Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

I told you, you should keep quiet but you kept going on. You put yourself in the "most white people" box for no reason. I "tried" saving you. You crying to nobody here but yourself. It was funny to you a few comments ago, now you crying on a "N word" thread. 🤷🏽‍♂️
LOL. You tell her. She get's some of what they are so quick to give out and she comes here crying into her beer about it. Funny how they always seem to state that hate is just part of human nature and exists in all groups, so just deal with it. But when she is on the receiving end, she plays the victim and sympathy card on here. Meh. :(
LOL. You tell her. She get's some of what they are so quick to give out and she comes here crying into her beer about it. Funny how they always seem to state that hate is just part of human nature and exists in all groups, so just deal with it. But when she is on the receiving end, she plays the victim and sympathy card on here. Meh. :(
Shes married and gets to f uck black guys. Idk why she even bothered to comment. If you notice her replies got shorter and shorter cause she has nothing to bring to the table. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Shes married and gets to f uck black guys. Idk why she even bothered to comment. If you notice her replies got shorter and shorter cause she has nothing to bring to the table. 🤷🏽‍♂️
But it is hard to be articulate when cum is still attached to the brain. It make the thinking a little, err, cloudy, pun unintended. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Anyway for such married couples, black guys are just supposed to have big sticks and fuck the wives obligingly, so thinking guys like you who don't tow the line are clearly a "problem". :ROFLMAO:
I have had mixed experiences with this. I've had guy say to me, "Mmm baby suck that N dick". But then if I say it back they will look at me like I said something wrong... but also some guys love it.

For me its like being called a cunt, whore, cumster, bitch during sex is hot for me but say that after and I might not be as open to it.

Any advice on using it?
I've only ever used it when asked to by a black man.
As a Black man who has no use for the word...AT ALL. My opinion is that any Black man who likes hearing it during sex. Feels on some level he is exactly what the word N.igger (hard "R" or not ) denotes...
A brute, an a.nimal, "prized" field buck with a big ass fucking Black dick, King MuthaFukin' Kong... Ready to slay that "forbidden" white pussy...Yeah okay 🤷🏽‍♂️.
I guess whatever floats your boat...Right😏?
On the other hand ask yourself why these white motherfuckers love saying it so much...🧐.
Could it be that's the way they see you outside of the bedroom too🤔?
Hey whatever floats their boat... Right 🙄?

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As a Black man who has no use for the word...AT ALL. My opinion is that any Black man who likes hearing it during sex. Feels on some level he is exactly what the word N.igger (hard "R" or not ) denotes...
A brute, an a.nimal, "prized" field buck with a big ass fucking Black dick
, King MuthaFukin' Kong... Ready to slay that "forbidden" white pussy...Yeah okay 🤷🏽‍♂️.
I guess whatever floats your boat...Right😏?
On the other hand ask yourself why these white motherfuckers love saying it so much...🧐.
Could it be that's the way they see you outside of the bedroom too🤔?
Hey whatever floats their boat... Right 🙄?
A case of hitting the nail on the head. Ain't it funny how many here will 'denigrate' themselves by playing the role of a big-cocked p.l.antation buck just to get laid? Asking for a woman to call you degrading names because "it makes the sex hotter"? Sheeesh.
Hell yea! Pm me and we get deep into saying that n- word in bed 😈. black man, negus technically is royalty anyways if one knows they power .

It’s only ok if permitted( only if I allow it for a certain event ) and roleplay in the sheets but if u getting too damn comfy and u just doing so cuz you. A straight up rascist then hell naw lol.
No doubt... However did you translate the Latin? Not so sexy when they equate Blackness as evil. "Justification" for treating Blacks as subhuman/less than... Where it counts on so many levels. Except when the
"Virtue lies in the loins"...ONLY.
Blacks are extraterrestrial is why they got phat dick n average human is 6 inch . 6 is the number of man, 9 the number of the complete man 😈aka over 9 inches . ( y’all I’m being sarcastic yet tad of truth ;)
Blacks are extraterrestrial is why they got phat dick n average human is 6 inch . 6 is the number of man, 9 the number of the complete man 😈aka over 9 inches . ( y’all I’m being sarcastic yet tad of truth ;)
I dunno tbh no one knows exactly what to call “ black”people as we are technically shades of brown ha. lol tbh technically we are people of color but we just go with a particular culture aka “black.” Thought it was humorous 😂😂 tbh but we can play along .
No doubt... However did you translate the Latin? Not so sexy when they equate Blackness as evil. "Justification" for treating Blacks as subhuman/less than... Where it counts on so many levels. Except when the
"Virtue lies in the loins"...ONLY.
Good point . You are on point . But what is evil ; even things different we don’t comprehend are what people see as “demonic “. Hell is jazz music at one point was seen as “ the devils music .” Things people don’t understand seems to be called evil. Should be a difference between evil and wicked 👌🏾. Evil spelled backwards is live ;) so who knows . Places where melanated people thrive would be considered “hell” to some as hot as it gets there ( sarcasm ).