Georgia removes the words “diversity, equity, and inclusion” from teacher preparation standards

ATLANTA (AP) — New rules for Georgia’s public school teachers would remove the words “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” from education program standards.

The Georgia Professional Standards Commission voted without discussion Thursday to delete those words and references to so-called “ambiguous terms” from rules that guide colleges and programs that train educators. The latest changes, which go into effect July 1, are among a series of steps legislators and policymakers have taken in Georgia and beyond to rid schools of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

“It’s a travesty,” said DeKalb County teacher Chris Andrews moments after the meeting. “Without some sort of diversity, equity, inclusion training, or even mention thereof, are we even able to interact with each other in effective ways?”

Commission chairman Brian Sirmans said the rule changes came about after the University System of Georgia asked the commission to “remove or simplify words that in recent years have taken on multiple and unintended meanings.”

Teachers colleges are still expected to prepare future educators who are “well-equipped to address the learning needs of all students,” he added.

Commission members attended the meeting virtually, their cameras off during the roughly hour-long public hearing. Anne Marie Fenton, director of rules management and educator assessment, told the newspaper the meeting was scheduled to be virtual, which is why the commissioners participated online. However, members of the public who wanted to comment were made to do so in person.

“The in-person speaking requirement helps ensure a secure oral hearing,” Fenton said in an email, adding that it “provides additional logistical control and assurances” that the hearing will be well-managed.

Opponents to the proposed changes told commissioners over and over that “words matter.”

“Replacing the word diverse with words like different and unique implies that there is a norm. A sameness which excludes those who do not fit in,” said Sarah Hunt-Blackwell, First Amendment policy advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia.

She added: “By removing DEI training requirements, this body turns a blind eye to students’ academic, psychological and emotional needs.”
I made a thread about an Asian student blaming affirmitive action for elite schools rejecting his application, but the mods deleted it. I don't know anymore what can be discussee here.

I saw that article. You have to be pretty entitled to think that a good (not even perfect) SAT score means you deserve to get into every top school of your choosing.

Tens of thousands of students every year get a perfect SAT score, and this guy didn't even do that before running to the news to complain that he didn't get in because he's asian. sad.
Equity means equality of outcome. Diversity means quotas. Inclusion means just what?

equity means treating people impartially (by the content of their character not the color of their skin)

diversity means having more than one type of person around

inclusion means having more than one type of person around, and listening to them sometimes instead of using them as a token
yeah let's not train educators about _unconscious biases so they can keep herding black students into the lower-tier classes so they don't get into good colleges

you guys seriously don't remember how school works in the US under conservative governments?
You really think this directed toward traditional minority groups? I can't explain my position because of the dumb ass rules in this forum. I don't want the thread deleted. We can't even discuss affirmitive action. They deleted that thread. I don't dare make a thread about 'Moms of liberty'
My sister was a teacher and coach in Texas for 20 yrs...Retired this year...Had enough of the Bullshit...Teachers can no longer teach...and coaches can no longer coach...She had to answer 45 emails a day from Crazy ass parents...There was a mental hygiene person on campus...A safe zone on campus...etc. Complete insanity with woke ass politics...One thing that should be re-instated in every state is corporal punishment...Got my ass beat back in the day and turned out just fine...Young folks don´t respect anyone today... ;)

My sister was a teacher and coach in Texas for 20 yrs...Retired this year...Had enough of the Bullshit...Teachers can no longer teach...and coaches can no longer coach...She had to answer 45 emails a day from Crazy ass parents...There was a mental hygiene person on campus...A safe zone on campus...etc. Complete insanity with woke ass politics...One thing that should be re-instated in every state is corporal punishment...Got my ass beat back in the day and turned out just fine...Young folks don´t respect anyone today... ;)

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Edit this post please. Remove the p word or the thread will be deletrd.