Black breeding program

Su internet si vedono a volte immagini con didascalie sul programma di allevamento dei neri.
Penso che sia un'idea molto interessante.

Come funziona:
Quando una femmina bianca raggiunge i 18 anni fino all'età in cui non può più rimanere incinta, c'è un must per essere sessualmente disponibile per ogni uomo nero del programma di allevamento nero che vuole fare sesso con lei. Inoltre possono essere selezionati per essere disponibili soprattutto nei loro periodi fertili. Naturalmente il sesso deve essere senza preservativo e, se possibile, completamente non protetto. I ragazzi neri del programma di allevamento nero devono essere molto sani, in buona forma fisica e molto fertili. È anche possibile che le donne si offrano volontarie per questo programma da sole. Anche il loro partner può iscriverli a questo programma. È d'obbligo per ogni donna fare volontariato almeno una volta nella propria vita. Quando la donna compie 40 anni, sarà automaticamente iscritta al programma. Ogni donna può essere selezionata più volte nella sua vita. Anche dopo l'età fertile, ovviamente.
Inoltre ci sarà una lotteria ogni mese in cui una donna sarà selezionata per avere nel loro periodo più fertile senza alcuna protezione sesso mensile con uomini neri dal programma per tutta la loro vita fertile.

Cosa ne pensi di questo programma?
Quale donna si offrirebbe volontaria da sola e perché?
Quando tu, come donna, fai volontariato da sola e devi mettere un'immagine hot di te stessa nel formulario necessario, quale sarebbe?

Sono molto interessato al tuo feedback.
Ritengo che sia non solo opportuno, ma indispensabile prevedere per legge una particolare assistenza sociale in campo economico per le ragazze, con l'obiettivo di incentivarle. E anche notevoli agevolazioni fiscali a beneficio dei mariti, che eserciteranno la potestà genitoriale per i figli misti.
In the internet you see sometimes captioned pictures about the black breeding program.
I think it's an very interesting idea.

How it works:
When a white female gets 18 until the age she can't get pregnant anymore there is a must to be sexually available for every black man from the black breeding program which wants to have sex with her. Also they can be selected to be available especially at their fertile times. Of course the sex has to be without condom and if possible completely unprotected. The black guys from the black breeding program have to be very healthy, in good body shape and very fertile. It is also possible for the women to volunteer for this program by themself. Also their partner can sign them to this program. It is a must for every woman to volunteer at least one time in their live. When the woman gets 40 she will be automatically registered for the program. Every woman can be selected multiple times in their live. Also after the baby bearing age of course.
Also there will be a lottery every month where one woman will be selected to have in their most fertile time without any protection monthly sex with black men from the program for their whole fertile live.

What do you think about this program.
Which woman would volunteer by herself and why?
When you as a woman volunteer by yourself and have to put a hot picture of yourself to the necessary formular, which one would it be?

I am very interested about your feedback.
We have volunteered 2 times lol
In the internet you see sometimes captioned pictures about the black breeding program.
I think it's an very interesting idea.

How it works:
When a white female gets 18 until the age she can't get pregnant anymore there is a must to be sexually available for every black man from the black breeding program which wants to have sex with her. Also they can be selected to be available especially at their fertile times. Of course the sex has to be without condom and if possible completely unprotected. The black guys from the black breeding program have to be very healthy, in good body shape and very fertile. It is also possible for the women to volunteer for this program by themself. Also their partner can sign them to this program. It is a must for every woman to volunteer at least one time in their live. When the woman gets 40 she will be automatically registered for the program. Every woman can be selected multiple times in their live. Also after the baby bearing age of course.
Also there will be a lottery every month where one woman will be selected to have in their most fertile time without any protection monthly sex with black men from the program for their whole fertile live.

What do you think about this program.
Which woman would volunteer by herself and why?
When you as a woman volunteer by yourself and have to put a hot picture of yourself to the necessary formular, which one would it be?

I am very interested about your feedback.
In the internet you see sometimes captioned pictures about the black breeding program.
I think it's an very interesting idea.

How it works:
When a white female gets 18 until the age she can't get pregnant anymore there is a must to be sexually available for every black man from the black breeding program which wants to have sex with her. Also they can be selected to be available especially at their fertile times. Of course the sex has to be without condom and if possible completely unprotected. The black guys from the black breeding program have to be very healthy, in good body shape and very fertile. It is also possible for the women to volunteer for this program by themself. Also their partner can sign them to this program. It is a must for every woman to volunteer at least one time in their live. When the woman gets 40 she will be automatically registered for the program. Every woman can be selected multiple times in their live. Also after the baby bearing age of course.
Also there will be a lottery every month where one woman will be selected to have in their most fertile time without any protection monthly sex with black men from the program for their whole fertile live.

What do you think about this program.
Which woman would volunteer by herself and why?
When you as a woman volunteer by yourself and have to put a hot picture of yourself to the necessary formular, which one would it be?

I am very interested about your feedback.
I volunteer to breed all the 40 plus white women. Nonstop
In the internet you see sometimes captioned pictures about the black breeding program.
I think it's an very interesting idea.

How it works:
When a white female gets 18 until the age she can't get pregnant anymore there is a must to be sexually available for every black man from the black breeding program which wants to have sex with her. Also they can be selected to be available especially at their fertile times. Of course the sex has to be without condom and if possible completely unprotected. The black guys from the black breeding program have to be very healthy, in good body shape and very fertile. It is also possible for the women to volunteer for this program by themself. Also their partner can sign them to this program. It is a must for every woman to volunteer at least one time in their live. When the woman gets 40 she will be automatically registered for the program. Every woman can be selected multiple times in their live. Also after the baby bearing age of course.
Also there will be a lottery every month where one woman will be selected to have in their most fertile time without any protection monthly sex with black men from the program for their whole fertile live.

What do you think about this program.
Which woman would volunteer by herself and why?
When you as a woman volunteer by yourself and have to put a hot picture of yourself to the necessary formular, which one would it be?

I am very interested about your feedback.
That's awesome love to give you my black seed.
I think that this should be voluntary for the couple and the black bull. I would like to be with a queen of spades and I know she may want to do what the program says,I would accept it, but it must be that way, white couple and black bull or bulls must accept it. Each one is responsible for their corresponding place. I would be with a woman who accepted that program, but that's it, my decision.