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  • Only you're worth the follow here
    Well, thank you. I'm humbled. I just try to keep a foot in reality; lots of fantasy players here.
    I like your posts and common sense suggestions...I wish more people would follow your advice.
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    Reactions: DSBB and MacNfries
    Thank you; I just believe if someone takes the time & effort to post a question, they deserve a sincere response. I also try to be humorous occasionally, and I might fail in that effort sometimes. Take care!
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    Reactions: ShaunS
    Hi. Would like to speak with you. Do you kik?
    My Inbox is private just click on the preference you wish to establish for the chat. You're new, so welcome; it might help if you opened up your profile info to members of b2w. It appears you don't have that option checked.
    I put a comment on your first thread to help. Mac
    Wow. Nice your reply in Black Pregnancy). So big post).
    do not blame you for not posting pics or names on the net my wife worked in it for decades and would ******* me if I posted a pic of her and she has never needed a pic to get a man. I imagine your wife gets her fair share when she wants and what she wants as well
    Thanks for the like i would like to get to know you guys better what I am looking for is a couple to really get to know and share each other lives with and pray we can keep the good times Rollin
    Thanks for the like. I am so honored! You're great. Love the Vintage thread you started. Don't get to visit it as much as I'd like. Hope you're having a good one.
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    Reactions: MacNfries
    Please don't be humble to me; I try to post stuff everyone likes so glad you like the Vintage stuff.
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    Reactions: TheUBM
    No, not really. The vintage porn thread I started was not a topic of specific interest of mine, but a response to someone's comments in the forum about b2w relationships in earlier US history. I just happened to have at the time some historical pics to help discuss the topic. But, thank you for the info ... I'll save that website.
    I try to live as, "To-Each-Their-Own", but arrogance, bullying, violence, real desires to humiliate and demean ( not just during a sex session) in real life, gets to me. Why can't people just have fun with this and not get all full of thoughts of "Revenge"? Nice to know you are mellowing. I need some of that.
    Thanks Mac. I'm not really new here. I was registered as qbrishc.
    I started noticing more Members posting violet desires, demeaning things toward, believing their own BS and fueling anger and hatred of whites. The posts were from those that couldn't spell and couldn't make a sentence.
    I threw a Fit and removed my account. I realized I missed the good people on this site.
    Good to see you handle it better.
    Good morning
    Good morning to you, too, DL. I just read your profile and looks like you're looking for a black bull that might be into "couple owning" roll playing. We're not into it, but many white couples wishing for the black experience like that roll play. You might start a thread specific to your desires; you're a handsome, couple ... note that you're in Danville, VA. Close!
    We would like a bull expeirenceand a cuck experience.....him like to b with another couple....wat u guys n to??
    Just "boring" old straight sex, I guess, as it compares to what others here seem to like. We've always been partial to 3-somes and couple swaps, but we haven't been swinging the past few years due to having 2 teens in the house.
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