Curious white wife

If you have a wife, why would you not just stop watching porn? No offense, but you've got a live pussy you have feelings for and committed your life to but are choosing to look at a screen and have sex with your hand?

If I was in your situation I'd use any means necessary to fix my sex life. I'd swap my smartphone for a flip phone and put a family filter on my computers that only wife has the password to. If that didn't fix it, I'd get a long term chastity device and give her the key to that too.

If porn is that hot to jack off to how much better would it be in real life? On the other hand, if you're struggling with accepting this fetish chances are things will work themselves out so you're no longer interested in it. Either way it's a win win situation.
I appreciate your advice and I will explain the situation to you. My wife and I are deeply sexual. Every day between her and me there is touching, looking, deep kisses, mutual oral sex, etc. There is not always penetration because there is not always time for it, since we are parents of a baby. When we can, we watch a lot of porn, but "traditional", nothing related to black cocks because she doesn't like them. Although I am attracted to my wife, I tell her constantly and I try to create sexual situations every day, although she turns me on more to interracial sex on the Internet. It may be a problem and I may have to deal with it. I only expose part of my sexual reality.
Why don't you just go and get some black dick and don't use a condom you will be cheating your self and let him cum in you
You have trouble getting hard for her?
Not for the moment.I went through that problem, not only with my current wife but also with my previous one. But it has been solved with medication. I clarify that I also had this erection problem even while watching interracial porn.
Not for the moment.I went through that problem, not only with my current wife but also with my previous one. But it has been solved with medication. I clarify that I also had this erection problem even while watching interracial porn.
You might want to research Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. You don't want to be on medications. In the long run they can ironically cause permanent erectile dysfunction.

I struggled with ED for a few years. I thought something was wrong with my dick. I abstained from porn and masterbation and within a week or 2 I was having rock and hard erections like I had when I was 18. I also had a lot more confidence and energy. I was also getting tons of attention from women that I didn't get before. It really changes life.
You might want to research Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. You don't want to be on medications. In the long run they can ironically cause permanent erectile dysfunction.

I struggled with ED for a few years. I thought something was wrong with my dick. I abstained from porn and masterbation and within a week or 2 I was having rock and hard erections like I had when I was 18. I also had a lot more confidence and energy. I was also getting tons of attention from women that I didn't get before. It really changes life.
Again, I appreciate your advice and I know that's true because I've experienced it. Although with partial results, since sometimes I had good erections and other times, not so much. Maybe I should have stayed away from this for longer, I don't know.
Again, I appreciate your advice and I know that's true because I've experienced it. Although with partial results, since sometimes I had good erections and other times, not so much. Maybe I should have stayed away from this for longer, I don't know.
The longer the better. You will have ups and downs but it the long run you're still better off.

If your still having trouble with it, meditation helps (because it helps pretty much everything). It's also important to realize life is more than sex and hardons alone and if you're having trouble getting an erection that might be a sign from your system that it's time to put your energy on other things you may have been neglecting. There's a lot of life out there to enjoy.👍🏻