DE: Jeder fragt immer, warum schwarze Männer weiße Frauen lieben, aber das Gegenteil scheint wahr zu sein. Weiße Frauen in ihren 30ern bis 60ern lieben schwarze Männer sogar noch mehr—manchmal auch als Sexspielzeuge, wenn man ehrlich ist. Ist es wirklich nur die übliche Lüge, dass der...
I have been in BBC cuckold relationship for almost six years. There have been a lot of fun, excitements, thrills and satisfaction. But sometimes there are confusions and frustrations too. One of those confusions and frustration is whether I should wear my lingerie for my cuckold husband as he...
As some of you know my wife gave birth several months ago. At the time I was concerned about the baby being mine and the possibility it would be a mixed race baby. To our great relief it turned out that I didn't need to worry and the boy is certainly mine. Since then Amie and I have enjoyed...
We were wondering if Any couples or black guys has experiences with black lover parties (Private/Clubs) in Netherlands Or Belgium?
We usually attend parties in few locations (including private parties that we organise with our HUNG friends ;))
For us the best clubs for black lovers where:
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