A man had three girlfriends and didn't know which one to choose to marry. He then decided to take a test to see who was most fit to be his wife.
He withdrew 15 thousand dollars from his bank account and gave 5 thousand to each of them and told them to spend it however they wanted.
The first one was shopping, bought clothes, jewelry, went to the salon, etc.
She came back and said to the man: “I spent all your money like this, to be more beautiful for you, to like you more... I did it because I love you.”
The second one went to the same shopping and bought clothes, a CD player, a flat screen TV, basketball shoes, golf clubs and pornographic films.
She came back and said: “I spent all your money on gifts for you, so I can make you happier... I did it because I love you.”
The third one took the money and put it in the bag.
In three days she tripled the invested and return, returned the $5,000 that the man had given her and told him: “I invested your money and earned mine, now I can do what I want with my own money... I did it because I love you....”
So the man thought
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
Men think too long.
And he kept thinking.
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought....
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought....
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought.... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought.... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...
He thought... thought... thought...