Best porn links to get wife thinking of bbc


So had similar thread on here but I noticed a lot of the links don’t work with the sites removing content. Also I’m thinking what are the best amateur/homemade only videos (not blacked, blacked raw etc) for a wife to become interested in black that hasn’t watched interracial before, so basically the first step watching IR porn, need ones to get her interested and preferring away :)
Not with porn.
Just take her to basketball games, court side seats if possible
This works especially if you allow your husband to catch you staring. Did this many times, but I've always emphasized to him basketball is my favorite sport. Hes a sports nerd so when he talks about sports I always change the subject to basketball games. I think he started catching on when he'd make comments about the game and I didn't even know what was actually going
So had similar thread on here but I noticed a lot of the links don’t work with the sites removing content. Also I’m thinking what are the best amateur/homemade only videos (not blacked, blacked raw etc) for a wife to become interested in black that hasn’t watched interracial before, so basically the first step watching IR porn, need ones to get her interested and preferring away :)

I can send you my videos to show her ;) dm me
Thank you it did it’s job with awakening something for sure 😁 slow days ahead remember people don’t rush something this beautiful

SHOW sexy black men tv/movies the week of ovulation, especially sex scenes on peak fertility day(s).

Do this every month.

No tricking, no begging, no harassing, no pestering. Just pay attention to her cycle, show sexy black men (fight scenes in Black Panther where Tchalla and Killmonger are shirtless, no seriously) on TV, plant the seed.

When ovulation closes, put all that aside for 3 weeks then repeat. It works.

YES don't rush something this beautiful.