to take this dick though, and there are plenty of black guys bigger than me. Little tiny, pretty, Asian chick. BIG, black American, chocolate dick!

Now as for the white girls, my clear favorite, I will give it to you and say that Germany is good to a black man. It's damn good going over there and fucking some really hot blue-eyed, blonde white Aryan girls. BUT, it’s number two on my list for white puzzy. You see, I discovered BRAZIL and nearly lost my black fucking mind!

So, so many Americans are so, so ignorant about Brazil. Like we used to say back in the day, if you don’t you better ask somebody! So, I am here to tell you. Look black men. Brazil is a fucking paradise on earth for a black man with a little means.

First of all, as a black person, culturally you're going to feel very comfortable there. Did you know that more black people live in Brazil than any other place in the world other than Africa itself??? And Brazilian culture is thoroughly infused with black African culture, just like in the States. You're gonna like the people, the culture, the music, the food, the weather believe me, and they will accept you. The same cannot be said for Germany. Also, no skinheads in Brazil!

Well where the white women at you say ???? OK, hold on, hold on! You see white people in HUGE numbers have moved to and settled in Brazil from all over Europe, including from GERMANY!!! You will find "brancas"("white girls" in Portuguese) all over the country, but particularly in the south where most of the white immigrants settled.

I will just say that Brazil is incredibly diverse. I already said how more black people live in Brazil than any other place in the world outside of Africa. Same thing for Japanese people. Same thing for Italian people. And on and on. Have met blonde beauties of German stock who look EXACTLY like what you will find in Germany.

But, Brazil is better for the black man. Why? Because you're going to be in a country where "blackness" is an essential element in its national character, and you will have access to some of the hottest white girls on the planet. Let me tell you something black men. Brazil is all about the BOOTY baby! Or the "bunda" as they call it. Do you understand me?? You're gonna see some PRETTY, big booty white girls who will blow you away! So many Brazilian girls have that curvy kind of shape black men love. Even the white ones. The average German girl can't compete with that *******! I mean, I've seen some donks on some Brazilian white girls that you just gotta see with your own eyes to believe. I mean, I'm looking at that white DONK and STILL cannot believe what my eyes are telling me!

And let me tell you something else. If you like interracial anal sex with SMOKING HOT white chicks, then Brazil is like your black ass died and went to white girls' butt hole heaven! Do you understand me??? LOOK at my fucking avatar? Do you think a guy like me is going to bullshit you on this? Brazil is "modern-day" SODOM is what I'm telling you. Interracial, race-mixing, BUTT FUCKING, all over the place! I can't even say I'm all that physically, and I probably get more than my fair share. I know a lot of white women think I'm kind of "cute", and that's been good enough ?

I'm telling you my black brothers. I know Germany is good. But if you want to get with some bad ass white girls, and you wanna fuck 'um in the butt, then damnit Brazil is the place to be! Get your passports! Visas no longer required for Americans. Damn near lost my mind the first time I went I'm telling you. Was 10 days of "black man's bliss". . . fucking top-of-the-line FINE ass white girls. All blonde and white with those bikini tan lines! And I was gettin'all up in their white girl assholes too!

So stop bullshittin' around! You know you want it! You know you want it! You have lust in your dark hearts for them pretty, big booty white girls just like I do! So get your passports and get your money right and take your horny asses on down to Brazil. Where the interracial with the white girls is THE BEST ON THE PLANET. Bar none. Including Germany. You need to expand your horizons.

Now you see the two pics I attached? That's just ONE example of the kind of white Brazilian girls you can find in Brazil. They are all over the damn place, but especially in the south where they often refer to themselves as "gaúchas". Now the one pictured? A black man (that would be me) rode "gaucho-style" all up in her pretty, white, blonde, BRAZILIAN-GERMAN butt hole. (she has a gorgeous face too). Half her family is in Frankfurt, Germany and the other half in the south of Brazil. You want some? Hmm? You want some too? Then ya gotta take your ass to BRAZIL! And that's final ?!

Now, none of this is to say that Brazil is perfect. It is not. No place is without problems. Even the good ole US of A. But what I am saying is that I think that overall Brazil is a better deal for the black man than Germany is.

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