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  • I am a smart a## sir. Yet I must know you were able to bring up and out of me a point or stance that had it not been for the particular way you worded your comment-would not have happened. Do you take the devil's advocate position on many points to achieve an overall biased/nonbiased base? If so-you are a genius sir.
    well, actually I do take the advocate's position on many threads to this website. I do a lot of things on here to create conversation, which is what the website depends on to attract members. Remember I'm in the "selling business" professionally ... to get a customer to react, you must either "excite" them OR "disturb" them with your comments. Guess I did that, huh? It wasn't intentional, I promise.
    That is a sweet avatar. really you two. Thanks.
    Hi, thanks for the comments. The avatar was a recent rush thing. I use to have our picture here. My wife wanted wanted me to take OUR pic off. Sooooo, I used one of just me. We had a bank account broken into so I took MY pic down as well. I created a pic that most closely resembles us ... I still have a bit of work to do on it.
    I KNEW IT! You .. Have you been playing devil's advocate -this whole time?OK Buddy-what university do you work for?You guys man..
    Sorry, I don't follow you on this one ... what makes you believe I work for a university? Actually I'm a recruiter/marketing exec and work with group health & pension plans.
    Great profile and with all the nice compliments, looking forward to reading your contributions.
    Happy TG weekend to you both!
    Hi Mac: What does that Sweet & Cordial stamp mean, and how did you get it?
    LOL ... no one's asked that in over a year. I'm not entirely sure, actually. FunnyBunny (administrator) was playing around with some software or something ... and she gave it to me for doing some things on the website. I am actually "sweet & cordial" so says my wife occasionally.
    Ted & Jenn
    Ted & Jenn
    Funny Bunny sounds like a real sweetheart, and that is definitely a huge compliment to you !
    FunnyBunny has done some awesome things to this website. I was here when they kicked this site off ... it wasn't anything like it is now. Hats off to her and her staff, I think.
    How's it going Mac? I've been away for a while. Kind of lost interest in this fantasy but check in from time to time. When I do, I always check your post first. Lol
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    Thanks a million for that comment; sometimes it gets lonely being one of only a handful, here, who like posting logical responses to questions asked. You just never know who's really serious and who's just enjoying a fantasy. Don't be a stranger ... Mac
    Husband here.. I must admit I enjoy your posts.. I think we are in a similar situation.. I want to have my bride blacked but want to do it 'correctly'..

    How u guys been going... i ws a fan of you two since i first was converted!
    We're doing great, cuckzilla. Wife & I are focusing a lot on our teenagers these days, preparing for the college costs. I appreciate your following ... thank you.
    You have been quite
    sorry, but the 4th quarter of the year is my busiest time at work; doing a lot of traveling. I'll try to catch up on weekends.
    Why, did you miss me?
    I like the reference to Firefly in your status and the thoughtful comments that you have on the forum board. It helps to have someone who puts oil on the water.
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    Thank you for your comment & follow. I've enjoyed reading your posts as well. Some appreciate an occasional injection of reality, others are running from reality and prefer their fantasies. Some topics & questions, however, only deserve to hear the truth. There's an old saying that I changed a bit, and it goes ... "Let me live the truth, but enjoy the fantasy, and the ability to know the difference."
    jane mintu
    jane mintu
    Have you seen the news about Vanderbilt University, was it a fantasy gone wrong?
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    hi guys ... hummm, you'll need to trip my memory here ... what about Vanderbilt University? The "*******" thing? Not sure; haven't stayed up on that one.
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