Found someone


Gold Member
I put this in another thread but decided to start my own. It has happened. I found a guy on AFF and he seems perfect and I am about to talk to my wife. Ironically he is 25 so there goes the age thing being an issue.

I worked on things I want to say to my wife but since the topic hasn't been discussed in a bit I need to be tactful. Nervous as fuck but I am going to do this sooner than later. Here is what I want present to my wife.

Okay Helen, here it is. I thought this moment would never arrive but I located a nice young black man on AFF from Jacksonville Florida. I chatted with him and saw him on video and he has a nice personality and is very gifted. I watched him as we chatted and he is not shy about his nudity. He is 25, in great shape and bisexual and would like to meet us. I find him to be perfect for us in so many ways. He is clean cut, polite, well spoken and understands what this lifestyle is about. The fact he lives out of town is a huge plus so we can have privacy from those we do not want to know about this.
Believe me when I say this, his cock left me in awe. It is long and thick and a beautiful thing to see and l know you would appreciate it's size and color. I want to see if we can all video chat and get to know one another and let you see him. I know once you do that you will be very interested in sleeping with him.

I started my own thread because this is complicated as fuck. He is bisexual and while I watched him online I got so aroused he got me to talk about him not only being with my wife but say things about what he would do to both of us and what I would do for him and I went there.
At first I hesitated but seeing him stroking his huge dick the raw emotion got to me and I went into detail for him and I was turned on by it. I could not help but say how big he was. I mentioned to him I had never been down this path and never intended to do any of this but I told him in great detail I would suck him and then, hell it is even awkward as hell typing this but I said things about him fucking me. He was the first guy I ever felt like would be right for my wife so I gave into him in an attempt not to lose him, but I cannot lie, I did it because I was turned on too.
He wants my wife but he would like to have me too. I never intended to participate, I was only going to be a spectator, but here I am now curious about him and thinking I might want to do this. The issue is my wife and if she will give the okay. He asked me what I thought and I said other than telling her he wants us both, the only thing I could think of was that when we meet we have a "few" drinks and after we are really buzzed and my wife is "with" him he might start dropping hints and I'll chime in and ask her if she would like me to join them.
If I were to ask my wife outright I would have to be tactful and address the bisexual side of him and what he wants. I am going to have to somehow tell her I have no idea how it got like this but that I after watching him I found myself turned on and that if he wanted to have sex with me I would want to let it happen.
What the hell do I do? I am not attracted to men per-se and I would tell her that, but there is something about a well hung black man that gets to me and I'd go all the way for this guy if he wants, that is she was okay with it. *******!!!
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It sounds like you're thinking ahead a lot. Which is not bad. But going the natural way is much better, IMHO. You have to decide: is this for your wife or for you? You could arrange a meet, tell her in advance he's bi, that you're also excited, and let things take their course.
It sounds like you're thinking ahead a lot. Which is not bad. But going the natural way is much better, IMHO. You have to decide: is this for your wife or for you? You could arrange a meet, tell her in advance he's bi, that you're also excited, and let things take their course.

I always think ahead because I need this to be perfect for my wife and I. Initially this was about my wife and I told her as much. I did talk about how a hung black man looked to me and qualified it by saying I'm not so insecure about my manhood that I cannot admit a hung black man is amazing to watch. I also told her I was not gay and I do not think I am gay, but I could be bi when it comes to this guy.
This is about us and primarily her but if our trip takes a turn is that a bad thing? I'm not much for letting things run their course when it comes to this but I could see if it happened organically the moment might be better.
If he's bi and has no concerns as you detailed, then the only risk is your wife. Remember yourself and remind your wife you do this as a couple, as a unit. Let her do first what she's willing to do spontaneously and you can join kissing her and tell her you'd like to lick her juice out of his cock or suck his cock together. Man, you're lucky! Relax and enjoy it!
If he's bi and has no concerns as you detailed, then the only risk is your wife. Remember yourself and remind your wife you do this as a couple, as a unit. Let her do first what she's willing to do spontaneously and you can join kissing her and tell her you'd like to lick her juice out of his cock or suck his cock together. Man, you're lucky! Relax and enjoy it!

My wife and I do not get that graphic when we talk, we struggle with words like pussy and cock at times.
I would be open to telling her that I want to try sucking him and other things as long as she gives me the okay. Once she hears the word bi she might even ask me if that is an issue for me. In a perfect world she hears that he is a bi and asks if I ever thought about doing anything
My wife and I do not get that graphic when we talk, we struggle with words like pussy and cock at times.
I would be open to telling her that I want to try sucking him and other things as long as she gives me the okay. Once she hears the word bi she might even ask me if that is an issue for me. In a perfect world she hears that he is a bi and asks if I ever thought about doing anything
Do you need to brand yourself as bi with your wife? BTW, have you ever cleaned up your wife's pussy after a guy cummed into her?
Do you need to brand yourself as bi with your wife? BTW, have you ever cleaned up your wife's pussy after a guy cummed into her?

I am going to have to find out a way to discuss that with her. I was adamant that I was straight when we started talking about black men because I was, but because I talked about how impressive a hung black man looked to me and how in awe I was of a black man with a large penis I felt I needed to convey that to my wife lest she think I was trying to use her to be with a black man.
How it got to this happened so gradually, I am actually shocked I can be this way. But, for some reason I think my wife might have felt by the way I talked so fondly and openly about finding a black man's penis erotic that I might have a bit of an attraction to doing something with a black man even though it was never intended.
My wife has yet to be with another man, hence the title of thread "Found someone." And I do not ever foresee myself doing that in all of this. This young guy had me saying some wild stuff about what I would do for him and it was arousing but I don't find that act you talked about arousing. I could see myself sucking him and perhaps he cums in my mouth but that would be in the heat of the moment type thing and even then that would not arouse me.
I think there's a danger she might think you are gay and want her to join in to make it look like you aren't.
Got to admit, it looks to me like you are pushing quite hard, considering you say you want it for her - it doesn't sound that way. It sounds like you want this more than she does. That can be a massive turn off, so I would chill and back up a bit. By all means tell her about the guy, but don't push too hard.
Don't want to spoil the mood and just trying to help. Cheers
I could see myself sucking him and perhaps he cums in my mouth but that would be in the heat of the moment type thing and even then that would not arouse me.

I believe you're straight and are chastising yourself too much. First, you are aroused about the idea, but are not sure you would get aroused in real-time, that is, you don't see yourself getting a "hard-on" from of sucking and swallowing. Second, there isn't a different universe "gay". Moreover, gay behaviour and straight attitudes are on a linear continuum, and you can move along that line back and forth, even without knowing it. But you're still far from where most bi and gay people are. It doesn't mean you could get bi in 2 or 3 days.
I tell you. I had a "gay" affair. It was related to this business of IR porn. I just wanted to try it. So went to a club, found a guy and sucked his cock. The I went home and masturbated to straight porn. When I finished, I thought I would die out of embarrassment for what I did with that guy. Tried to watch gay porn and I couldn't believe what I had done. It felt repulsive and I hated myself so much. I'm not saying this is or will be your experience. Maybe you are able to do it a second and third time. Who knows. But you should not make such a harsh judgement about some surge of attraction. IR porn and one-off impressions with a specific guy are deceptive. Porn is leading us by the nose in very crazy ways and is also affecting the way we interact with each other. There goes a kid with an automatic weapon to ******* the girl who did not accept his sexual advances as he expected according to a online world.
Your choice is to either to wait until things develop with this guy and your wife, or be as detailed as possible and clinically cold when explaining things to her. Do not label yourself. Leave all doors open or you may regret it for your whole life. Consider also this: there are a lot of gay people who married spouses of the other sex because sex with them was full of emotion and a huge turn-on. Believe me, fully gay men like women too and can feel deceived the same way you possibly are now. I have gay friends. My two cents as you guys say.
I think there's a danger she might think you are gay and want her to join in to make it look like you aren't.
Got to admit, it looks to me like you are pushing quite hard, considering you say you want it for her - it doesn't sound that way. It sounds like you want this more than she does. That can be a massive turn off, so I would chill and back up a bit. By all means tell her about the guy, but don't push too hard.
Don't want to spoil the mood and just trying to help. Cheers

My wife has already said she has a keen interest in sleeping with a black man and my wife would not say that unless she meant it. This was long before these emotions surfaced about me so I do not think she would ever think I was using this as a subterfuge to satisfy my own desires.
I understand it is sensitive and can spoil the mood and glad you are reinforcing that notion. I do want this pretty badly even if I do not know I can follow through when the time comes. I am going to tell her he is a bi and watch her response.
Attitudes change and evolve, prior to this I would have never wanted another man with my wife, now here I am with this.
I believe you're straight and are chastising yourself too much. First, you are aroused about the idea, but are not sure you would get aroused in real-time, that is, you don't see yourself getting a "hard-on" from of sucking and swallowing. Second, there isn't a different universe "gay". Moreover, gay behaviour and straight attitudes are on a linear continuum, and you can move along that line back and forth, even without knowing it. But you're still far from where most bi and gay people are. It doesn't mean you could get bi in 2 or 3 days.
I tell you. I had a "gay" affair. It was related to this business of IR porn. I just wanted to try it. So went to a club, found a guy and sucked his cock. The I went home and masturbated to straight porn. When I finished, I thought I would die out of embarrassment for what I did with that guy. Tried to watch gay porn and I couldn't believe what I had done. It felt repulsive and I hated myself so much. I'm not saying this is or will be your experience. Maybe you are able to do it a second and third time. Who knows. But you should not make such a harsh judgement about some surge of attraction. IR porn and one-off impressions with a specific guy are deceptive. Porn is leading us by the nose in very crazy ways and is also affecting the way we interact with each other. There goes a kid with an automatic weapon to ******* the girl who did not accept his sexual advances as he expected according to a online world.
Your choice is to either to wait until things develop with this guy and your wife, or be as detailed as possible and clinically cold when explaining things to her. Do not label yourself. Leave all doors open or you may regret it for your whole life. Consider also this: there are a lot of gay people who married spouses of the other sex because sex with them was full of emotion and a huge turn-on. Believe me, fully gay men like women too and can feel deceived the same way you possibly are now. I have gay friends. My two cents as you guys say.

Fantastic response and thank you. I am straight by definition but I do find myself in this situation where I could experiment.
This was the first time another guy ever had me act this way and I wanted to do it. I was turned on but I do wonder what it would be like person-to-person?
I'm taking your advice to heart. And reading your own account has me wondering if I might respond in the same way?
Holy crap. I am typing a rough draft of what I might say to my wife on my email account and for a brief moment I thought I sent it to her.
A difficult situation you're in. I believe and hope though your wife will react positively.

I think so too. I thought she would think less of me for asking if she would consider sleeping with a well hung black man but she did not. I do not know how much of a leap this would be for her but so far she been open minded about it all and it is not like I was/am being deceitful about this.
This guy is amazing and open to us, so when he asked me to do things for him in the video chat I found it too hard to resist. There he was stroking his cock and asking me to help him cum and I did not want to screw this up by saying no, not to mention the fact I got turned on by the fact he was asking me and his cock was fucking huge.
I think my wife knows that if I found a hung black man erotic then there was this potential all along even if I was not aware.
Life can be sooooo strange. I talked to my wife after during a mini-vacation to Fort Walton beach and she said yes, however I went to AFF to inform this guy and he deactivated his account. I've sent him a text on KiK to see if he will respond. Does anyone know why people deactivate accounts?
My wife and I discussed this for a good hour and a half and she even wanted his phone number so she could get to know him a little. When I told her of this guy she said she had butteflies and was like damn this is getting real. I told her he was 25 and she said good, I like young black guys. Never knew that? She asked how big he was and I said 9" and she said okay I think I can deal with that and said she was worried he was going to be like 12." I was like honey I saw him as he was stroking his cock and he is as thick as he is long so he is a stud. She said it's okay, I'm ready, and I was like damn you are serious.
Anyway, I got to the part where he was bi and said he revealed it to me and I then looked at his profile. My wife said well you would never consider that and said I would be like hell no. I said well that is not entirely true. And here is where she said really, you would and then said this sounds exciting. OMG, my wife never ceases to amaze me.
I told her I'd never entered this thinking this way and she said she knew that but that she thought things could change because I love the sight of hung black men. I told her I told this guy that I thought my wife had this side to her that she might like watching me with abnother guy and my wife said yes I would; Unreal. I was like you are right but it was this guy who really caught my attention and watching him stroke his dick got to me and made me aroused and he coaxed things out of me. She was like keep going I want to hear.
I said as we were talking I just kept staring at how big he was and he said he wanted us both and wanted to know what I would do for him and I admitted that if she consented I would do what he wanted. My wife said yeah but you would probably back out from nerves. I told her I's be nervous as hell but I really doubt it because I am curious about him. She asked what did you tell him in particular?
I said I would suck his dick and she was like nice. Then I admitted he said he wanted to have anal sex with me and I said I was open to that and this is where my wife blew my mind. She said I would love to watch that and then said oh my god I think if you had him do that to you you would love it. I was like "what" and she said having him put that huge dick in you I think you enjoy feeling it inside you. And then she said I could practice on you and now I'm just blown away.
This is edited version of this but you get the drift, I'm tot mentally drained by this to go on and I am utterly disappointed this guy deactivated his account. I'm not even proofreading this for mistakes but it is what is.
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