Nasty People

Most Likely This Will Be The Extent Of My Acknowledgement Of @funcouple52661 . As Their Opinion And Existence Matters Not...Still Gonna Get The 👎🏽 Though 😆.

This However Matters Much...

This is stealing money from people that were never slave owners to people that were never slaves. Period. You want to be angry about slavery? America freed slaves. Meanwhile blank people in Africa still sell their own off as slaves. Pathetic
This is stealing money from people that were never slave owners to people that were never slaves. Period. You want to be angry about slavery? America freed slaves. Meanwhile blank people in Africa still sell their own off as slaves. Pathetic
Since this started on this unrestricted thread. This is my rebuttal from a verified only thread... Enjoy or cringe as you see fit 🤣.

Me to another poster:
What's up Bro... I don't even think that poster is female @funcouple52661 . It's one of those pathetic husbands/boyfriends who needs a black man to fuck their woman in a way that they never could. The whole conversation from it is pseudomasculine. I can almost picture it. A fake ass macho white boy on the outside and a pink petticoat wearing little girl on the inside. Wants to present as a dominant to the outside world but behind closed doors is nothing but toilet licker. It's so interesting to me how it's always referencing my conduct on this site. Not their favorite type of black man I gather. You know the ones with huge big black dicks and small easily manipulated minds. Says the way that I am I'm never going to meet anybody. I'm not on this site to meet anybody I've been with the same beautiful white woman for the past 5 years. This is nothing but pure entertainment for me and boy has it been. It's little homosexual ally will probably jump in any moment now @smalltwoinches That screen name is priceless. You know that pillow biter actually posted that it wanted to suck my dick. Lol. In any case Bro have at it. I got better things to do at the moment. Ain't going to be around for their weak ass reply. Have a great weekend.

It's Reply:
I expect this kind of a reaction from a guy like you. You are a racist liberal that is a professional victim in life. You lack any confidence or ability to think for yourself. I love that you attack any black man that doesn't agree with your racist views claiming they have a small mind. When in fact you are the one that expects others to pay your way in life because you have always been a victim. It is weal men like you that are the reason my husband doesn't come on sites like this. You have cucked yourself for a political agenda. I took a look at your pics and quickly pointed out that you are not a bbc, you are average at best. Like I said, I want to thank you on behalf of successful people everywhere on your comments. You make it easy to get through the weeds in here. If you ever want to meet my husband and say those things in person, I would gladly arrange that. It would not end the way you hope. I know that you are not used to strong women, you think that we are just going to faint when we talk to you. I can think for myself and I see you for what you are. Pathetic.

My reply:
Right a guy like me... A proud, successful, content Black man. What the fuck are you? From the looks of that avatar... A flat assed, average at best caveb.itch, with no media. More likely though a butthurt white boy with some serious issues that only a handful of sleeping pills and liter of "white lightning" could cure Lol 😆⚰️. You assume so much because I'm Pro Black and refuse to forget the debt that is owed. If that makes me a victim in your twisted reality so be it. Better that then some simp who thinks white supremacists such as yourself shouldn't pay the full balance for the greatest crime in history. I have never attacked any Black person on this site. From my perspective whatever differences "WE" may have are best unaired on a platform such as this...I know you love it when you see us infight... Do you say "Look at those N.iggas Go... Hope they never recognize who they should bring the real fight to"?
Reparations will be made... Suck it up. Personally I want for nothing material. However, if someone owed me $200.00 I want it back...It would be idiotic to dismiss a thousand times that amount dumb ass🤣... For what reason ? Because your sphincter tightens up at Black people getting the compensation they're due ? Maybe you can get one of those true bbcs that you worship so much to loosen it up for you. It'll work for whatever gender you truly are... So there's that 😆.
Weed out... More like inspect a man's body and temperament as if he's on an auction block during the good old days. You know the ones that I'm talking about... "Big dick I just hope that he doesn't actually expect to be seen as an equal human being. That would ruin all the fun." Lol. Check this out Karen or Brad or whatever the fuck you are I wouldn't fuck you with your mom's dick. Husband...? A fucking cuckold? You're kidding right? Meet him for what I already have a female sucking my dick. Lol. Listen b.itch or prick the only thing strong about you is the stench swirling skyward off your cavernous c.unt. Pathetic is exactly what you want me to be... S.hit out of luck on that one dude. 😂.

It's Replies:
Proud and successful people don’t seek reparations and act like victims.
You’re a pathetic excuse for a man. Tell me more how you’re a victim.
I don’t want men to act like they are entitled to anything or victims so it’s not a compliment to your racist ass.

My Replies:

Considering your criteria for being a man that is the highest compliment you can pay me asswipe... What I'd rather tell you is how disgusting worthless s.hit stains like you are. Always accusing others of wanting something for free... Even when they have worked harder than anybody to receive what is due them. This is evidenced by the fact that you can't even come up with 9.95 per month to support the site that you so robustly use to spread your laughable and deranged point of views...Also to seek "BBC's" to wreck all three (or two dude) of your fuck holes. Here's a thought why don't you go turn two or three more tricks. You should be able to get the 10 bucks that way. Lol. 🤣

So... Here's a bit of advice fancy pants. When you have to eat a s.hit sandwich. As I'm sure you're somewhat used to. It's better not to nibble. Everything that you are afraid of...Is happening right before your eyes. And there ain't a fucking thing you can do to stop it... Why don't you just go grab the alcohol and the sleeping pills now. Do the whole world of fucking favor 🤣
Since this started on this unrestricted thread. This is my rebuttal from a verified only thread... Enjoy or cringe as you see fit 🤣.

Me to another poster:
What's up Bro... I don't even think that poster is female @funcouple52661 . It's one of those pathetic husbands/boyfriends who needs a black man to fuck their woman in a way that they never could. The whole conversation from it is pseudomasculine. I can almost picture it. A fake ass macho white boy on the outside and a pink petticoat wearing little girl on the inside. Wants to present as a dominant to the outside world but behind closed doors is nothing but toilet licker. It's so interesting to me how it's always referencing my conduct on this site. Not their favorite type of black man I gather. You know the ones with huge big black dicks and small easily manipulated minds. Says the way that I am I'm never going to meet anybody. I'm not on this site to meet anybody I've been with the same beautiful white woman for the past 5 years. This is nothing but pure entertainment for me and boy has it been. It's little homosexual ally will probably jump in any moment now @smalltwoinches That screen name is priceless. You know that pillow biter actually posted that it wanted to suck my dick. Lol. In any case Bro have at it. I got better things to do at the moment. Ain't going to be around for their weak ass reply. Have a great weekend.

It's Reply:
I expect this kind of a reaction from a guy like you. You are a racist liberal that is a professional victim in life. You lack any confidence or ability to think for yourself. I love that you attack any black man that doesn't agree with your racist views claiming they have a small mind. When in fact you are the one that expects others to pay your way in life because you have always been a victim. It is weal men like you that are the reason my husband doesn't come on sites like this. You have cucked yourself for a political agenda. I took a look at your pics and quickly pointed out that you are not a bbc, you are average at best. Like I said, I want to thank you on behalf of successful people everywhere on your comments. You make it easy to get through the weeds in here. If you ever want to meet my husband and say those things in person, I would gladly arrange that. It would not end the way you hope. I know that you are not used to strong women, you think that we are just going to faint when we talk to you. I can think for myself and I see you for what you are. Pathetic.

My reply:
Right a guy like me... A proud, successful, content Black man. What the fuck are you? From the looks of that avatar... A flat assed, average at best caveb.itch, with no media. More likely though a butthurt white boy with some serious issues that only a handful of sleeping pills and liter of "white lightning" could cure Lol 😆⚰️. You assume so much because I'm Pro Black and refuse to forget the debt that is owed. If that makes me a victim in your twisted reality so be it. Better that then some simp who thinks white supremacists such as yourself shouldn't pay the full balance for the greatest crime in history. I have never attacked any Black person on this site. From my perspective whatever differences "WE" may have are best unaired on a platform such as this...I know you love it when you see us infight... Do you say "Look at those N.iggas Go... Hope they never recognize who they should bring the real fight to"?
Reparations will be made... Suck it up. Personally I want for nothing material. However, if someone owed me $200.00 I want it back...It would be idiotic to dismiss a thousand times that amount dumb ass🤣... For what reason ? Because your sphincter tightens up at Black people getting the compensation they're due ? Maybe you can get one of those true bbcs that you worship so much to loosen it up for you. It'll work for whatever gender you truly are... So there's that 😆.
Weed out... More like inspect a man's body and temperament as if he's on an auction block during the good old days. You know the ones that I'm talking about... "Big dick I just hope that he doesn't actually expect to be seen as an equal human being. That would ruin all the fun." Lol. Check this out Karen or Brad or whatever the fuck you are I wouldn't fuck you with your mom's dick. Husband...? A fucking cuckold? You're kidding right? Meet him for what I already have a female sucking my dick. Lol. Listen b.itch or prick the only thing strong about you is the stench swirling skyward off your cavernous c.unt. Pathetic is exactly what you want me to be... S.hit out of luck on that one dude. 😂.

It's Replies:
Proud and successful people don’t seek reparations and act like victims.
You’re a pathetic excuse for a man. Tell me more how you’re a victim.
I don’t want men to act like they are entitled to anything or victims so it’s not a compliment to your racist ass.

My Replies:

Considering your criteria for being a man that is the highest compliment you can pay me asswipe... What I'd rather tell you is how disgusting worthless s.hit stains like you are. Always accusing others of wanting something for free... Even when they have worked harder than anybody to receive what is due them. This is evidenced by the fact that you can't even come up with 9.95 per month to support the site that you so robustly use to spread your laughable and deranged point of views...Also to seek "BBC's" to wreck all three (or two dude) of your fuck holes. Here's a thought why don't you go turn two or three more tricks. You should be able to get the 10 bucks that way. Lol. 🤣

So... Here's a bit of advice fancy pants. When you have to eat a s.hit sandwich. As I'm sure you're somewhat used to. It's better not to nibble. Everything that you are afraid of...Is happening right before your eyes. And there ain't a fucking thing you can do to stop it... Why don't you just go grab the alcohol and the sleeping pills now. Do the whole world of fucking favor 🤣
Here you are being a victim again. Pathetic
Here you are being a victim again. Pathetic
If That's How You See It. Even Flat Assed Cavecunts Can Have A Opinion. Or Are You Wearing Your True Skin Today? A Wanna Be Patsy Faced Sexually Inadequate Closeted Homosexual... It's Very Obvious Much Of Your Posts Come From The Pseudomasculine Mind Of A White Supremacists Gamma Cuck Who Wishes He Were A Dominant Stag... No Difference Really In Any Scenario It's Big Black Dick That Wrecking Your Fuck Holes Whether You're Brad/Karen. The Contradiction Of The Love/Hate Dynamic That Exists Between Your Pitiful Ass And Those Black Men Is Worthy Of A Doctoral Thesis.🤣
If That's How You See It. Even Flat Assed Cavecunts Can Have A Opinion. Or Are You Wearing Your True Skin Today? A Wanna Be Patsy Faced Sexually Inadequate Closeted Homosexual... It's Very Obvious Much Of Your Posts Come From The Pseudomasculine Mind Of A White Supremacists Gamma Cuck Who Wishes He Were A Dominant Stag... No Difference Really In Any Scenario It's Big Black Dick That Wrecking Your Fuck Holes Whether You're Brad/Karen. The Contradiction Of The Love/Hate Dynamic That Exists Between Your Pitiful Ass And Those Black Men Is Worthy Of A Doctoral Thesis.🤣
I love it. You have to make up things about me in order to even try and insult me. Anyone with half a brain can look at my pic and see that there is nothing flat about my ass.
I don’t have to tell anyone how great I am or how sexy my ass is. I would love to see you call me a “cave cunt” to my face. Is that what guys like you that have an average size penis call women that are unattainable for you? You said you would never Fuck me earlier. I find that laughable. I never offered and I never would. I find you disgusting. I’ve said nothing racist or white supremacist. Quite the opposite. I said you’re not a victim but you can only identify as a victim. It’s what you are. You see yourself at beneath others. You need mental help. The men I play with have nothing in common with you.

They are healthy and strong and confident and successful and their skin color has nothing to do with that. It’s their mindset. You claim you don’t attack blacks then you say that any black man that would be with me has a huge dick and a small brain. That’s racist. The truth is I have sex with who I want. I have high standards. I seek strong and confident men. They can be any race. I know racists like you hate that.
I love it. You have to make up things about me in order to even try and insult me. Anyone with half a brain can look at my pic and see that there is nothing flat about my ass.
I don’t have to tell anyone how great I am or how sexy my ass is. I would love to see you call me a “cave cunt” to my face. Is that what guys like you that have an average size penis call women that are unattainable for you? You said you would never Fuck me earlier. I find that laughable. I never offered and I never would. I find you disgusting. I’ve said nothing racist or white supremacist. Quite the opposite. I said you’re not a victim but you can only identify as a victim. It’s what you are. You see yourself at beneath others. You need mental help. The men I play with have nothing in common with you.

They are healthy and strong and confident and successful and their skin color has nothing to do with that. It’s their mindset. You claim you don’t attack blacks then you say that any black man that would be with me has a huge dick and a small brain. That’s racist. The truth is I have sex with who I want. I have high standards. I seek strong and confident men. They can be any race. I know racists like you hate that.
Glad I could oblige.
Your ass is flat. You got a flat back. Wack wack wack wack. LOL.
I'd call your mama a cave c.unt to her face...S.hit don't drop far from the horse's ass turd b.itch/prick.
You think saying my dick is "average" is somehow significant. The only way it would be is if you had access to it. Which you never would dude. Thank GOD you're unattainable for me... I have no interest in men. And if you are female. The mere thought of being in the same space with you actually turns my stomach. You know my great big stomach. Lol.
You don't know me at all. You never will. I would go as far as to say I don't know you either. Let's hope that not knowing each other is mutual. But I am getting the feeling that wait for it... YOU WANT TO SUCK MY DICK !!! Lol. 🤣.
Glad I could oblige.
Your ass is flat. You got a flat back. Wack wack wack wack. LOL.
I'd call your mama a cave c.unt to her face...S.hit don't drop far from the horse's ass turd b.itch/prick.
You think saying my dick is "average" is somehow significant. The only way it would be is if you had access to it. Which you never would dude. Thank GOD you're unattainable for me... I have no interest in men. And if you are female. The mere thought of being in the same space with you actually turns my stomach. You know my great big stomach. Lol.
You don't know me at all. You never will. I would go as far as to say I don't know you either. Let's hope that not knowing each other is mutual. But I am getting the feeling that wait for it... YOU WANT TO SUCK MY DICK !!! Lol. 🤣.
Nope. Nothing flat about me. You however are an unhealthy male with an average penis and a low iq. I know exactly what you are based on your comments. You’re really sad. I’m sure you have ra pe fantasies about women like me. That’s what happens when you have no chance. I find you repulsive and weak
Nope. Nothing flat about me. You however are an unhealthy male with an average penis and a low iq. I know exactly what you are based on your comments. You’re really sad. I’m sure you have ra pe fantasies about women like me. That’s what happens when you have no chance. I find you repulsive and weak
I'm not going to play into this desperate need you have for attention. You want me to say "prove it... post a pic other than that flat ass avatar." Lol. No matter what you look like... you're the ugliest person inside. There you go talking about my dick again... Is my belly next? Come on you want to suck it don't you ? You want to rub a dub dub it don't you? Lol 😂.
There's no way in the world I can have r.ape fantasies about a woman like you... Cuz you're not a fucking woman. Even if by some medical miracle you are female🤣.
Oh no...a cuckold/cavec.unt called me repulsive and weak... Boohoo. The world wept. 😆
I'm not going to play into this desperate need you have for attention. You want me to say "prove it... post a pic other than that flat ass avatar." Lol. No matter what you look like... you're the ugliest person inside. There you go talking about my dick again... Is my belly next? Come on you want to suck it don't you ? You want to rub a dub dub it don't you? Lol 😂.
There's no way in the world I can have r.ape fantasies about a woman like you... Cuz you're not a fucking woman. Even if by some medical miracle you are female🤣.
Oh no...a cuckold/cavec.unt called me repulsive and weak... Boohoo. The world wept. 😆
How do I have a desperate need for attention? You are the one posting our conversation in multiple places. Perhaps it is the pathetic hope that you are going to get others to agree with you. Others are afraid to tell you how pathetic you are for some reason. Again, your make-believe world that a lowly woman like me can't stand up to you is as pathetic as you are. I only have sex with strong confident men. Not weak repulsive betas like you. Tell me again how you are a victim and how much you are owed for never being a slave.
How do I have a desperate need for attention? You are the one posting our conversation in multiple places. Perhaps it is the pathetic hope that you are going to get others to agree with you. Others are afraid to tell you how pathetic you are for some reason. Again, your make-believe world that a lowly woman like me can't stand up to you is as pathetic as you are. I only have sex with strong confident men. Not weak repulsive betas like you. Tell me again how you are a victim and how much you are owed for never being a slave.
Isn't it obvious... Your comments are designed to be inflammatory. If you comment on a subject that is of interest to me. Such as the rightful compensation the descendants of slaves are due. For the obvious long-lasting and still continuing disparities it caused... I'm going to respond. It's a fact that the generational wealth from the labors of Black slaves only enriched their oppressors. And their descendants.. is that you? No one alive today was a ever a slave. Of course it wasn't just slavery. Slavery was the genesis of all the government sanctioned policies that went to ensuring that Black people as a whole will remain at the economic bottom of the pyramid. I'm not going to waste my time listing them for you. Pick up a book numbnuts/ice snatch. Lol.The damage these government sanctioned policies caused future generations of Black people is undeniable... For anyone that actually has b.lood flow to the brain. LOL. It was government sanctioned therefore the government is liable. That is about as far as I'm going with debating the facts with you. Let me get back to what's more fun...Insulting you. But before that let me complement you..."You want to suck my big black dick don't you baby MWUAH Lol.🤣"
My husband and I are at Caliente the nude / swingers resort near Tampa. Last night after dinner I went down to the outside karaoke bar while my husband visited the restroom.

A black guy walked in. He wasn't doing anything. Immediately a woman confronted him. She was obviously upset, but I could hear much of what was being said. Then the husband got involved. They started screaming. I heard the husband say, you don't belong here! I was moving towards the exit to keep from being hurt. I found my husband and got out of there. Security was arrived as I was exiting. I was upstairs and watched as they threw the couple out. The black guy was allowed to stay.

This was obviously racially motivated. The fact that they threw the couple out and allowed the guy to stay tells the story.

I know I'm in Crazy Florida, but this is truly disgusting! I've read about Karen's going ape ******* crazy, but when it happens a few feet away it becomes real very fast. What the Hell is Wrong with us?

I had a similar experience. I'm white and years ago I was hired to take behind the scenes pictures of an after party for the Emmy's. I was at a party hosted by a black musician friend of mine and several of his black guests started harassing me and calling me 'white boy' and asked him to kick me out.

It's terrible when that happens.

What is wrong with them?
I fully understand what you are saying . I was at a house party a few weeks ago . A similar situation happened. That’s why I replied to this earlier. I was at this house party in East Tennessee. About 8 white couples , 3 single white women & 2 black men . I was one of the 2 . After everyone was fucking and we all took a break , talking & snacking on food . Conversation turned political. I knew right then some wild ******* was going to be said or happen. One of the husbands told the other black guy there should be more stand up black guys like Herschel Walker . He is a real American black man . I’m thinking WTF . So the other black guy went in on the guy . He was like Herschel Walker is a Uncle Tom . There are way more better black people that are stand up people other than Walker . Long story shortened. He and the white husband got into a heated argument and him and 2 other white couples told him he could take his black ass on . I’m like wow . I put my clothes on and left before it got uglier . I knew one of the single females there and text her to see what happened after I left . And she told me how the couples were calling him the N word . Told the host don’t invite him and his wife if there will be monkeys at her party . Just talking ******* after he left . I knew it . A lot of this goes on . No surprises. Some couples are cool , some are not with interracial or black people .
Proof that even when your pants are down, you cannot let your guard down.
Fucking you/us, is not the same as respecting you/us.

Remember slave owners fucked their slaves and had children with them. Yet, sold their own children into further slavery without any qualms. And, they certainly weren't harboring any feeling of equality or respect.
They fucked them and treated them like animals.
Everyone feeding into this bullshit in this thread is an idiot. Racism still exists in America, both ways. Nothing ever gonna change that. People are ignorant and best we can do is not give racist people a platform. Move the fuck on, mind your own.
I guess you just called yourself an idiot.
You also made my point that fucking us, is not the same as respecting us.
It does not go both ways.
Ignoring it does not solve it, and it's something that only a person who is not a target of racism would say.
They already have platforms from major media outlets to the Presidency. How TF can you ignore that?
You suggested a privileged solution that helps people ONLY like you continue on without accountability.
I guess you just called yourself an idiot.
You also made my point that fucking us, is not the same as respecting us.
It does not go both ways.
Ignoring it does not solve it, and it's something that only a person who is not a target of racism would say.
They already have platforms from major media outlets to the Presidency. How TF can you ignore that?
You suggested a privileged solution that helps people ONLY like you continue on without accountability.
So it's not just me you cannot get along with
Thanks for proving my Point

Didn't you write...
Everyone feeding into this bullshit in this thread is an idiot.
Then you went on to 'feed into it' by writing the most dismissive asinine message...
Racism still exists in America, both ways. Nothing ever gonna change that. People are ignorant and best we can do is not give racist people a platform. Move the fuck on, mind your own.

Stop hitting yourself.
Hitting yourself GIF by The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper