
I know I sound really bitchy and all that but I’m just tired of being a virgin I really hope in the near future I can explore sex more I can tell that once I do I’ll be very sexual active and I’ll have a high sex drive
i hope you can find your sex experience with BBC!
I know I sound really bitchy and all that but I’m just tired of being a virgin I really hope in the near future I can explore sex more I can tell that once I do I’ll be very sexual active and I’ll have a high sex drive
Don't rush Angel be an angel and keep it safe. Once you give the priceless gift to some guy you can never take it back and many regret it. I know that this would probably be more significant coming from a woman but I would rather a young beautiful girl wait, be patient, and make sure that she is giving her most precious gift to a guy she feels is very special and cares about her.

Angel most guys are like a male dog with their little pink thing hanging out just wanting to hump you and get laid. Most guys are not going to give you the game like a little sis and tell you to beware of dogs just looking to use you to get laid and get their rocks off. Trust me sweetie for the most part your not missing out on anything special from guys. You are special. Your womanhood is special and you treat it that way from the beginning then you will think of yourself that way too sweetie!

If I was your big brother I would kiss you on the forehead and tell you that there are other much more constructive things that you could be doing with your time rather than worrying about sex. Trust me kiddo you have plenty of time ahead of you so don't rush to get into that cycle of being mostly disappointed by plenty of wack as dudes with their wack ass sex! 🙁

Yes I am trying to discourage you! 😊
I know I sound really bitchy and all that but I’m just tired of being a virgin I really hope in the near future I can explore sex more I can tell that once I do I’ll be very sexual active and I’ll have a high sex drive
Please be the gf of a bbc, please because not many interracial couples.