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  • i do agree with many of your insights.
    esp when it comes to matters of co-respect.
    i had to invoke my alpha as the husband on a disrespectful would-be bull & truly man-handle him out the door & on his not-so-merry way last weekend.
    "you don't piss on a lightning bolt & not expect to get lit up like the 4th of july!!!" he called down the thunder, & got his just reward!
    be well.
    It was both a terrible thing and a good thing.

    Terrible in that it was a horrible experience, all the way around.

    Good in that I saw my husband react assertively, taking control of the problem and eliminating it.

    It reinforced my opinion of him being my protector.
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    Reactions: JohnEE
    marco vittoro
    marco vittoro
    well, i guess his attitude in the NFL is why he's an EX defensive lineman.
    its also fortunate my deputy sheriff sister was only a few minutes away when alyssa messaged her.
    you just don't cross the line with that combat soldier tho. he's put down far worse!
    having access to MY WIFE is a PRIVILEDGE...one that EXCEEDINGLY FEW ever will have!
    marco vittoro
    marco vittoro
    besides, before i f0rced him out, i made him full submit & plead mercy! (extreme pain without real injury)
    its important for them to have that fixed in their mind!
    alyssa knows much of what i'm capable. she's my confidante. she's my wife!
    Haven't seen a post in a while and just checking on you two. Hope all is well. We miss you.
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    Reactions: Betinaoq9
    Computer crashed. Spent like forever trying to recover it and transfer files. Thanks for checking in though, we're still here!
    Thank you for the new like. Hope you have a great day.
    When I stumble across great stuff like that, I never hesitate to 'like' or 'love' it! Thank you for posting it!
    Thank you for the new ❤️ of my post. I definitely agree with what you said. And would never try to discourage any white women from being with a black man.
    Thanks for the love about my comment about your post about the heat I feel watching her get ready for a date. A special and very close time for us.
    We're always happy when one of our narratives brings back fond memories and especially overjoyed when it happens to one of our close followers! Thank you for taking the time to comment, we really do appreciate it!
    sure hope all is well with you both. So rare for you to miss a day of posting.
    Got a cold... Trying to fight it back. Thanks for your concern!
    Thank you for liking my comment.about white women who prefer black men. Yes I'm a white male. Very supportive. And find your post very inspiring for the women who like black men. And us white men that are attracted to such women
    Thank you very much for your comments - appreciate them!
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