Ladies how did you meet your first bbc

I don't know why you're responding because I called you out you didn't have to invade my privacy by sending my photos to another website and those were photos of my face and body
damn, you missed meeting your future wife as she was pulling a train! but it all worked out for you, cuz you married her
She was dating the guy that lived in the dorm next to me. I knew her some. I was aware that she really liked to party but didn’t really know much else. She got a job in my hometown after she graduated (small town pop 4000) and I ran into about a year and a half later. Then we started dating. I wasn’t aware that she had fucked most of the guys that worked in the same field that I did until my later. I was just willfully ignorant.
20 plus yrs ago going through my divorvce. Trainer at the gym always flirted with me. Well, one day he came up while I was finishing my workout and said" good workout" I looked him in the eyes and said " not as good of one as I am going to get fucking you tonite" gave him my number and said call me. I left. He called. We fucked. And have been ever since. He is my main Bull