
Kansas bull

Real Person
I’m planning a trip to Denver! I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what I should go see or do while I’m there! The trip is in May so what will the weather be like!?
I’m planning a trip to Denver! I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what I should go see or do while I’m there! The trip is in May so what will the weather be like!?
Depends on what you want to do? Tourist ******* right? I can recommend visiting the State Capital. It’s free and pretty badass to check out. Check out the White Fence Farm, it’s a place to eat and they make some good fried chicken. May time frame they should have tours for the Football stadium as well. You might have to reserve for these tours. Also check out a free tour at Celestial Seasoning. Night time ******* no idea. I don’t go out much, I’m not from Denver.
if you make it to Colorado springs you can do my girl
matter of fact I will drive you and her can be in back and we go right seeing
weather will be light jacket at most