Big T-n-A(Tits &Ass) for the Greedy!!

<--- was an athlete in college. . . . . . . . . . . . . . <--- lived in the dorms in college. . . . . . lol, so uh yeah, i can appreciate a sweet darlin' (and have) :) . . . but its not hardwired mating instinct like it is for you men.
I'm starting to find more ladies are into women than they are into men. I'm not sure if hardwired mating instincts are a factor for women these days.
Not complaining, I personally like girl on girl action.
I'm starting to find more ladies are into women than they are into men. I'm not sure if hardwired mating instincts are a factor for women these days.
Not complaining, I personally like girl on girl action.
in part its just because we are more aesthetically beautiful and sensual to all the senses. its safe. its a delight, sometimes feels chic, glamorous. and, there is no stigma to it. a boy runs his hands through a boy's hair- he will be seen as gay. yet we can indulge lesbian sex and trysts and still not be 'L'esbian with a capital ''L''. i dont know, just my thoughts. i played quite a bit of f/f but still married a man. my base instincts are hetero. but a beautiful woman is a sensual delight, and more aesthetically pleasing.