Whats your favorite Alcohol?

I'm a whiskey guy. I'd say Jack Daniel's Gold is my favorite for its smoothness. It was $200 for a bottle last time I bought it so I don't ******* it often. I'm a beer guy too so that's my regular *******. I also go for other Jack whiskeys and cinnerator which is a better and less sweet fireball.
For a regular after work or nothing special weekend, natural ice 🤣
Otherwise we like whiskey, she likes Jamison, and I stick with my old go to, Jim beam and water. Jim and coke... We're not all about the fancy stuff.
I can't go wrong with a top shelf vodka martini or margarita. And, I also love a double Jim Bean on the rocks during the cooler weather.
Whats your favorite Alcohol? I own a private label vodka line and wanting to see whats everyones favorite
Do you sell to the public? Love to buy a bottle.

I really love hard pear cider for just social drinking. I tend to be a whisky girl when going for broke.
Alcohol Drinking GIF
Chardonnay, would have a glass when I would get off work at the gym ex would ask me all about Ron my lover sometimes we would lock ourselves in my office after closing