Ladies into Black Men


Real Person
In the midst of other white women are you as comfortable to check out black men in public, than you'd be by yourself? And why? I tend to wonder if a stigma is attached with it..

I work at an office in downtown Atlanta and take daily lunch break walks where I see groups of white women and always wonder...."Are they ashamed to check black men out in the midst of other women?" Some are bold in giving me a "kind smile ?" while others tend to be more shy.... Just thought I'd ask.
Hm. Well. Being ashamed would suggest that I thought my friends were racist and would judge me. I’m not friends with racists or anyone that would be rude to anyone, not could I be friends with anyone that would make me feel they’d judge me for being kind or friendly to anyone. If I smile, it’s sincere. If I don’t, it could be that I am just distracted. But if you catch my eye and smile, I will always smile back.