White women and African countries?

If a woman goes to Africa, chances are she is somehow already interested or at least curious.
And africans are very flirty, even though sometimes it is just that and they won't dare try to push it further, but others will.

Those ones are where the "legend" comes from. They are very proud of their body and usually have a big one.
They will be very welcoming and always wanting to help so they can keep contact with you as much as they can to try to bring you home.

If you end up in an african bed, they won't bother putting a condom if you say nothing and they won't bother pulling you if you say nothing either.
After the first time, they will take you for granted and will probably try to have sex with you on a regular basis, if not every day.

The way they act and behave with women is very different from what we are used in europe (and also america I guess). They are a weird mix between nice and dominant. And it can be very intoxicating. Also, size does matter.
So you might end up being pleased in more ways that you would have imagined so it stays with you for sure.

Know that africans are very possessive, the "sharing", "hardcore" and other stuff like are stereotypes coming from porn, not reality.