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  • Your story about how it started is similar to ours but the last line about how she loves it even more than me is certainly true too. Thanks for the post. Did she send pics or video or just tell you about it? Did you know before that night that it was going to happen? Bet that was a long night.
    He is/was her main guy for about 2 years. She would travel to him 3 or 4 times a year (week or two at a time) and he would come here like twice a year. Then Covid. She hasn’t seen him since February 2020. She has had other lovers but not a regular thing like him. I say is/was because who knows if the relationship will resume. His wife was on to his shenanigans as well. Nothing is certain any longer:
    Tell me a little bit about yourself and your wife?
    I hope it does resume. Always sad when it ends. Covid wrecked a lot of stuff. We got lucky and had a young BBC guy shelter with us for the first 6 months or so. Our first time for anything other than a couple sleepovers here. Was wonderful. If it is OK, I will send a private message about us and our history. We are so happy in this life.
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