Pre-Pandemic fun

Before the pandemic we were involved with a black male that we had been seeing for about 8 months. After many searches and communication with single and married black males, we were ready to just call it. Most of the guys only responded with one sentence emails, or wanted to meet and then never showed. When we finally met up with James we very excited. From the email exchanges we had he fit our criteria and was into the same fun we were looking for. He was married and wanted to ensure that if we had a connection it would remain off of any video or photo sites. We agreed since we needed this discretion ourselves. We finally met at a local bar and had drinks and got to know each other further. He clicked very well with my husband and I was certainly interested. We all went out together to some bars that were a few towns over from where we all lived. Enjoyed dinners, bowling and many email discussions. It was during bowling when finally he kissed me. The thrill of public PDA was such a turn on for us that we continued this for several more outings. Each time getting a little more daring. Nobody really knew anything different and most likely assumed I was dating or married to this handsome black male. We would hold hands, sit next to each other during dinner and after about two months decided we should start physically fooling around. Our first time was after a strip club visit and we went and got a hotel down the street. That was our first sexual encounter. My husband isn't bi or a cuckold, he participates or if he feels like just watching then sits and enjoys himself. I am turned on by both the sex and knowing that I am turning my husband on with our fantasies. We always discuss what we would like to do sexually or what would be a future goal when we meet next. The first few months were like being high schoolers dating. We all would get nervous before any sexual play and at times we were awkward and still learning each others routines. As we progressed we all decided upon our roles and restrictions. There were no secret texts or meetings and if something was not part of the other plans or desire, it would not progress to that level. What we agreed upon was that I was married and at the same time was dating a black guy! This was the most exiting part of the lifestyle. As we progressed we came up with different scenarios that we would play out. My favorite was being in a store with my boyfriend and my husband just watching us interact. For those interested Walmart is the perfect place to have such fun. We would look stockings or panties James wanted to see me in. We would also go to the mall and buy more intimate outfits all while my husband just sort of walked around or hung out. One day we were in the mall and stopped at a ring store and I started to try on rings. This was one of the most intimate moments and sexually arousing experiences I have ever had. James was also very into it and played his part very well. He rubbing my back, holding my hand, suggesting different rings, taking photos of our hands and rings together. He surprised me when he told the sales person he was looking to make me a more permanent part of his life. After we left he leaned in and said " I really meant what I said back there! I think you would make a great wife!" As you can imagine the rest of the weekend I was so turned on by that comment that we started to play more into that role. My husband was beside himself that we had outdone him on a new fantasy. We never really bought into the spade symbol just because it doesn't appeal to us and seems over used. James did get me a necklace with a gold letter J that I started to wear regularly. It became something of a symbol that turned us all on when I was wearing it at home or in public. My mom even asked me what it stood for when we spent the day at her house. I told her it was part of a promotional campaign for J.Lohr Wine (I am a big fan of wine). Our relationship as a threesome lasted just a little over 8 months and we had a great time, but due to the pandemic and James's work and family dynamic changing we had to end the relationship. This was one of the best times we had engaged in the lifestyle. Once we were done all communication stopped and we are guessing James either felt guilty or he was starting to get to invested. We decided then to take a break from the lifestyle and ride out the pandemic.
Before the pandemic we were involved with a black male that we had been seeing for about 8 months. After many searches and communication with single and married black males, we were ready to just call it. Most of the guys only responded with one sentence emails, or wanted to meet and then never showed. When we finally met up with James we very excited. From the email exchanges we had he fit our criteria and was into the same fun we were looking for. He was married and wanted to ensure that if we had a connection it would remain off of any video or photo sites. We agreed since we needed this discretion ourselves. We finally met at a local bar and had drinks and got to know each other further. He clicked very well with my husband and I was certainly interested. We all went out together to some bars that were a few towns over from where we all lived. Enjoyed dinners, bowling and many email discussions. It was during bowling when finally he kissed me. The thrill of public PDA was such a turn on for us that we continued this for several more outings. Each time getting a little more daring. Nobody really knew anything different and most likely assumed I was dating or married to this handsome black male. We would hold hands, sit next to each other during dinner and after about two months decided we should start physically fooling around. Our first time was after a strip club visit and we went and got a hotel down the street. That was our first sexual encounter. My husband isn't bi or a cuckold, he participates or if he feels like just watching then sits and enjoys himself. I am turned on by both the sex and knowing that I am turning my husband on with our fantasies. We always discuss what we would like to do sexually or what would be a future goal when we meet next. The first few months were like being high schoolers dating. We all would get nervous before any sexual play and at times we were awkward and still learning each others routines. As we progressed we all decided upon our roles and restrictions. There were no secret texts or meetings and if something was not part of the other plans or desire, it would not progress to that level. What we agreed upon was that I was married and at the same time was dating a black guy! This was the most exiting part of the lifestyle. As we progressed we came up with different scenarios that we would play out. My favorite was being in a store with my boyfriend and my husband just watching us interact. For those interested Walmart is the perfect place to have such fun. We would look stockings or panties James wanted to see me in. We would also go to the mall and buy more intimate outfits all while my husband just sort of walked around or hung out. One day we were in the mall and stopped at a ring store and I started to try on rings. This was one of the most intimate moments and sexually arousing experiences I have ever had. James was also very into it and played his part very well. He rubbing my back, holding my hand, suggesting different rings, taking photos of our hands and rings together. He surprised me when he told the sales person he was looking to make me a more permanent part of his life. After we left he leaned in and said " I really meant what I said back there! I think you would make a great wife!" As you can imagine the rest of the weekend I was so turned on by that comment that we started to play more into that role. My husband was beside himself that we had outdone him on a new fantasy. We never really bought into the spade symbol just because it doesn't appeal to us and seems over used. James did get me a necklace with a gold letter J that I started to wear regularly. It became something of a symbol that turned us all on when I was wearing it at home or in public. My mom even asked me what it stood for when we spent the day at her house. I told her it was part of a promotional campaign for J.Lohr Wine (I am a big fan of wine). Our relationship as a threesome lasted just a little over 8 months and we had a great time, but due to the pandemic and James's work and family dynamic changing we had to end the relationship. This was one of the best times we had engaged in the lifestyle. Once we were done all communication stopped and we are guessing James either felt guilty or he was starting to get to invested. We decided then to take a break from the lifestyle and ride out the pandemic.