A helpful push

Looking for some advice on getting my wife on board. I've hinted around at it but she feels she's not attractive enough for anyone. I disagree. She seems hesitant but I think its because of how she views herself. I'm wondering if I took her out at a bar or club and had a plant to come up and talk to her she might be willing to follow through as she'd be presented with the opportunity. So any help would be appreciated. Pittsburgh new Kensington Vandergrift PA area
If you have a wife and you are her husband you already failed step #1. Make her feel sexy and appreciated! Because she is. You are attracted to her. You have married her. i bet she is a sexy Woman in your eyes as a man. Make her understand. Make her feel sexy and confident with her body. If she doesn't, she will hide in the comfort zone of your marriage and never open up. just sayin'
Looking for some advice on getting my wife on board. I've hinted around at it but she feels she's not attractive enough for anyone. I disagree. She seems hesitant but I think its because of how she views herself. I'm wondering if I took her out at a bar or club and had a plant to come up and talk to her she might be willing to follow through as she'd be presented with the opportunity. So any help would be appreciated. Pittsburgh new Kensington Vandergrift PA area
Hubby and I were in the same situation...he convinced me to upload some sexy pics to prove to me that men check me out and find me attractive...he was right and I was wrong! So my suggestion would be to see if she will upload pics and read comments, and start chatting!
Hubby and I were in the same situation...he convinced me to upload some sexy pics to prove to me that men check me out and find me attractive...he was right and I was wrong! So my suggestion would be to see if she will upload pics and read comments, and start chatting!
Nice idea. But also... crazily so many husbands are out there who would upload a pic without their wives' knowing just to get some (positive) feedback or attention. First step ImO would be to get the wife on board! Right? (BTW you are right @juliete1217, you're hot 🔥 ImO ;) )
Nice idea. But also... crazily so many husbands are out there who would upload a pic without their wives' knowing just to get some (positive) feedback or attention. First step ImO would be to get the wife on board! Right? (BTW you are right @juliete1217, you're hot 🔥 ImO ;) )
I’m sure a lot of husbands do post pics without their wives knowing...I’m so glad I wasn’t disrespected like that! Sadly, now that I’m ALL on board about wanting to be shared, my hubs is starting to be not so sure 😢...and thanks for the compliment 😘
I’m sure a lot of husbands do post pics without their wives knowing...I’m so glad I wasn’t disrespected like that! Sadly, now that I’m ALL on board about wanting to be shared, my hubs is starting to be not so sure 😢...and thanks for the compliment 😘
What is it that makes him doubt? But perhaps we can carry on the convo elsewhere (PM?) to not hijack the thread? ;)
See we've posted on old Craigslist some time ago and got a tremendous amount of feedback but she put on the assumption they were all probably just perverts. It's been a difficult road.