Confession of a married white wife


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It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
Nice time.

So what did your husband confess?
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It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
Do we get the rest of story?
Yes, I want to know if you had more Gangbangs with your new lovers, I have a suggestion for you, tell them that they can each invite one friend as you are now addicted to black cocks and want more of them
It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
Would love to see the video
It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
This is a great story and I'm glad the hubby did not show up and ruin the good Fuck.
It was the day of my work Christmas party, and I was very excited. I always enjoyed them, and I was hoping tonight would be no different.

"Right then." My boss called out to everyone on the floor. "Finish what you're doing and make your way home to glam yourselves up."

I didn't need to ask twice; I closed my computer down and headed out the door. The party was at a big country house hotel, and work had put on a room for us to stay over instead of getting taxis home. I'd already packed my bag and headed straight there to check in and use their spa facilities.

My husband, Ken, was going to join me after he'd finished work. We've been married for 13 years, and we're going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment, so I was hoping for a good, drunken, fun night with him that would help us. For some reason, I think he's fucking his secretary or at least someone else; he's been "working late" a lot more recently and never seems to leave his phone lying around. But I've not got any evidence, and I've not been brave enough yet to ask the question.

I arrived at the country house hotel, grabbed my bag, and checked in. My room, 369, was a decent size and pleasant enough with the usual features: a double bed, TV, desk, armchair, wardrobe, and a full-length mirror for the door. The bathroom was a bit more fancy, with a big walk-in shower and one of those rain-type shower heads all tiled in a black quartz/glitter tile. A separate bathtub and a sink with a big mirror along one wall.

I unpacked my bag, hung my dress up, and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The hotel had a swimming pool, so I grabbed my swimming costume and a towel and headed downstairs for a swim.

I changed into the cubicle and tied my long blonde hair up into a bun to keep most of it out of the water. It was a simple, stylish, and quite revealing blue swimsuit. I'm lucky, at the age of 38, to still have a decent physique. I squeezed my enhanced 34EE's into my swimsuit and made sure everything was okay before stepping out and heading towards the swimming pool.

There were a few other people in the pool already, and I noticed a few heads turning as I walked down the steps into the pool, which always brought a little smile to my face. I swam a few lengths before heading to the jacuzzi area and then back to get changed and head back up to my room.

It was time to start the getting-ready process. I found a music channel on the TV, turned it up, stripped off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I headed back to the bedroom and picked it up.

"Hey, honey," I said, answering my phone, to Ken, my husband.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Are you on your way over?"

"About that," he began, "I'm not going to make it tonight; I've got to work late."

"You fucking what?" I said on the phone. "I don't fucking believe this; one fucking night, that's all I asked for! One fucking night of fun, and you can't even do that. I'm livid; I'm fuming."

I hung up on him before he could respond and threw my phone on the bed before huffing and sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I composed myself after a while and was now even more determined to have a good night.

I showered, washed my hair, and walked naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I began drying myself and checked my phone. He'd not even tried to call me again to explain himself.

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and admired my body. I was the happiest I'd been with my body for a long time. I was slim without being skinny and had curves in the right places. My boobs are big and round, and my bum was round without being big, and I had a pair of hips you'd just want to hold onto.

I dried off before slipping into my red thong and matching lace bra. I then dried and styled my hair, leaving it half down and half up and adding a soft curl to it. Makeup was next—not too much though, topping it off with some red lipstick.

I took my dress off the hanger, stepped into it, and wiggled it up my body. My dress was an off-the-shoulder one with a heart-shaped cutout in the middle, which showed off a healthy but respectable amount of cleavage. It went all the way to the floor, which isn't far as I'm only 5 feet 6 inches, and it had a long split up to my right mid-thigh.

I could see the outline of my underwear, which I wasn't too happy about, so I slipped out of the dress again and took my bra and thong off before putting the dress on.

"Much better," I said. I felt quite naughty not wearing any underwear, but no one was going to know.

I put on a white gold necklace with a pendant that drew the eye down to my cleavage as it nestled just above it; matching dangly earrings followed, as did a bracelet. A pair of silver high heels and a small silver clutch bag finished the look.

I looked in the mirror again and was very happy with what I saw, so much so that I took a couple of selfies and even posted them online, one with the tagline Nobra Club.

I put my phone, bank card, and room key card in my clutch bag and headed out of the room, my leg showing through the split of my dress as I headed down to the bar area and function room.

There was a bar at one end of a communal function room and a dance floor, with a DJ already in place and playing music. On either side of the room were two more function rooms with tables in them. One had our company name on the door, and the other had another company name.

"Glass of champagne, Madame?" I was asked by a very pretty young waitress.

"Oh yes, thank you," I said, taking it and sipping it as I then moved to mingle with other work colleagues and their partners who had come. We were then shown to our seats for the sit-down meal.

"Hi, Mike. Hey Eric, you guys ok?" I said as I sat in my seat between them. They work on the shop floor at work. I've never really spoken to them much, but when I have, they've always been pleasant enough.

They spent pretty much the entire meal looking at my cleavage. Eric even put his hand on my bare leg at one point as the split fell open, but to be fair, I did flaunt my cleavage a bit in their direction when I spoke with each of them.

I headed to the bar after the meal, and for a different ******* and some mingling, I could only handle a couple of glasses of wine. The bar area was quite busy, and so was the dance floor already, mainly from the other company.

I squeezed my way through the crowd, brushing up against guys and girls as I did until I finally made it to the bar.

"3 Jaegerbombs, please." Said the guy next to me to the barman.

"It's like that already, is it?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! Make it 4, the lady said she'd have one too." He said he was smiling at me and looking me up and down.

"And a G and T," I called after the barman.

"I'm Deej, by the way." He said he was offering me his hand, which I took.

He was a very tall black guy with a clean-shaven head and amazing eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was wearing a very tight white top; his muscles seemed to be bulging everywhere, and he was wearing good-fitting jeans. He was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm Tracy; nice to meet you, Deej," I said, taking his hand. "So, one jaegerbomb for me; are you having the other three?"

He chuckled and said, "Nope, not this time. I've got some help; it was just my turn to go to the bar. Why not come and join us? Although I see a wedding ring on your finger, your husband isn't going to get mad, is he? surely he wouldn't make you come to the bar to get your *******?"

"Ha, he's missing out tonight. He has something more important to be doing."

An incredulous look came across Deej's face. "Well, come and join me and my boys, and we'll see if we can cheer you up, as there don't appear to be many dancers from your company."

The drinks arrived, and he kindly paid for them. I grabbed my Jeagerbomb and G and T and followed him through the crowd. The crowd was seemingly parting for him; he had that sort of presence about him.

He stopped next to two black guys standing near the dance floor, leaning up against the wall. "This is TJ, and this is Garfy." Deej said, introducing his friends to me, "Lads, this is Tracy."

They turned and looked at me, smiles spreading across their faces.

"The hottie from the pool earlier," TJ said.

I blushed a little at this comment: "You liked what you saw then?" I asked.

"The very one," Deej replied with a wink.

"Fuck yes." Chimed in Garfy.

Gary and TJ, like Deej, towered above me and probably had a great view down my dress.

"Right then, let's get these down," Deej said, handing over the shots.

We all clinked glasses and said, "Merry Christmas." And took our shots in one.

Garfy has close-cropped hair and a small, pencil-thin goatee; his shirt is very open at the collar and tight across his chest; a tie hangs loosely about his neck. His sleeves were rolled up and tight on his biceps, and there was good definition on his forearms.

TJ was like Deej, completely shaved. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which was struggling to contain his arms as well. A tie was fastened loosely around his collar.

They all looked to be around their early 20's—younger than me, that's for sure. "Do you guys just work and go to the gym or work at the gym?" I squeezed Deej's biceps through his top. "I mean, look at you; I bet there's not an ounce of fat on you guys."

"Just muscle, baby." Replied TJ.

We chatted and drank as we did, and I was beginning to feel quite merry. I was enjoying the attention they were giving me as well. Their eyes were seemingly undressing me, looking through my clothes, and seeing that I was naked underneath my dress. I casually played with my pendant necklace as we chatted, touching them on the arms as and when I could. Deej put his arm around me and squeezed me. God, he smelled so good.

"So where's hubby at then?" Gary asked.

"Probably fucking someone else at the moment," I replied.

They all almost spat their drinks out.

"What the fuck?" Deej said, "What the hell is wrong with people? I'd never let you out of my sight; you're stunning. I mean, we'd be naked a lot of the time."

"You know this," Garfy said as he fist-bumped into Deej. "I bet you've never even had a proper orgasm from him fucking you, have you?"

I thought about it.

"Your silence pretty much tells the story there." TJ chipped in.

"Sounds like we need to get you out of here and to your room for some real fun. What do you reckon?" Deej said.

I looked at them in turn, weighing it all up. "Room 369; I'll see you there in 10," I said, getting up, my heart thumping in my chest. I went and said bye to a few colleagues, making my excuses for not feeling well, and headed to the lift. I didn't see the guys as I went.

The lift door opened. I stepped out and turned the corner, and there they were: Deej on one side of the corridor and Garfy and TJ on the other.

"Hey boys, fancy meeting you here," I said I was getting my key card out of my clutch bag, inserting it into the lock, and opening the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.

They all followed me in, closing the door behind them and then surrounding me. I looked up at them and smiled, placing my hands on Deej's and TJ's chests. I lowered my hands to their belts as their hands started to touch mine. Deej leaned down and kissed my neck as his hands went to my bum and squeezed it through the material of my dress. Garfy was squeezing my bum with one hand as his other slid around the front of my dress.

TJ had his hands on my tits and was eager to get at them. "Unzip me," I said to Deej. He stepped back, did just that, and then pulled my top half down.

"Oh sh*t, look at these beauties," TJ said, his hands instantly coming up to my naked tits and squeezing them, pinching and rolling my nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Little bolts of pleasure pulsed through my body as he did.

I then took hold of my dress as it passed my flat stomach and bent over as I lowered my dress to the floor, pushing my now-naked bum into Deej's crotch.

"You're naughty, Tracy, going around with no underwear on," Deej said as he stroked my bum.

"I didn't want it to ruin my lines," I said, standing back up, stepping out of my dress but keeping my heels on, and then pushing myself back into him. His hands instantly circled my body, clutching me and stroking me. TJ's hands were all over me, as were Garfy's.

Deej's hand ran down my stomach, across my clean, shaven mound, and between my legs. I parted them slightly for him as I reached behind me and grabbed at the growing lump I could feel pushing against me in his jeans. His fingers slid easily inside my already wet pussy and then back out again and pressed on my clitoral area. Who would've thought that such a simple action from a stranger could be so enjoyable? Along with TJ now kissing and licking my nipples, Garfy leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his tongue parting them and seeking out mine.

Our tongues tangled, and I kissed him like I was a rampant young again. I grabbed his waistband and pulled him into me as well. All three pushed up against me. I was so horny, I needed to get hold of their cocks.

I slid down to my knees and turned to face Deej. I unbuckled his belt, looking up at him as I undid each button on his jeans before pulling them down. A pair of grey boxer shorts greeted me, which contained a huge bulge. My eyes went wide just at the sight of the bulge. I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled them down. His thick black shaft slowly came into view; it kept coming and coming. His balls then backed his shaft up before I eventually got to the end, and his massive black cock sprung into view.

"That is the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said, staring, almost mesmerized by it. It was long, thick, black, straight, and almost glistening; it just looked so appealing to me. I reached up, my hand shaking slightly, and took hold of the shaft. My fingers could not wrap around it fully, but it felt so good, I could've orgasmed right there and then.

I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his helmet before swirling my tongue around it and taking it in my mouth. A sigh of pleasure escaped me as I relaxed into having his cock in my mouth, my eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of it in my mouth and the taste of him on my tongue.

I sucked on him slowly, before then licking along his shaft to his massive black balls and licking and sucking on them as my hand stroked his shaft. I was trying to get as far under him as I could to lick his balls right from the back to the front. I then licked up his shaft, took him back in my mouth, and noticed I had two more big black cocks to play with. What I hadn't noticed was that all three of them were videoing and taking pictures of me as I sucked on Deej's cock. I smiled at them, Deej's cock still well and truly in my mouth.

Both TJ and Garfy were big as well, and all three of them didn't have hair on them; they were all completely shaved and smooth. I reached out for them and took their cocks in each hand as I sucked on Deej's cock. He started unbuttoning his shirt and took that off; his torso looked incredible, so defined, so muscular. His muscles were gliding under his skin.

I let go of Garfy's cock and ran my hand down his torso, dragging my red-painted nails down his six-pack. Deej stepped back and out of his jeans, kicking his shoes off into the corner, so he was naked. He then picked me up so easily and took me to the bed, placed me down on my back, and smiled down at me as he took my naked form in.

"You're fucking hot, Tracy." He said as he parted my legs, spreading them wide, and then knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and started kissing my inner thighs, working his way towards my pussycat. The anticipation was incredible, the soft kisses were like absolute bliss, and then he kissed my pussycat.

His tongue was then licking along my opening before pushing on my clitoral area; he was creating patterns on my pussycat. I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as his tongue worked its magic on my clitoral area. TJ and Garfy came and knelt next to my head on the bed and laid their cocks on my face. I took hold of them both and fed them into my mouth, sucking on them in turn as Deej licked at my clitoral area. I could feel an orgasm building inside of me.

They still had their phones out, and what a sight it must've been! I was spread-eagled and naked on my back, with a young black guy hungrily licking my pussy, and then two other black guys kneeling next to me with their massive black cocks in my hands and mouth.

I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me, the fluttery feeling starting in my stomach. My breathing was changing as it did; Deej must've sensed this too and came up for air. "Don't stop!" I managed to say, but he ignored me, a grin on his face.

"Like I said, I bet you've never had a proper orgasm. That would've been a good orgasm, but not a proper one." He said it with a wink.

He stood between my legs, his cock rock solid and hanging down slightly under its weight, angling towards my pussycat. He stepped forward and laid his cock on my stomach before moving back and taking his cock in his hand. He rubbed his helmet up and down my opening. Pushing his helmet against my clitoral area before he began to edge himself inside of me.

Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself in until he was deep inside me, and it felt incredible. I've never felt anything like it; he was huge, I was full up, and he wasn't wearing any protection, which heightened the sensation dramatically.

He began fucking me slowly, with long, slow, and hard strokes at first, while I kept sucking on TJ and Garfy, trying to pull them further and further into my mouth as the sensation of Deej fucking me increased. I was in absolute heaven, my orgasm building again with each stroke of Deej's monster black cock. Bringing his cock to the edge, his helmet stretched my lips before plunging deep inside of me, hitting every sensitive spot inside possible.

I couldn't concentrate on sucking TJ and Garfy; I just held onto their cocks for dear life as the building orgasm started to consume everything around me. All I could sense was Deej's cock filling me, fucking me, and pleasuring me. My heart rate was increasing, my breathing was deepening, and I was biting my lip, squeezing the guy's cocks in my hand. Parts of my body started to twitch and shake ******* as I neared the edge of the orgasm cliff.

And then I came! I came as I'd never cum before, the orgasm ripping through my body, every muscle in my body pulsing, tensing, and releasing, my scream low and horny and full of release. My pussycat is trying to grip Deej's cock, flooding him with my juices, not wanting the feeling to stop. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at Deej and smiled; he was smiling back. "See, a proper orgasm," he said.

He pulled himself away, his cock covered in my juices, with white streak marks down his entire length and a tide mark at the very base of his cock. He went and sat at the head of the bed. I sat up and spun around so I was on all fours facing him, took his cock in my mouth, and began sucking and licking it, cleaning him of my juices.

Garfy went and knelt behind me. He put one hand on my bum cheek as he guided himself into me and began fucking my soaking wet pussy hard and fast, both his hands on my hips. My big fake tits bounced back and forth with every thrust, forsing Deej's cock further down my throat.

I used one hand to wank TJ's cock as I sucked Deej's cock as Garfy fucked my pussycat. TJ still had his phone out, and Deej had now picked up his as I licked and sucked on his cock. I pulled TJ closer and started sucking on his cock and then Deej's, taking each one in my mouth in turn, my spit hanging from my mouth as I took it in turns.

Garfy's balls were slapping against me as he fucked me. I felt so good, so alive, having these three studs, these three bulls hard for me and wanting to fuck me and fucking me well.

Garfy got faster and faster, fucking me harder and harder. His strokes were getting slightly shorter each time, and I looked over my shoulder at him. His head was tilted back in pleasure as his hands gripped at my hips, and then he pulled out and furiously wanked his cock. His cum was spurting out and shooting up my back, thick stream after thick stream covering my back and bum as his balls emptied themselves.

He slapped his cock against my bum, shaking the last drops of cum out and rubbing his spunk into my bum. I reached behind and scooped up some of his spunk with my fingers and licked them clean. "Mmmmm yummy," I said, looking at him.

TJ then slid off the bed and flipped me over so I was on my back. He spread my legs and guided his cock towards my pussy. He slowly pushed in, my pussy welcoming its third cock that night, hugging it tight as he pushed in. He reached forward, squeezed, and played with my tits as he began to fuck me. He was a boob man.

Deej slid down the bed and laid on his side next to me, so his cock was by my head. I fed it into my mouth, sucking hard on his swollen helmet as TJ fucked me, his big black cock sliding effortlessly in and out of my wet pussy, hitting all the right spots again. He had one hand wrapped around my leg and the other squeezing my tits.

An orgasm was building inside me again, little whimpers of pleasure escaping my lips. My eyes closed in *******, and my mouth was full of black cock as another filled my pussy. My nipples were being pinched, twisted, and pulled, then squeezed as TJ gripped and sped up. It wasn't long before I was cumming again, my orgasm spreading through me like wildfire. My screams of pleasure were muffled by Deej's cock in my mouth, I gripped the bed with one hand as I bucked under TJ's cock.

He then pulled out, his cock almost leaking cum everywhere, and then it spurted again and again, his cum flowing out of his cock and covering my body. Spurts were reaching up to my tits, splattering them, and rolling down the sides of my tits before I could rub them in. His cum pooled on my stomach as the final drops oozed out of his thick cock.

I beckoned him towards me, took his cock in my mouth, and gave it a good lick and suck, tasting my juices all over him. I used a couple of fingers to scoop up his cum from my stomach and let it drip into my mouth before I licked them clean too.

"Fuck Tracy, you're so slutty." Deej said, getting on his knees next to my head and lowering his balls into my mouth as I wanked his glorious cock. "I'm going to paste that pretty face of yours."

I sucked hungrily and wanked his slippery cock faster and faster, trying to urge his cum out of those heavy balls and onto my face. My spit covered his hairless balls as they slipped effortlessly in and out of my mouth, my hand swirling around his cock, up and down, around and around his helmet. His hand was on one of my tits, squeezing it as I did, rolling my nipple between his finger and thumb. He was letting out little encouraging moans, tilting his head back now and then.

Then I felt his balls tighten slightly, a little cumin oozing out of his cock and wetting my fingers as they slid over his helmet. Deej then took hold of his cock and aimed it at my face, holding it tight before letting out a low, guttural moan and shooting a hot stream of thick, creamy spunk over my face. And another, and another, splattering my face with his cum, spurting into my open mouth. It tasted so good. I could feel it dripping down my face, rolling down my chin, and on my neck. Deej pushed his cock into my mouth, and I happily sucked the last few drops of cum out.

He sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, as I scooped his cum into my mouth, savoring the taste of it. "Wow, boys. That was incredible; I've never been covered in so much cum or, more importantly, had such amazing orgasms. I hope the videos do this night's justice. I need to head for a shower; I'm one sticky mess."

I got up, slapping Deej playfully on his thigh as I went, wiggling my bum to them all, and headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I showered and scrubbed myself clean, removing all their sticky cum, which is never easy, before turning off the shower. I dried myself in the bathroom before opening the door, stepping out, and getting a shock.

Deej was still on my bed and still naked. "I couldn't just hump and run." He said he was smiling and patting the bed next to him. I walked towards him, still very naked, and climbed onto all fours on the bed and made my way towards him.

"I'm so tired; do you mind if we just have a cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm fine with that, for now." He said it with a wink.

I cuddled into him, his warm skin feeling good against me, and soon fell asleep, very content.

I woke the next morning, still not quite believing what had happened the night before. Deej was still next to me, the covers pulled back and barely over his legs. His massive black cock is lying lazily over his thigh. He looked so good. I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind.

I reached down and began to gently stroke his cock, just with a couple of fingers at first, seeing if it would respond. Slowly but surely, it started to grow hard, getting bigger and bigger, growing to its full, impressive size.

My other hand had slipped between my legs, my fingers finding my clitoral area and playing with it, my juices starting to flow. Deej was still asleep as I eased myself closer to him, kneeling next to him. I took his cock in my hand and swung my leg over him so I was crouching over his cock. I rubbed his cock up and down my opening before easing myself gently down onto him, slowly but surely, long inch by long inch, until he was fully inside of me.

He was still asleep as I started to grind my pussycat back and forth, slowly and gently, seeing how long I could go until he woke. I squeezed my tits as my blonde hair cascaded down my back and his fat, black cock filled my pussy. It felt truly amazing as I sat down on it. I could feel my orgasm steadily building as he slept; I couldn't believe how he hadn't woken yet.

I bit my lip as his cock touched the right spots inside of me. I was fighting back the orgasm until I couldn't hold it any longer. I came hard on his cock, grinding myself right down onto his, my pussycat gripping his monster as it pulsed. A warm flood was flowing through my body as I leaned my head back and enjoyed it.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked down at Deej, who was just coming around and stretching, his eyes snapping open and then a smile spreading across his face.

"Well, good morning." He said, "I wasn't expecting this as a wake-up call." His hands moved to my hips and then up to my boobs, roaming over my body as I continued to ride him.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his manly chest, gently digging my nails into him. He responded by pinching my nipples and giving them a stroke. One of his hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

I could feel his naked, big black cock swell inside of me as I slid myself back and forth on his cock. Little moans of pleasure: I knew he was going to cum soon, and I wanted him inside me as he did. I got faster and faster as another orgasm grew steadily inside of me; the anticipation of him cumming inside me was almost unbearable.

"I want your cum inside me," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down towards him. He gripped my bum and started to thrust his hips up, pushing his cock further inside as I ground my pussycat on him. We got into an amazing rhythm, both of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and receiving until I came on his cock again.

My body flushed as my pussycat gripped and milked his cock. He responded, his cock twitching and pulsing as he came inside of me. His spunk filled me up as we came together, our horny moans and breathing in each other's ears as the orgasms flooded through us.

I collapsed on top of him and stayed there as I regained my breath, his cock still inside me as he held me there, his heart beating heavy in his chest.

Finally, I rolled over onto the bed and felt a river of cum flood from my married pussycat.

"I could get used to waking up like that again." He said.

I smiled in response; reality was then setting in. "I suppose I'd better get dressed and go back home to my husband."

We got dressed and exchanged numbers before he left to sort himself out, and I readied myself. I had to drive home to try and compose myself.

My husband's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I took a deep breath, opened the front door, and went in. He was sitting at our dining table, a coffee in his hand and a glum look on his face.

He looked up at me, gave me a small smile, and looked down again before saying, "I've got a confession to make."

The end
That's hot