When you think you are getting close


Gold Member
Any of you out there still in the planning phase but feel as though you're wife and you are ready? For the experienced ones, let us in on when you crossed over and the signs right before.

I can admit I've talked to a few on here with good intentions but things happen and my wife and I get distracted by every day life, so yes I admit it looks like we are fakes but trust me we are not.. With that out there I want to say things are "different" with my wife and I these past few months and it is like we are getting very close to making this happen. That's one reason you do not see me posting here as much because we are both very involved in talking and planning which gets hot and heavy. I've seen my wife go from this timid woman trying to not make herself vulnerable in this by expressing her emotions to one who gets bolder with her actions and word each time we talk about her being with a well endowed black man.

I'll give you a window into our lives and you can tell me what you think. We have date nights every couple of weeks or once a week if we have the time and it seems like every night we go out and after my wife gets a ******* in her she tells me she needs to tell me something. We are usually at a bar so we go off and find a space of our own and that is when she tells me of the black men at her work. Initially it was like she was telling me these things for my own edification but now she enjoys telling me about the black men who are her "regulars" at the casino and how she finds a few of them attractive and she has built up rapport with them and that they both flirt with each other during the night. She gets caught up in telling me their names, the business they work at or own and what their names are. She gives out very intimate details about them personally and she talks about them as men too, like how they dress and their build.

We also have been doing this email thing lately where we talk about us and introducing a black man into our relationship. My emails are always very open but initially my wife was reserved but as time has gone by she has revealed more of her feelings about wanting to sleep with a black man. She says she wants some kind of connection with him, some sexual tension. She has never expressed herself in those terms before. She also has mentioned herself feeling vulnerable with a black man and that it turns her on. And she talks about how have both evolved as individuals and that now she wants to explore sex outside our marriage with a black man. And when she writes these things she is always reinforcing that things are great between us and we love each other, and it's incredible that we trust each other so much
She has written this to me "You make me feel comfortable to speak whatever I feel." And she says she is in a cocoon just waiting for the moment to come out to some black man. She has mentioned "there are so many things about sleeping with a black man that I find thrilling" and goes on about having an affinity for black men and being with a man of another race excites her more than anything and that being in bed with a black man with size would make her feel very submissive with him.
My wife is very reserved and when she speaks she means what she says, she does not play games with things like this. For her to say she has evolved and is looking to explore means she has considered this seriously. I can only imagine what she wants in bed from a black man but I am guessing it must be highly passionate in her eyes.

Well that is it a nutshell, trust me she and I talk and write a lot! Like I said this feels very close because my wife is now communicating things she wants and is not coy about how she is looking to have sex with a man outside our marriage.
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I suck at starting threads. But then again I do not start ones that are impersonal or talk about this in disgusting terms so that is part of the reason why. Maybe people who are serious are away for the holidays or just not interested, who knows? This is real for us and anyone interested in talking about this personally feel free to message me. Those who liked my comment, thank you.