Pussy for Veterans program

On the post I served on in the Army, there was a building for of WACS - Uncle Sam thought of everything as I fucked many of them
On the post I served on in the Army, there was a building for of WACS - Uncle Sam thought of everything as I fucked many of them

As long as it wasn't fraternization you were good . . . and even if it was and you got away with it you were still good LOL . . . I saw a black officer close to retirement get court martialed, busted down in rank, and kicked out of the Army for fuckin' female Army recruits . . . they brought this one fine ass white girl all the way back from Hawaii to get his ass at trial held at Fort Jackson, SC. She described at the trial how he entered her tent one time and told her to take her panties down. Counsel asked why she did some of the things she did. She said she loved him . . . she didn't love him enough to keep her mouth shut . . . career ended over a piece of ass 🤷‍♂️

The military services consider fraternization as a disproportionately familiar personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member where the relationship does not respect rank or grade difference between the two members.