All Black NWO

Thanks Erica for the clarification. I understand the 2 purposes of the chastity cage, but I cannot understand the effects, physical and psychological, of this tube.
There's no real long-lasting physical effect as once it's out, everything is as it was. I know he feels it at certain times. For example, when he/we run. He says he can feel it then. I get an odd and weird fascination that I know he can feel what I have him wearing and I'm running next to him. I guess it's just hard to explain it.

And ridiculous me does like to feel the tip inside him. If I run my finger just the right way, I can feel the tip.

For him, the psychological part is when he is away and he can feel it. He knows it's something I did and I still want it to be inside him.
There's no real long-lasting physical effect as once it's out, everything is as it was. I know he feels it at certain times. For example, when he/we run. He says he can feel it then. I get an odd and weird fascination that I know he can feel what I have him wearing and I'm running next to him. I guess it's just hard to explain it.

And ridiculous me does like to feel the tip inside him. If I run my finger just the right way, I can feel the tip.

For him, the psychological part is when he is away and he can feel it. He knows it's something I did and I still want it to be inside him.
I'm sorry I don't have a girl like you to take care of me.
Seeing a white girl so enslaved to Black Men that multiple Kings can take her anywhere they please is a thrilling sign of the advancing BNWO. Once the white women belong to African royalty then it's game over for white power. The poetry of this racial justice coming back around to enslave the former slave masters is beautiful to watch. So glad it's happening in my day.
Seeing a white girl so enslaved to Black Men that multiple Kings can take her anywhere they please is a thrilling sign of the advancing BNWO. Once the white women belong to African royalty then it's game over for white power. The poetry of this racial justice coming back around to enslave the former slave masters is beautiful to watch. So glad it's happening in my day.
Wanted to open a discussion about BNWO for feedback. I was pondering some questions. Do you think BNWO leads to a totality of a mixed race, or generally black men fucking the white and Asian out eventually? What do you think is happening or see happening? Will black men continue to fuck blacks, whites and Asians and their offspring, infusing in more black, or will it all eventually lead to a mixed homogenous race?

My particular thought is that it will be black fucking out the white and Asian, for the very same reason I find it appealing, others will be driven to it, black, white, Asian, mixed, will all want to fuck black men, leading to successive majority black breeding eventually ending up with a population that is primarily black.

It begs the question about white on Asian as well, because there is a draw for Asian men and women that want whites to breed them out. Is this evolutionary desire to hasten an all black world perhaps? Do you think its possible this desire stems from working together (white men breeding Asian women) resulting in multitasking (forgive my crass analogy)? While white men breed out the Asians, black men breed out the whites and the mixed race resulting from white on Asian?

DEI is not just about laws and rules, its also a mindset. White people need to accept black people as equals and black people need to realize, that they are genetically more original and therefore superior.
Wanted to open a discussion about BNWO for feedback. I was pondering some questions. Do you think BNWO leads to a totality of a mixed race, or generally black men fucking the white and Asian out eventually? What do you think is happening or see happening? Will black men continue to fuck blacks, whites and Asians and their offspring, infusing in more black, or will it all eventually lead to a mixed homogenous race?

My particular thought is that it will be black fucking out the white and Asian, for the very same reason I find it appealing, others will be driven to it, black, white, Asian, mixed, will all want to fuck black men, leading to successive majority black breeding eventually ending up with a population that is primarily black.

It begs the question about white on Asian as well, because there is a draw for Asian men and women that want whites to breed them out. Is this evolutionary desire to hasten an all black world perhaps? Do you think its possible this desire stems from working together (white men breeding Asian women) resulting in multitasking (forgive my crass analogy)? While white men breed out the Asians, black men breed out the whites and the mixed race resulting from white on Asian?

The only constant in the universe is change. Empires, civilization rise and fall. So to is the west falling in and collapsing under its decadence. Julius Caesar wrote about the Kelts, that they became soft and decadent.

It is about what culture is hungry for conquest and which ones want to give up.

The west, meaning white people, obviously want to genetically change. They want to mix. It is socio but also biological. For example, white men have ever less and less testosterone in their *******. They are becoming more and more infertile, so society and culture is even affecting their biology.

White people have a choice, they can embrace change or swim against an tsunami of change.

Black American, but also now all black people want what white people have. They want a piece of the cake. White people seem to be full, like they ate a big feast. This unbalance creates friction. The result is mixing.

Low testosterone and sperm in white men is the socio economic result of western decadence. It has become sociological, psychological and biological. That is why white men want to get cucked by black men.


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So you see, how the complexity of society, psychology and biology are all inter-winded and connected. Deep down inside, white mens biology, instincts are telling them, that they want their wives to be impregnated by a superior black man. How else can you explain this phenomenon?


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The world is going to be a melting pot as races begin to mix. I think it needs to be encouraged to mix and expand our lineages.
I think it already is at least in America, all races and nationalities are mixing or inter breading so there is no longer true race or nationality & we are one couple in a mixed marriage with mixed children. if black men think by breading all the white women they will create a a all black race they are mistaken, in a couple generations there will no longer be true black rac3 male they will be mixed breeds breading more mixed breeds
Wanted to open a discussion about BNWO for feedback. I was pondering some questions. Do you think BNWO leads to a totality of a mixed race, or generally black men fucking the white and Asian out eventually? What do you think is happening or see happening? Will black men continue to fuck blacks, whites and Asians and their offspring, infusing in more black, or will it all eventually lead to a mixed homogenous race?

My particular thought is that it will be black fucking out the white and Asian, for the very same reason I find it appealing, others will be driven to it, black, white, Asian, mixed, will all want to fuck black men, leading to successive majority black breeding eventually ending up with a population that is primarily black.

It begs the question about white on Asian as well, because there is a draw for Asian men and women that want whites to breed them out. Is this evolutionary desire to hasten an all black world perhaps? Do you think its possible this desire stems from working together (white men breeding Asian women) resulting in multitasking (forgive my crass analogy)? While white men breed out the Asians, black men breed out the whites and the mixed race resulting from white on Asian?
Who'll feed the starving hordes in Africa under this BNWO???? On the other hand, it's probably the only way to stop the free loading gobshites from crossing the Mediterranean sea..... 🤣
Wanted to open a discussion about BNWO for feedback. I was pondering some questions. Do you think BNWO leads to a totality of a mixed race, or generally black men fucking the white and Asian out eventually? What do you think is happening or see happening? Will black men continue to fuck blacks, whites and Asians and their offspring, infusing in more black, or will it all eventually lead to a mixed homogenous race?

My particular thought is that it will be black fucking out the white and Asian, for the very same reason I find it appealing, others will be driven to it, black, white, Asian, mixed, will all want to fuck black men, leading to successive majority black breeding eventually ending up with a population that is primarily black.

It begs the question about white on Asian as well, because there is a draw for Asian men and women that want whites to breed them out. Is this evolutionary desire to hasten an all black world perhaps? Do you think its possible this desire stems from working together (white men breeding Asian women) resulting in multitasking (forgive my crass analogy)? While white men breed out the Asians, black men breed out the whites and the mixed race resulting from white on Asian?
OMG the stupidity of this post. My head hurts trying to understand any of this nonsense. 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣
If BNWO is so great why isn't there tens of thousands of the "opressed" heading back to Africa, instead of trying to sneak into Europe so they can sit on their arses and claim state hand outs?
Seeing a white girl so enslaved to Black Men that multiple Kings can take her anywhere they please is a thrilling sign of the advancing BNWO. Once the white women belong to African royalty then it's game over for white power. The poetry of this racial justice coming back around to enslave the former slave masters is beautiful to watch. So glad it's happening in my day
Wanted to open a discussion about BNWO for feedback. I was pondering some questions. Do you think BNWO leads to a totality of a mixed race, or generally black men fucking the white and Asian out eventually? What do you think is happening or see happening? Will black men continue to fuck blacks, whites and Asians and their offspring, infusing in more black, or will it all eventually lead to a mixed homogenous race?

My particular thought is that it will be black fucking out the white and Asian, for the very same reason I find it appealing, others will be driven to it, black, white, Asian, mixed, will all want to fuck black men, leading to successive majority black breeding eventually ending up with a population that is primarily black.

It begs the question about white on Asian as well, because there is a draw for Asian men and women that want whites to breed them out. Is this evolutionary desire to hasten an all black world perhaps? Do you think its possible this desire stems from working together (white men breeding Asian women) resulting in multitasking (forgive my crass analogy)? While white men breed out the Asians, black men breed out the whites and the mixed race resulting from white on Asian?
Black Men are stronger and more dominant than the males of other races and are attractive to women and I think everyone knows this weather they admit it or not.
On an evolutionary level I think only Black Men should breed with our women they will strengthen and invigorate the human race.
Black Men are stronger and more dominant than the males of other races and are attractive to women and I think everyone knows this weather they admit it or not.
On an evolutionary level I think only Black Men should breed with our women they will strengthen and invigorate the human race.
But on the other hand, most women choose nice friendly beta males. Just look around and you will see the truth.