So You Want to be a Cuckold...

In the life of each of us there comes a moment when we want something new in life. You may be married or dating someone, just being single and wanting a great experience for yourself. We are all different and that's great!

Maybe you've been wanting to try cuckold for a long time, or maybe you just recently found out about this fantasy. In any case, this inflection brought you here. So you want to enjoy life, you want to play sexual kink and find out whats cuckold.

If you have decided on the idea of this fantasy in your head, then you are considering the performance of this kink seriously. You should know whats cuckold experience is and how to start play whether you are a man or a woman.

Whats cuckold man mean

In simple terms, the word «cuckold» was formed from a cuckoo. As you know, this bird lays its eggs to other birds. And they have to raise someone else's chick. How does the cuck kink relate to the bird, you ask?

Back in the Middle Ages, people began to call the man, whose wife cheated on him. And accordingly, the offspring could not be from him.

In society, this was considered offensive, the man received ridicule. So this word has passed into our time, forming a fantasy. And this is a completely normal experience. For some, this kink is considered a deviation from the norm. But judging by the articles of psychologists, each person determines the concept of the whats normal in sex for himself.

I think whats cuckold before? It was just a family experience. Now it has become a sexual fantasy. Whats positive about kink is that both partners play this on a date.

In the last couple of decades, cuck fantasy has gained popularity. Any normal person has already seen a similar section in porn. Now the popularity of the cuck kink man is already undeniable, because you can find any article about this fantasy even in women's online publications.

Whats cuck fantasy?

Many psychological studies write about whats cuck fantasy is, and about the reasons for this kink. A man and a woman can have a fantasy they see their soul mate in sex with someone else. This is a completely normal situation.

So whats the cuckold fantasy that allows people to go further and make the fun experience? If you are not just imagined and forgotten, but you are drawn into this fantasy and you want to play. Whats the cuckold kink explains:

  • It's biology. Male libido rises and boils within you when you feel threatened by another man to conceive with a woman you are attracted to. Hence such an explosion of testosterone, passionate sex with a cheater and a powerful orgasm. There is a kind of rivalry between your sperm and another man. And procreation, as you know, gives immortality to your family. Yes, we know there are contraceptives now. But what does a cuckold use for excitement and pleasure if not these ancient mechanisms of evolution!
  • Psychological compression. The feeling that your partner might be fine with someone else. And whats a cuckold date give to a man? The pleasure of playing his wife with another.
  • Cuckold fantasy and bdsm. This may be partly a normal comparison, because everyone has their own pleasure from this cuck kink. Man can enjoy the feeling of rejection, the submissive role. And being insulted during a date can give a man the extra pleasure whats a fantasy can provide for certain couples. Of course, if you choose this option. And whats the cuckold get as a reward? Of course, if the mistress condescends to sex, and finally invites man into the bedroom.
  • A sense of control and admiration for a woman. The husband admires his wife so much he allows her to play with other man, and share it on the date. A cuck feels pride and pleasure.

These are the reasons explain the popularity of the cuckold kink. And you can see that it is quite different ways to play date and getting real pleasure.

Whats cuck type?

Simply, there are 4 main types of cuck kink: submissive, bisexual, voyeurs, and extreme cuckold. In a submissive, the man achieves the satisfaction of seeing how much the «bull» surpasses him in sex on the date. This often applies to interracial cuckold.

For the bisexual, satisfaction is achieved as husband is allowed to explore his gay fantasy while watching another man have sex. Often such cuckold become sissy for a wife and a bull, which brings them special pleasure on a date in a female form.

Voyeurs enjoy to watch another man bring his wife to orgasm on a date. As if they are watching from the side, or spying on someone.

In extreme fantasy, the cuckold 's wife will be inseminated and impregnated by her bull.

Whats exactly you like, only you know. Everything you understand about yourself, and how cuckold affects you, this is normal. Once you understand whats cuck fantasy can give you, and how starting to play kink.

How to cuck your relationship?

If you or your partner wanted to try this fantasy, whats a cuckold give you? You should understand this will be a serious blow to the stereotypes and the ideas of your partner.

Some people may react negatively to such an offer to play in bed. Therefore, whats the cuckold will give you both, you need to discuss, prepare your partner.

You should do your research before offering to play cuckold date. By some signs, you can understand how your partner feels about such a fantasy. It is important to establish a relationship in a couple. Whats cuck bring in your couple?

You can offer to play and post a photo on any platform. This advice, of course, applies more to woman. If your wife enjoys the attention to her person, if it pleases her, then it will be the first step that cuck is for you. Popularity among other men likes any woman.

The next step might be to watch cuckold porn, reading erotic stories and then discussing them. And suddenly it will excite you so much that the pleasure will be incomparable with anything. This is a great sign starting to play king.

If it becomes clear that the partner does not mind that the cuckold, you can already have a conversation. Couples in which the connection is well can easily discuss cuck. It is important to say all the details. The connection in a couple and the pleasure of playing kink will depend on this.

If after talking about whats cuckold experience can give you, you think the difficulties are over, then this is not so. It is important for you to maintain a connection in your pair by adding a third person - a bull.

Aspiring cuckold and his wife may have trouble finding this man. If you and the bull are beginner to this fantasy, it's important to let everyone know that it's just for fun and play. This is a certain experience that is designed to strengthen the connection within you.

You need to be aware that cuck fantasy is an experience that can take a long time to prepare for. You don't have to rush to enjoy this kink. How cuckold means for each couple about the time is also very individual.

Whats kink of cuckold can give you?

Whats cuck preparation mean? If you have already understood your wife 's or husband 's interest in fantasy, then you can't wait to arrange a date to finally get incomparable experience. But do not rush!

Whats cuck experience you can do before a date:

  • Read books, stories, where female dominance will be the main focus in relationships and sex. This will allow a man to rebuild from the main role and find a positive experience in this. Also a huge plus will be watching movies. I believe amateur porn is the best option. Whats a cuckold date will give you is best shown by the experience of other real people. It will be easy to find this because the popularity of cuckold fantasy makes it easy to find an amateur couple experience on a date.
  • A woman should realize her sexuality, and understand whats cuckold experience gives her attractiveness not only to her husband, but also to the bull on a date. This may not be easy for some women. Not to be shy and not to avoid the fantasy of sex with a bull. It is important to enjoy this kink and get excited about it. You should understand whats cuckold gives you the opportunity to spread and enjoy your sexuality with a bull and this is normal.

In general, whats a cuckold image of a woman? First of all, she is an active, confident who knows her sexuality. You can try to create a certain image with your man. If you look at amateur videos from date, you will see whats the cuckold energy from these women is strong.

They know how to have fun, liberate themselves on a cuck date with their bull and get great pleasure. They become different. They enjoy themselves in sex and the fact that their husband is watching date and enjoys cuckold. This strengthens their connection even more.

Yes, it must be admitted that nature has given some women a high libido and vivid sexuality. It is easier for such women to enter and understand whats cuck kink benefit for relationships.

But if the wife is not like that, but wants to enter into cuckold, then she will have to work on herself. Which will end up being a positive kink experience for her anyway.

She becomes sexier and this in any case will affect the relationship with her man. In addition, the relationship of the spouses will become stronger, and it will be easier for them to carry on further conversations about fantasy. Perhaps this will help them have another kink for bedroom.

Which cuckold rules are very important?

Cheating is still in first place in popularity for divorce. This opinion has developed in society over the centuries of human existence. If you are ready to break this taboo whats the cuck experience do for you? The answer is simple, if both partners agree to this, then this fantasy will give you unforgettable pleasure!

After all, why should the pressure of society weigh on you! Whats a cuck experience can give your couple is fun, and how you play in your bedroom is nobody's business.

It is also important to understand whats cuck is not a form of polygamous relationships. The third partner - a bull, is invited for a date, only as a sexual partner for the wife. Although there is also such a form of cuckold, when the husband turns into a sissy and acts as a woman in date with a bull.

But that's another conversation, someone likes such a form that cuckold can be like that.

If you want to play safely, then the issue of protection is also discussed between husband and wife. Each couple chooses for themselves the solution that suits them. In any case, sex should be safe, and the experience of kink should bring only positive emotions and pleasure.

What does a cuckold do positively for couples?

The cuckold comes to fruition much faster if the husband has always fantasized that his wife is having sex with another man while he watches, and the woman is encouraged by the experience.

Estos dos se han unido y están listos para cualquier experimento. En una pareja así, la comunicación y la conexión suelen ser fuertes, y el marido está seguro de que su esposa sólo lo ama a él.

Lo que un cornudo hace por una relación es absolutamente: ¡darle sabor! El matrimonio puede volverse mundano, por lo que la oportunidad de jugar con placer diversifica enormemente una unión monógama. La dinámica de los cornudos agregará pasión a la relación, incluso si su vida íntima es bastante activa.

Lo que el cuck kink hace a las personas sexualmente activas es que les permite ver el placer de su pareja desde un ángulo diferente en una cita con un toro. Esto le permite ver su conexión matrimonial de una manera nueva.

Sucede que la libido de marido y mujer no coincide en algún momento, o que un hombre siente algún tipo de problema de salud. La experiencia de las citas pervertidas permite a las personas deshacerse de estos problemas.

Si alguien todavía piensa que a una mujer no le interesa el sexo como actividad, entonces no hay nada de qué hablar con esa gente. Si una mujer quiere una experiencia sexual completa y su hombre no puede dársela, entonces entrar en la fantasía de los cornudos puede proporcionar a esa pareja una existencia normal en el matrimonio.

El hombre permite voluntariamente que su esposa tenga experiencia sexual con el toro en una cita. Y ella no tiene culpa. Un marido puede presenciar una cita con un toro y disfrutar de su alma gemela. En este caso, lo que es cornudo sólo puede brindarles a esos cónyuges una experiencia positiva.

Cuck sólo es adecuado para aquellos que viven en un fuerte amor y conexión. Sólo aquellos que tienen confianza en sí mismos y en su pareja pueden jugar este juego. Cornudo no es una manera de reparar un matrimonio ya roto.

¿Cómo encontrar el toro?

Cuando se trata de encontrar un toro, es necesario utilizar aplicaciones especialmente diseñadas para ayudarte con esto. Este es el más común. Pero antes de encontrar un toro, analice una serie de cuestiones:

  • ¿quien será? Un hombre desconocido, o quizás tengas a alguien en mente;
  • tipos de sexo que estás dispuesto a tener en una cita pervertida, así como medidas de protección;
  • quién interactúa con el toro;
  • decide un lugar para una cita cornuda donde te sientas cómodo;
  • ¿Qué hará el cornudo? Observar o participar en una cita.

También debes tener un plan de contingencia. Si eres principiante, considera todas las opciones. Puedes encontrar una palabra segura en caso de que la cita del cornudo de repente comience a incluir una acción para la que no estás preparado. Todos los participantes deberían disfrutar de esta experiencia. La diversión pervertida está destinada a dar placer, y ambos deberían conseguirlo.

Si has elegido el camino del cornudo para ti

Si después de leer muchos consejos y análisis sobre qué es la experiencia cornudo y has determinado por ti mismo que lo eres, entonces tendrás un trabajo divertido para lograr tu placer.

Esta fantasía ha ganado popularidad y ha ocupado ciertos lugares entre los fetiches. Entonces tiene un lugar. A pesar de los malos insultos de la sociedad, los fundamentos patriarcales y la antigua tradición del matrimonio, éste sigue existiendo y su popularidad es notable.

Para mí, la perversión de los cornudos es buena porque permite a las parejas de cualquier edad disfrutar de la vida. Y lo que una pareja hace junta en las manifestaciones sexuales de sus vidas es maravilloso. ¿Qué permite hacer el cornudo a los cónyuges? Disfruten de la vida y jueguen como quieran, manteniendo el matrimonio y la fuerte conexión entre ellos.

El cuck lo practican con mayor frecuencia parejas que han estado juntas durante mucho tiempo y quieren añadir fuego al sexo. Esto está escrito mucho en la investigación psicológica, y la mayoría de los cornudos masculinos hablan de lo mismo. Para disfrutar mucho del cornudo, es tu esposa quien debe participar en esto. Porque si miras sexo con tu amigo, el efecto no será el mismo.

Las investigaciones confirman que las perversiones realizadas pueden tener un impacto positivo en las relaciones. Pero debes recordar que lo que ves en el video puede ser diferente de lo que ves en tu habitación en la cita. Y esta experiencia permanecerá contigo para siempre.
Very good
I want my wife to be fucked by the BBC in front of my eyes, so that she sucks him with pleasure and cums , and then for the BBC to cum in her pussy.. What kind of cuckold am I?
That is exactly what I want. I don't know what kind of cuckold that makes us, but that is what I want.


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In the life of each of us there comes a moment when we want something new in life. You may be married or dating someone, just being single and wanting a great experience for yourself. We are all different and that's great!

Maybe you've been wanting to try cuckold for a long time, or maybe you just recently found out about this fantasy. In any case, this inflection brought you here. So you want to enjoy life, you want to play sexual kink and find out whats cuckold.

If you have decided on the idea of this fantasy in your head, then you are considering the performance of this kink seriously. You should know whats cuckold experience is and how to start play whether you are a man or a woman.

Whats cuckold man mean

In simple terms, the word «cuckold» was formed from a cuckoo. As you know, this bird lays its eggs to other birds. And they have to raise someone else's chick. How does the cuck kink relate to the bird, you ask?

Back in the Middle Ages, people began to call the man, whose wife cheated on him. And accordingly, the offspring could not be from him.

In society, this was considered offensive, the man received ridicule. So this word has passed into our time, forming a fantasy. And this is a completely normal experience. For some, this kink is considered a deviation from the norm. But judging by the articles of psychologists, each person determines the concept of the whats normal in sex for himself.

I think whats cuckold before? It was just a family experience. Now it has become a sexual fantasy. Whats positive about kink is that both partners play this on a date.

In the last couple of decades, cuck fantasy has gained popularity. Any normal person has already seen a similar section in porn. Now the popularity of the cuck kink man is already undeniable, because you can find any article about this fantasy even in women's online publications.

Whats cuck fantasy?

Many psychological studies write about whats cuck fantasy is, and about the reasons for this kink. A man and a woman can have a fantasy they see their soul mate in sex with someone else. This is a completely normal situation.

So whats the cuckold fantasy that allows people to go further and make the fun experience? If you are not just imagined and forgotten, but you are drawn into this fantasy and you want to play. Whats the cuckold kink explains:

  • It's biology. Male libido rises and boils within you when you feel threatened by another man to conceive with a woman you are attracted to. Hence such an explosion of testosterone, passionate sex with a cheater and a powerful orgasm. There is a kind of rivalry between your sperm and another man. And procreation, as you know, gives immortality to your family. Yes, we know there are contraceptives now. But what does a cuckold use for excitement and pleasure if not these ancient mechanisms of evolution!
  • Psychological compression. The feeling that your partner might be fine with someone else. And whats a cuckold date give to a man? The pleasure of playing his wife with another.
  • Cuckold fantasy and bdsm. This may be partly a normal comparison, because everyone has their own pleasure from this cuck kink. Man can enjoy the feeling of rejection, the submissive role. And being insulted during a date can give a man the extra pleasure whats a fantasy can provide for certain couples. Of course, if you choose this option. And whats the cuckold get as a reward? Of course, if the mistress condescends to sex, and finally invites man into the bedroom.
  • A sense of control and admiration for a woman. The husband admires his wife so much he allows her to play with other man, and share it on the date. A cuck feels pride and pleasure.

These are the reasons explain the popularity of the cuckold kink. And you can see that it is quite different ways to play date and getting real pleasure.

Whats cuck type?

Simply, there are 4 main types of cuck kink: submissive, bisexual, voyeurs, and extreme cuckold. In a submissive, the man achieves the satisfaction of seeing how much the «bull» surpasses him in sex on the date. This often applies to interracial cuckold.

For the bisexual, satisfaction is achieved as husband is allowed to explore his gay fantasy while watching another man have sex. Often such cuckold become sissy for a wife and a bull, which brings them special pleasure on a date in a female form.

Voyeurs enjoy to watch another man bring his wife to orgasm on a date. As if they are watching from the side, or spying on someone.

In extreme fantasy, the cuckold 's wife will be inseminated and impregnated by her bull.

Whats exactly you like, only you know. Everything you understand about yourself, and how cuckold affects you, this is normal. Once you understand whats cuck fantasy can give you, and how starting to play kink.

How to cuck your relationship?

If you or your partner wanted to try this fantasy, whats a cuckold give you? You should understand this will be a serious blow to the stereotypes and the ideas of your partner.

Some people may react negatively to such an offer to play in bed. Therefore, whats the cuckold will give you both, you need to discuss, prepare your partner.

You should do your research before offering to play cuckold date. By some signs, you can understand how your partner feels about such a fantasy. It is important to establish a relationship in a couple. Whats cuck bring in your couple?

You can offer to play and post a photo on any platform. This advice, of course, applies more to woman. If your wife enjoys the attention to her person, if it pleases her, then it will be the first step that cuck is for you. Popularity among other men likes any woman.

The next step might be to watch cuckold porn, reading erotic stories and then discussing them. And suddenly it will excite you so much that the pleasure will be incomparable with anything. This is a great sign starting to play king.

If it becomes clear that the partner does not mind that the cuckold, you can already have a conversation. Couples in which the connection is well can easily discuss cuck. It is important to say all the details. The connection in a couple and the pleasure of playing kink will depend on this.

If after talking about whats cuckold experience can give you, you think the difficulties are over, then this is not so. It is important for you to maintain a connection in your pair by adding a third person - a bull.

Aspiring cuckold and his wife may have trouble finding this man. If you and the bull are beginner to this fantasy, it's important to let everyone know that it's just for fun and play. This is a certain experience that is designed to strengthen the connection within you.

You need to be aware that cuck fantasy is an experience that can take a long time to prepare for. You don't have to rush to enjoy this kink. How cuckold means for each couple about the time is also very individual.

Whats kink of cuckold can give you?

Whats cuck preparation mean? If you have already understood your wife 's or husband 's interest in fantasy, then you can't wait to arrange a date to finally get incomparable experience. But do not rush!

Whats cuck experience you can do before a date:

  • Read books, stories, where female dominance will be the main focus in relationships and sex. This will allow a man to rebuild from the main role and find a positive experience in this. Also a huge plus will be watching movies. I believe amateur porn is the best option. Whats a cuckold date will give you is best shown by the experience of other real people. It will be easy to find this because the popularity of cuckold fantasy makes it easy to find an amateur couple experience on a date.
  • A woman should realize her sexuality, and understand whats cuckold experience gives her attractiveness not only to her husband, but also to the bull on a date. This may not be easy for some women. Not to be shy and not to avoid the fantasy of sex with a bull. It is important to enjoy this kink and get excited about it. You should understand whats cuckold gives you the opportunity to spread and enjoy your sexuality with a bull and this is normal.

In general, whats a cuckold image of a woman? First of all, she is an active, confident who knows her sexuality. You can try to create a certain image with your man. If you look at amateur videos from date, you will see whats the cuckold energy from these women is strong.

They know how to have fun, liberate themselves on a cuck date with their bull and get great pleasure. They become different. They enjoy themselves in sex and the fact that their husband is watching date and enjoys cuckold. This strengthens their connection even more.

Yes, it must be admitted that nature has given some women a high libido and vivid sexuality. It is easier for such women to enter and understand whats cuck kink benefit for relationships.

But if the wife is not like that, but wants to enter into cuckold, then she will have to work on herself. Which will end up being a positive kink experience for her anyway.

She becomes sexier and this in any case will affect the relationship with her man. In addition, the relationship of the spouses will become stronger, and it will be easier for them to carry on further conversations about fantasy. Perhaps this will help them have another kink for bedroom.

Which cuckold rules are very important?

Cheating is still in first place in popularity for divorce. This opinion has developed in society over the centuries of human existence. If you are ready to break this taboo whats the cuck experience do for you? The answer is simple, if both partners agree to this, then this fantasy will give you unforgettable pleasure!

After all, why should the pressure of society weigh on you! Whats a cuck experience can give your couple is fun, and how you play in your bedroom is nobody's business.

It is also important to understand whats cuck is not a form of polygamous relationships. The third partner - a bull, is invited for a date, only as a sexual partner for the wife. Although there is also such a form of cuckold, when the husband turns into a sissy and acts as a woman in date with a bull.

But that's another conversation, someone likes such a form that cuckold can be like that.

If you want to play safely, then the issue of protection is also discussed between husband and wife. Each couple chooses for themselves the solution that suits them. In any case, sex should be safe, and the experience of kink should bring only positive emotions and pleasure.

What does a cuckold do positively for couples?

The cuckold comes to fruition much faster if the husband has always fantasized that his wife is having sex with another man while he watches, and the woman is encouraged by the experience.

These two have come together and are ready for any experiments. In such a couple, communication and connection are usually strong, and the husband is sure his wife loves only him.

Whats a cuckold does for a relationship is absolutely - spice it up! Marriage can become mundane, so the opportunity to play with pleasure greatly diversifies a monogamous union. The cuckold dynamic will add passion to the partnership, even if your intimate life is quite active.

Whats cuck kink does for sexually active people is that it allows them to look at their partner's pleasure from a different angle on a date with a bull. This allows you to see your connection in marriage in a new way.

It happens the libido of a husband and wife does not coincide at some time, or a man feels some kind of health problem. The experience of kink date allows people to get rid of these problems.

If someone still thinks a woman is not interested in sex as an activity, then there is nothing to talk about with these people. If a woman wants a full sexual experience, and her man cannot give it to her, then entering into cuckold fantasy can provide such a couple with a normal existence in marriage.

The man voluntarily allows his wife to have sexual experience with the bull on a date. And she doesn`t has a guilt. A husband can watch a date with a bull and enjoy his soul mate. In this case, whats cuckold can give such spouses only a positive experience.

Cuck is only suitable for those who live in strong love and connection. Only those who are confident in themselves and their partner can play this kink. Cuckold is not a way to repair an already broken marriage.

How to find the the bull?

When it comes to finding a bull, you need to use apps specially designed to help you with this. This is the most common. But before you find a bull, discuss a number of questions:

  • who will it be? An unfamiliar man, or maybe you have someone in mind;
  • types of sex you are ready to have on a kink date, as well as protection measures;
  • who interacts with the bull;
  • decide on a place for a cuck date where you will be comfortable;
  • whats the cuck man will do: observe or participate in a date.

You should also have a contingency plan. If you are a beginner, consider all options. You can come up with a safe word in case the cuckold date suddenly starts to include an action you are not ready for. All participants should enjoy this experience. Kink fun is meant to give pleasure, and both should get it.

If you have chosen the path of cuckold for yourself

If after reading a lot of advice and analysis of whats cuck experience is and have determined for yourself that you are it, then you will have a fun job to achieve your pleasure.

This fantasy has gained popularity and has taken certain places among the fetishes. So it has a place. Despite the evil insults of society, patriarchal foundations and the age-old tradition of marriage, it continues to exist and its popularity is noticeable.

For me, the cuckold kink is good because it allows couples at any age to enjoy life. And whats a couple does together in the sexual manifestations of their lives is wonderful. Whats cuck allow spouses to do? Enjoy life and play as they want, keeping the marriage and strong connection between them.

Cuck is more often practiced by couples who have been together for a long time, and want to add fire in sex. This is written a lot in psychological research, and most male cuck talk about the same. To get great pleasure from cuckold, it is your wife who must participate in this. Because if you look at sex with your friend, the effect will not be the same.

Research confirms that fulfilled kink can have a positive impact on relationships. But you need to remember whats you see on the video may be different from you see in your bedroom on the date. And this experience will stay with you forever.
Amazing and you have explained it perfectly


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