craigslist whore

  1. Throwback to waiting for the Craigslist BBC to arrive at 2am

    Throwback to waiting for the Craigslist BBC to arrive at 2am

    Peep my cuckolds chair set in place
  2. I


    How many people loved using Craigslist personals back in the day? It was truly the best way to be anonymous and uninhibited. There is nothing like it now. I tried doubleslist but it’s not the same.
  3. mrinf1nity

    An Ode to "Rachel", My Reason For Loving White Hotwives

    Part I We met in the beginning of 2018, during what were (unbeknownst to us) the dying days of Craigslist Casual Encounters. I had been recently separated from my wife (we're officially divorced now), and after 7 years of a sexually uninteresting marriage, I was ready to find something...
  4. C

