Best ways to get wife interested in bbc

Is it possible for you to be seduced by BBC if you didn’t know about it.? The best possible scenario for you, Siri to not imagine these things to actually talk to her about it and she’ll tell you yes I’m interested or no. I’m not listen to her.
My best friend gave me some Xanax and i was drinking. I Know I remember getting fucked by two black guys all night. I wasn't mad at her. I
So this relates to your wife in what way? You’re suggesting drugging a woman?
Is it possible for you to be seduced by BBC if you didn’t know about it.? The best possible scenario for you, Siri to not imagine these things to actually talk to her about it and she’ll tell you yes I’m interested or no. I’m not listen to her.
Thanks for this! I will give it ago - only thing holding me back is im afraid she might be too weirded by it and it may strain our relationship.

Is this something I should be worried about?