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Another One of Me

what is that at the below the head of your penis? I've seen other black men with similar bumps/irritation
It is a genetic variation in some men, it comes from penis spikes animals have it and the theory is that they would sprach out competitor's sperm and vaginal plus, as well as stimulate earlier ovulation. Well in any case, the penile pearls increase the surface and rubbing and thus satisfaction. Yeah, under each one most men are sensible, as they have nerve endings there. So it is an additional erogenous zone other men don't have. They might als erect and increase when aroimused to reach full potential and release some oil similar to precum.
No, no they’re not. Go see a doctor please. Encountered this before and the man had the removed.
Yes, it is normal. No removal nescessary. The normal doctor knows that. It is a superior genetic feature. In the USA not well known, because circumcision before puberty also affects, that the genes would not be expressed. The foreskin is needed to trigger the growth, when the genetic background is there. But probably the doctor in the USA does not know as he wants to make profit with an unnescessary operation, just as the operation to remove the foreskin is.

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