
Spot on. I see this all the time. People touting their educational accomplishments while using poor grammar and writing skills. Thats counterproductive. They’d be better off not mentioning their education.

I do realize that this is not English 1 or 2, but when you bring up educational accomplishments, yet can’t/or are too lazy to properly structure a sentence, or stay on topic, it makes you look a bit silly.
Thank you for your reply. If you say I am overacting, that’s fine. As you stated, when I first joined B2W it was real, no flakes, no games, everyone respected one another. Personally, I was talking about what happened to me here on this site. Before, when I joined, I met plenty of couples. They were great. Just because what happened to me does not mean I have to go and meet with them because of their lifestyle. When I post I never throw out my educational accomplishments. That's it. Of course, you can have your opinion and it did not happen to you. Just because I don't want to meet a couple that wants their spouse involved at the same time, it's my choice to go with it or not. I am not judging by what they want to do. It is truly noted, to be proper. Does not change what happened and what was to me by the husband because I knew that he wasn't being real.
I have been on b2w for a little over three years now, and I have met some great couples and people from here. I am originally from South Carolina born and raised straight country af and I have a southern accent. I am USAF Reserve now and I also fly professionally for a charter airline. I have traveled all over the world and I have deployed before, I have lived in FL, NC, and now OH. I joined b2w after my divorce cause one thing I love about white/hispanic/latinas when they live black guys they do. In NC never had a problem, met really cool couples. That respected my wishes the significant other either which or recorded which I’m totally fine with I don’t want to see another man naked, I’m not doing any gangbangs, or same time. No offense just not my thing. A couple ruined it for me when the significant other came to be straight and started touching me.

I moved to Dayton 8 months ago cause of work gave me an offer I could not refuse. I have post a few times since being here and I get is couples that want to meet which is fine. But it’s mostly well my husband or bf wants to join. They are just shady or don’t follow through. The last I checked on my profile I said one on one sex and I’m straight. I have one couple, I could kind of tell the hubby was full of it and did not seem real or serious but so I lost interest and got really short. I said something I can not remember exactly but I told I can not help it that I have a proper education I have two college degrees and working a third currently. At this point I blocked them from contacting me.

So what I am trying to understand, I don’t judge at all what you are into is what you are into non judgemental we all are trying to have fun and live our best lives. I have deployed to protect the rights of this country, if a lot of y’all travel probably passed by me in the airport going too or returning from work. Since I moved to Ohio so many fake and flakes but to think that black guys are just dumb and not educated kills me inside that you think or people think we are ignorant. So I stop posting on here or what until someone reply to my old post. I never had this problem until I moved here to Ohio. I just hate racism or discrimination.

Am I wrong for feeling this way as a black man?
This is kind of confusing to me. What I got out of this was that men want to be with you as well as the wives even though you aren't into that. Doesn't surprise me, a lot of gay and bi guys on here. But where was the racism? I'm not challenging you Im just trying to see what I missed.
I have been on b2w for a little over three years now, and I have met some great couples and people from here. I am originally from South Carolina born and raised straight country af and I have a southern accent. I am USAF Reserve now and I also fly professionally for a charter airline. I have traveled all over the world and I have deployed before, I have lived in FL, NC, and now OH. I joined b2w after my divorce cause one thing I love about white/hispanic/latinas when they live black guys they do. In NC never had a problem, met really cool couples. That respected my wishes the significant other either which or recorded which I’m totally fine with I don’t want to see another man naked, I’m not doing any gangbangs, or same time. No offense just not my thing. A couple ruined it for me when the significant other came to be straight and started touching me.

I moved to Dayton 8 months ago cause of work gave me an offer I could not refuse. I have post a few times since being here and I get is couples that want to meet which is fine. But it’s mostly well my husband or bf wants to join. They are just shady or don’t follow through. The last I checked on my profile I said one on one sex and I’m straight. I have one couple, I could kind of tell the hubby was full of it and did not seem real or serious but so I lost interest and got really short. I said something I can not remember exactly but I told I can not help it that I have a proper education I have two college degrees and working a third currently. At this point I blocked them from contacting me.

So what I am trying to understand, I don’t judge at all what you are into is what you are into non judgemental we all are trying to have fun and live our best lives. I have deployed to protect the rights of this country, if a lot of y’all travel probably passed by me in the airport going too or returning from work. Since I moved to Ohio so many fake and flakes but to think that black guys are just dumb and not educated kills me inside that you think or people think we are ignorant. So I stop posting on here or what until someone reply to my old post. I never had this problem until I moved here to Ohio. I just hate racism or discrimination.

Am I wrong for feeling this way as a black man?
Hey there from the Dayton area. Message us.
1. I think you are overreacting based on what you have written here.

2. Not sure what your education level or job title has to do with meeting women/str8 couples for sex. In this lifestyle couples/women tend to focus on physical attributes and personality traits.

3. If you are so adamant about 1-on-1 sex and hubby not being around/joining, why not focus on real meets or Tinder/Bumble meets with single women? Seems like it’s counterproductive to seek out couples with the intention of hubby not being around/involved in helping you please his lady. Why not target single women who aren’t in the lifestyle? — I do hear what you are saying about male halves constantly trying to solicit bi play. It has become more prevalent as of late and is really annoying.

4. If you are educated with 2 degrees, why not put a bit more effort into your writing? You should realize that women look at your post history and will often make a decision based on that. I have seen countless ads on multiple sites that seek educated, articulate men. Your writing does not reflect that.

5. There are a few guys on here who appear to do just fine in Ohio. They constantly post hookup pics with beautiful women. I’m sure there is a demand in your area. Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places.

6. This website is not the greatest place to meet real people. I would suggest SDC, SLS or Fetlife. While I have met awesome people on this site, it’s mostly picture collectors and people with strange fantasies. It was good in the beginning.

Good luck out there
Whew 😅 @blackbull954 You are surely “Right on target” 🎯 with your reply. I couldn’t have said it any better!!!
I think what he’s really saying is that he just wants to be respected for being straight, his educational achievements and his service to our country. Is it overreacting to ask for that dignity? Of course not.
This is kind of confusing to me. What I got out of this was that men want to be with you as well as the wives even though you aren't into that. Doesn't surprise me, a lot of gay and bi guys on here. But where was the racism? I'm not challenging you Im just trying to see what I missed.
I'll tell you where, it is my reply to AnnieS. I wrote what the husband said.
My thing is it seems like you are letting a random troll who dissed you get to you. People on the internet will always say nasty things. That’s life.

As far as the bi couples trying to solicit. That will never end. You just have to tell them you aren’t into that and move on. As far as a guy making sexual advances on you, that’s wild my friend. I definitely wouldn’t want to be in that situation.

I am also confused as to where the race aspect came into play? If couples are making you feel inferior or talking down to you, then you need to block them and move on. I’ve been in this game 12 years and have never been talked down to or disrespected by a couple and no guy has ever made an advance at me. The moment they mention bi play I dead it right there.

I also don’t subscribe to the notion that we as black men are generally looked at a certain way by these couples. My experience may differ as I live in a melting pot here in south FL. If you feel that as a black man couples are looking down on you, I question why you are even on this site and why you’d lay with those people.
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My thing is it seems like you are letting a random troll who dissed you get to you. People on the internet will always say nasty things. That’s life.

As far as the bi couples trying to solicit. That will never end. You just have to tell them you aren’t into that and move on. As far as a guy making sexual advances on you, that’s wild my friend. I definitely wouldn’t want to be in that situation.

I am also confused as to where the race aspect came into play? If couples are making you feel inferior or talking down to you, then you need to block them and move on. I’ve been in this game 12 years and have never been talked down to or disrespected by a couple and no guy has ever made an advance at me. The moment they mention bi play I dead it right there.

I also don’t subscribe to the notion that we as black men are looked at a certain way. My experience may differ as I live in a melting pot here in south FL. If you feel that as a black man couples are looking down on you, I question why you are even on this site and why you’d even lay with the people you think hate you.
You are on point, I use to live in South Florida myself. You said you think I am over reacting which is fine, I respect that. As for me being on this site, it has been successfully for me I have met couples on here that have been awesome and single women, you’re right when it bi play I excuse myself. Where race come into play, when he said that we are slaves and we are not educated. I’m proud to be black.
You are on point, I use to live in South Florida myself. You said you think I am over reacting which is fine, I respect that. As for me being on this site, it has been successfully for me I have met couples on here that have been awesome and single women, you’re right when it bi play I excuse myself. Where race come into play, when he said that we are slaves and we are not educated. I’m proud to be black.

The point is that guy is a troll. Why even acknowledge that BS that he said. There will always be haters. Ignore them and they go away. Life is too short for that BS. Every now and then I see the racist troll accounts on here. They are lonely men with no lives.
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The point is that guy is a troll. Why even acknowledge that BS that he said. There will always be haters. Ignore them and they go away. Life is too short for that BS. Every now and then I see the racist troll accounts on here. They are lonely men with no life.
I totally agree with you and thank you, just caught me off guard.
I have been on b2w for a little over three years now, and I have met some great couples and people from here. I am originally from South Carolina born and raised straight country af and I have a southern accent. I am USAF Reserve now and I also fly professionally for a charter airline. I have traveled all over the world and I have deployed before, I have lived in FL, NC, and now OH. I joined b2w after my divorce cause one thing I love about white/hispanic/latinas when they live black guys they do. In NC never had a problem, met really cool couples. That respected my wishes the significant other either which or recorded which I’m totally fine with I don’t want to see another man naked, I’m not doing any gangbangs, or same time. No offense just not my thing. A couple ruined it for me when the significant other came to be straight and started touching me.

I moved to Dayton 8 months ago cause of work gave me an offer I could not refuse. I have post a few times since being here and I get is couples that want to meet which is fine. But it’s mostly well my husband or bf wants to join. They are just shady or don’t follow through. The last I checked on my profile I said one on one sex and I’m straight. I have one couple, I could kind of tell the hubby was full of it and did not seem real or serious but so I lost interest and got really short. I said something I can not remember exactly but I told I can not help it that I have a proper education I have two college degrees and working a third currently. At this point I blocked them from contacting me.

So what I am trying to understand, I don’t judge at all what you are into is what you are into non judgemental we all are trying to have fun and live our best lives. I have deployed to protect the rights of this country, if a lot of y’all travel probably passed by me in the airport going too or returning from work. Since I moved to Ohio so many fake and flakes but to think that black guys are just dumb and not educated kills me inside that you think or people think we are ignorant. So I stop posting on here or what until someone reply to my old post. I never had this problem until I moved here to Ohio. I just hate racism or discrimination.

Am I wrong for feeling this way as a black man?
I read you post and i can relate to your words. I to was born and raised in SC that is where i observed a white woman being dragged behind a pickup truck for dancing with a black man. I too found that things were different in other places when i went to college in Calif. Racism was not absent but it was not as obvious. I have observed it getting better in many ways but it's not absent anywhere I've ever traveled. I find that many of those i encounter believe in equality in the workplace, schools and public in general but not in the bedroom.
In my youth i dated a very intelligent, funny, compassionate black male. It wasn't love yet but it got squashed by the reaction from his family. The racism i found out was a two way street. They were dead set against our relationship. Friends fine, lovers a no no. I have to say in way over twenty years of swinging or open marriage as some called it i only met a very few, less than ten out of hundreds who admitted sex with a black man.
More than once a very racial comment would be made "I'll sleep with one but I'd never marry one " .
As for your feelings they are yours, you can express them and i think that is a healthy thing. As for relationships maybe the other mans wife thing is not for you. There are thousands of women out there not in relationships, lonely who might be a lifetime mate . They may not be a ten but ten's are often in love with themselves and don't make the best mates.
In a perfect world people would be judged by their actions and accomplishments not skin color, but we're not there yet. The truth is it may be a impossible dream. Racism is taught, no one is born with it and in recent years it is on the rise again. Like a bad Penney it keeps turning up.