About to get Blacked!

Holy cow that is massive and beautiful
,,,and totally cut and pasted,,,can you imagine if in real life we could cut and paste parts of ourselves in photoshop, go to sleep and give them time to load up, and wake up the next morning with actual bigger tits or cocks? Somehow combining the ability of AI “Deep Fakes”, where whatever you can do in Virtual Reality can actually be real? Guess we were born just a tad too soon. My husband says if we ever perfect the “Hologram”, like they have on Star Trek, almost all progress and invention would come to a grinding halt, and people would just design the life and world they decided to live in and maybe get in touch with the real world once a month when dealing with delivery boys was mandatory, then right back into the “Holosuite”,,,when you think about it you know he’s right, talk about junkies and addicts, there’s actually people out there that aren’t waiting for their own personal Holodeck, with something as simple as VR, LOL
,,,and totally cut and pasted,,,can you imagine if in real life we could cut and paste parts of ourselves in photoshop, go to sleep and give them time to load up, and wake up the next morning with actual bigger tits or cocks? Somehow combining the ability of AI “Deep Fakes”, where whatever you can do in Virtual Reality can actually be real? Guess we were born just a tad too soon. My husband says if we ever perfect the “Hologram”, like they have on Star Trek, almost all progress and invention would come to a grinding halt, and people would just design the life and world they decided to live in and maybe get in touch with the real world once a month when dealing with delivery boys was mandatory, then right back into the “Holosuite”,,,when you think about it you know he’s right, talk about junkies and addicts, there’s actually people out there that aren’t waiting for their own personal Holodeck, with something as simple as VR, LOL
Watch the movie Existenz (spelling correct)
Watch the movie Existenz (spelling correct)
Seen it, there’s hardly anything Sci-Fi that get past us, we are in constant lookout mode for anything along those lines,,,in fact I probably have it on tape, believe it or not, we have 2,300 movies on VHS, and 1,900 on DVD/BluRay, and 70 of them are in 3D (Mostly Marvel, and the redone version of the original Top Gun, Avatar, and one of the movies from the “Final Destination” franchise (that one makes you jump when $hit starts flying at you), LOL