Bull shows up unannounced?


Real Person
Gold Member
My black friend #sexgiver has started to show up at my house without telling in advance. And he does this anytime he feel the urge of relief himself.
At first, it was kinda exciting but when he showed up and we were with other friends it became embarassing. he wouldn't leave! I had to gave him a BJ in the garage and tell our guests that he was the lawmower guy and invented an excuse that he had to show me something there.

Anybody else has to deal with these kind of incursions?
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An intrusion into your family life like that is inexcusable! I would have never let him in the door and made it clear he was never to come back. He has absolutely no respect for you. He doesn't care about you or your family life. He will destroy your life and then walk out on you when he finds another girl to give him blow jobs. This is one of the reasons I have no interest in a permanent boyfriend. I just want recreational sex.
Did you have an understanding that he was not to come to your house, especially unannounced? If you did, this is over the line. If not, it's time toset that line unless you want to do it again and again. As for cutting him loose, he may not take too kindly to being cut off. Be careful.
Could be but since it is just my husband and myself, he is a cuck. Most friends that would visit know that I like BBC and some of the wives do BBC also. If we had any *******, at home things would change. But since I lost the only two baby I was preg with, miscarries , bot times Black. I say to each thier own. :mstickle: :mstickle: :mstickle: :mstickle: :threesome:
If this type of relarionship works for all involved that's great.
Did you have an understanding that he was not to come to your house, especially unannounced? If you did, this is over the line. If not, it's time toset that line unless you want to do it again and again. As for cutting him loose, he may not take too kindly to being cut off. Be careful.
Wow, I cannot imagine living in fear of violence if you cut off a relationship with a guy you are having recreational sex with. What a way to screw up your life!
My black friend #sexgiver has started to show up at my house without telling in advance. And he does this anytime he feel the urge of relief himself.
At first, it was kinda exciting but when he showed up and we were with other friends it became embarassing. he wouldn't leave! I had to gave him a BJ in the garage and tell our guests that he was the lawmower guy and invented an excuse that he had to show me something there.

Anybody else has to deal with these kind of incursions?
Next time have your husband give him the BJ
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Hmmmmmm, I'm wondering if this is really true at all. What person would just "Show Up" outta the blue and expect you to drop what you are doing and "Take care of him". Hell, my relatives have to notify me before they even think about driving to my home.

And to allow that behavior to continue over and over, in front of friends and family? Come on now!!