Your wife's partner count

What's your wife's partner count before and after you got married?

Before marriage: about 700 Men
1 - White men (first men -in Europe) - at the age of 18 to 23
400 - Arab men about (all in Dubai) -at the age of 24 to 26
140 - Hindus men about (all in Dubai) -at the age of 24 to 26
80 - Japan men about (all in Tokio ) - at 27 years of age
0 - Black men
0 - Brown (Latino)

After marriage (15 years) : marriage at 27 -two white children
24- men
2 - black
1 - Brown (Latino)
Damn you little whore you need to up the black count!!!
What's your wife's partner count before and after you got married?

Before marriage: about 700 Men
1 - White men (first men -in Europe) - at the age of 18 to 23
400 - Arab men about (all in Dubai) -at the age of 24 to 26
140 - Hindus men about (all in Dubai) -at the age of 24 to 26
80 - Japan men about (all in Tokio ) - at 27 years of age
0 - Black men
0 - Brown (Latino)

After marriage (15 years) : marriage at 27 -two white children
24- men
2 - black -last 2 days
1 - Brown (Latino)
New to this - Ethiopian girlfriend living in london but grew up in Germany till 16. Together 18 months. I'm white shes black. I'm her first boyfriend. My body count 35 hers 75, so insecure about the guys she's been with. Sex has become purely transactional and embarrassing for me. Love it when she comes out to my local pub dressed slutty and all the common lads sexualise her. Encourage her to flirt but she won't as too nice a person. Would love to talk more and get someone's opinion please I'm begging