Are there any black ladies

Your talking about what we call a "swirler"! There is a difference between a swirler and a black woman who dates a married interracially. Swirlers are black women who actually hate black men and have personally divested from dating and marrying black men. The swirling demographic is actually the smallest demographic among black women because most none black men actually list black women as their last choice for dating and marriage.

The black women in the swing lifestyle with their husband's are usually those who do not hate black men. I have been with black women who were married to black men and white men in the lifestyle. I have only been hated on by black women in the lifestyle who were married to black men and they were some kind of pro black swingers if there is even such a thing. I have been told by them that I am tainted because I fuck none black women. It didn't bother me one bit because they contacted me to talk ******* when I wasn't interested in having fun with them at all.

I have only seen a few cucks on this sight married to black women but there are a few.