Videos of white girls admitting the BNWO existence

your videos are mesmerizing! Is this your personal work? Great work. It deserves to be shown to young girls as part of quality sex education. Too many young white girls waste their time with white boys and their "tiny white worms". Those who choose black studs directly have, it seems to me, a more fulfilling sex life.
Not my work just videos I find on the internet
She needs to tell him she is only into black guys and if he still persist he's probably a cuck and just wants to hook her up with some nice bulls.

When I was a lot younger I worked with a white guy who was an obvious cuck. One thing I admired about him is how non embarrassed he was about showing it. One time he wanted me to check out his car and while he was showing me it he turned up his stereo and it was some black rapper rapping about how much he loves fucking white women. But how I knew for certain he was a cuck is there was this white girl who worked with us and she was an obvious snowbunny. She even talked with one those ghetto accents. I saw him ask her out and when she told him she only dates black guys his response was "I know, I don't mind."
She needs to tell him she is only into black guys and if he still persist he's probably a cuck and just wants to hook her up with some nice bulls.

When I was a lot younger I worked with a white guy who was an obvious cuck. One thing I admired about him is how non embarrassed he was about showing it. One time he wanted me to check out his car and while he was showing me it he turned up his stereo and it was some black rapper rapping about how much he loves fucking white women. But how I knew for certain he was a cuck is there was this white girl who worked with us and she was an obvious snowbunny. She even talked with one those ghetto accents. I saw him ask her out and when she told him she only dates black guys his response was "I know, I don't mind."
... Is that how it usually starts for y'all white guys?... being rejected? :D