Beautiful Brides

True Wedding Story: About five or so years after graduating from college, I ran into one of my room mates. We chatted a while and got caught up on some of our friends. He had been dating this girl up until they graduated, and he said he'd run into her a couple years back, and she held out her hand to show him she was engaged. They traded cell#s and on the day of the wedding he called her that morning to wish her happiness. Well, she invites him to her apartment, and he took her up on the offer. He said he swore he had no intent on actually seeing her again. Anyways, he said he hadn't been there 30 minutes and she jumped his bones, wanting to fuck him "one last time" she said. So, he leaves a couple of his loads inside her, and she tells him he needs to hurry and leave so she can start getting ready for her wedding. He said as he was backing out of the apartment parking lot, her mom and her younger sister drive in, and the sister saw and recognized him, and followed him with her eyes as he drove down the street. Two or three hours later, here's this bitch walking down the isle at church to take her wedding vows with her new husband, with her old bf's cum dripping out of her pussy.
When I told my wife the story she just shook her head and smiled, and said "you guys are awful" ... yeah, right!
Just goes to prove, if you fuck a woman right, she's not going to soon forget it. If you are around when she's not getting fucked right, that's guaranteed memory lane pussy. Mac :)

You are a total fucktard posting that final conclusion lol. Good lord, if anyone was doubting how pussy whipped you are they can just soak in that A grade spineless right there.
My god, this thread makes me wet. I think it would be a perfect way to spend my wedding night. Hopefully any man I marry will think so too!
You would make a lovely bride. I know I would be honored to serve you on your wedding night or bring along my crew if that's your desire.