Go Ahead...Call Me Easy 😁.


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Real Person
As a Black man who has a broad range of what I find attractive in women...
Meaning if she isn't a "10" .
Doesn't necessarily keep me from wanting to fuck/date/bond with her.
I find this dynamic to be more prevalent in Black men than white men.
Ladies if you agree with this...
1) Why do you think it is this way?
2) How does it make you feel about Black men?
3) How does it make you feel about white men?
4) Black men if you are like me in this regard... Why are you like/not like this?

Depending on the responses.
I will elaborate on my own reasons/experiences.
But for now...
I'll just say it's because historically...
As a bigger woman, I find black men treat me better on average than white men do. I've had many white men criticize and also cut me down for my size. The majority of black men have been kind, nice and like me for me. I don't know why, it's just been my experience. As a result I am more comfortable around them, and they make me happy.
Thanks for the sincere reply. Personally I love women with some meat on their bones. Just 👍🏽'ed some of your media. You're a lovely woman and you deserve to be happy. It makes me glad that it's Black men who have appreciated your individual assets. As far as being "cut down" by some white men. It is my opinion that's more an indictment on them than you 😘.
As a bigger woman, I find black men treat me better on average than white men do. I've had many white men criticize and also cut me down for my size. The majority of black men have been kind, nice and like me for me. I don't know why, it's just been my experience. As a result I am more comfortable around them, and they make me happy.
From what I red and the way you look you are worth the time and effort to make contact with and you are very attractive! I would date you!
Isn't the beholder the judge of what's a "10?" I could see the most handsome man, totally a "10" and a few of my gfs will laugh and say I'm blind, LOL
For me a "10" is whatever it is I see that makes them attractive, never cared about what others may see as a "10" as long as he responds positively to what I see than he's a "10" I guess I'm greedy as well 🤷🏼‍♀️
Now, for the male perspective I've had all shapes, sizes, color, you name it have come on to me, I really don't see a difference in whom I attract other then they're usually not my type or the " wrong" type 🤦🏼‍♀️
Not sure I answered your question accurately, but it's what thought came out 🤣 when I read it. 🤪
Isn't the beholder the judge of what's a "10?" I could see the most handsome man, totally a "10" and a few of my gfs will laugh and say I'm blind, LOL
For me a "10" is whatever it is I see that makes them attractive, never cared about what others may see as a "10" as long as he responds positively to what I see than he's a "10" I guess I'm greedy as well 🤷🏼‍♀️
Now, for the male perspective I've had all shapes, sizes, color, you name it have come on to me, I really don't see a difference in whom I attract other then they're usually not my type or the " wrong" type 🤦🏼‍♀️
Not sure I answered your question accurately, but it's what thought came out 🤣 when I read it. 🤪
Absolutely beauty is the eye of the beholder... That being said it is my opinion that the range of appeal is generally broader for Black men than white men. It is also my opinion that sexing females "just because"/ "on general principle"/ "she's got a pussy right 😅?" Is a greater defining factor in Black male heterosexual masculinity...Than white.
Absolutely beauty is the eye of the beholder... That being said it is my opinion that the range of appeal is generally broader for Black men than white men. It is also my opinion that sexing females "just because"/ "on general principle"/ "she's got a pussy right 😅?" Is a greater defining factor in Black male heterosexual masculinity...Than white.
That kind of seems like a stereotype for black men and white men. Could I say that black men hit on anything with a pussy more so then a white dude? Not really. I think white men always have in the back of their head (the one on top) that this person could be my wife does she check all the boxes, like they put too much thought into it. Black guys just come out more without any hangup.
Like for instance if me and my gfs are at a bar/club and there's 6 of us the a black guy (singular)will address all of us, ( chances are higher) then a white guy will come to the table with a buddy and will single out 1 female in my group (less chances) so I'm really not sure other then it being stereotypical, and white guys having absolutely no game! They lack soooo much! 🤣🤣🤣
That kind of seems like a stereotype for black men and white men. Could I say that black men hit on anything with a pussy more so then a white dude? Not really.
Stereotypes are often based in fact... To understand why the dynamic exists. It is essential to understand the conditions that created it. Historically one way Black men were able to regain some semblance of the masculinity that was stripped from them by racial oppression...Was with the "excessive" use of their dicks. I dare say to some degree that cultural phenomena lives on. Additionally it is my opinion that Black men just take more pride in their ability to sex women...WELL.
White men generally didn't/don't have to rely on their "dick game" to the same degree for worth/self worth. Isn't much of this site based upon that and not just size?
Your other point concerning increasing one's odds by addressing all the females...Not just one, aligns with my original supposition😉.
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Stereotypes are often based in fact... To understand why the dynamic exists. It is essential to understand the conditions that created it. Historically one way Black men were able to regain some semblance of the masculinity that was stripped from them by racial oppression...Was with the "excessive" use of their dicks. I dare say to some degree that cultural phenomena lives on. Additionally it is my opinion that Black men just take more pride in their ability to sex women...WELL.
White men generally didn't/don't have to rely on their "dick game" to the same degree for worth/self worth.
Your other point concerning increasing one's odds by addressing all the females...Not just one, aligns with my original supposition😉
I'm starting to get it, however it's kind of a fallacy because if black men have such a broad spectrum it makes it unbelievable that they can stay monogamous to any female. Like I don't see how that could be possible because 1 women isn't the full spectrum of women. So you're basically just getting a black guy with a big dick, and nothing else.
I'm starting to get it, however it's kind of a fallacy because if black men have such a broad spectrum it makes it unbelievable that they can stay monogamous to any female. Like I don't see how that could be possible because 1 women isn't the full spectrum of women. So you're basically just getting a black guy with a big dick, and nothing else.
Loving a woman, caring for a woman, committing to a woman successfully in an monogamous relationship. Is achieved by making that more important than other factors...That's the position I'm in. I've sewn all the wild oats I need to sew... My relationship supersedes other prior concerns... Been there done that. Made sure I did enough of it where I don't have any regrets. I think that's super important for anyone who wants to settle down monogamously.
Loving a woman, caring for a woman, committing to a woman successfully in an monogamous relationship. Is achieved by making that more important than other factors...That's the position I'm in. I've sewn all the wild oats I need to sew... My relationship supersedes other prior concerns... Been there done that. Made sure I did enough of it where I don't have any regrets. I think that's super important for anyone who wants to settle down monogamously.
Are you an exception or this a fact for black men? Or any man for that matter?
Being able to mature, realize what's ultimately most important to you in your life crosses all color lines I think so no I absolutely am not the exception😉
So then let me reverse the question onto you. What makes you see things from the listed questions that you listed. You've said how it is but not the reason other then with the stereotypes. I'd also like to add do white women make it easier for black men vs a black women or any other type of female?
So then let me reverse the question onto you. What makes you see things from the listed questions that you listed. You've said how it is but not the reason other then with the stereotypes. I'd also like to add do white women make it easier for black men vs a black women or any other type of female?
I see things this way because that's the way I am. I'm one of those who believes in the stereotype that Black men generally are more endowed, higher libido, take more pride in their dick game, all of that at least for me wanted me to run through as many of the broad range of women that I found attractive. It then feeds off itself too. The more fucking you do in "broad range" the more it makes you want to. I specifically asked if there are others like me. And what do they think. Getting a little sloppy with my text right now I'm still at work on a trouble call. Can't devote a lot of grammar to this. Tell you the truth I've never really had much trouble with any type of woman based in race. She's either with it or she's not 😉. Additionally the historical stereotype stuff that I mentioned I don't feel that personally. However I know it to be a pathology that has been discussed by scholars.
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I see this things this way because that's the way I am. I'm one of those who believes in the stereotype that Black men generally are more endowed, higher libido, take more pride in there dick game, all of that at least for me wanted me to run through as many of the broad range of women that I found attractive. It then feeds off itself too. The more fucking you do of "broad" types the more it makes you want to. I specifically asked if there are others like me. And what do they think. Getting a little sloppy with my text right now I'm still at work on a trouble call. Can't devote a lot of grammar to this. Tell you the truth I've never really had much trouble with any type of woman based in race. She's either with it or she's not 😉. Additionally the historical stereotype stuff that I mentioned I don't feel that personally. However I know it to be a pathology that has been discussed by scholars.
And now you've "settled" for a "less" attractive female and running through women is no longer attractive to you, due to your maturity of what matters to you. Stereotypes are, but not depending on your narrative? Men, are so confusing, they say we're confusing, but it's only because we're following men!!! Ugh!!
so many great comments in this post... and so many thoughts/questions I've asked myself... firstly to answer the initially asked question....I also find that I'm more open to a broader range of women outside of being a "10". like someone said earlier, it's about more than just physical... so if there is chemistry, personality etc etc I'm more open to engagement