Exposing Black Misandry

"Ghost faces" .... lol, do the dark sunglasses bother you, sweetheart? I can take them off if you like.
I didn't realize this thread had an exclusive, SwirlGirl ... I have no problem leaving a thread if the OP asks me to leave. Talk to him.
But ME a "white supremacists" ... simply because I disagree or challenge a remark made by a black poster you call me a supremacist. Could it be that simply because I'm white and don't kiss the ass of a black man? Actually, I kiss the ass of no one.
As far as closing down a thread, you are simply denying the facts of the real reason the political threads closed. My only fault was continuing to state the "facts" (with documentations) and then responding to the insults from the ilk of your pack friends. If that defines me a supremacist, then I guess I am one, but I won't yield to lies.
You folks are like a pack of dogs, you can't and you won't have a truthful, factual, one-on-one discussion, you refuse to document your sources, or accept an opinion contrary to your own. Instead, you prefer to toss out your insults, post lies & fabrications, and get the laughs from your "pack friends". Then invite me to leave simply because the website is black male & white female focused. Spells "loser" to me.
It would be nice if you'd learn the difference between opinions & facts for a change and desist holding your pity parties.
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Get fucked (Tough Guy).jpg
@SwirlSexr775: This clown Handjob keeps showing his toddler ass.
Yeah ol' handjob got a couple of my threads taken down...Cause I toasted his pasty ass with the truth of his pathetic existence. The only reason a white like him is on here is to jerk off to Black dick. You hit him RIGHT ON HIS CLIT when you post the fuck media he can only fantasize about 🤣. He steals other members media and posts them as his own. I got a picture of the complaint. Think I'll post it on some of the threads he likes to lurk on... He's a fucking troll. Spamming this thread and others with irrelevant posts. It Is my belief that he and MuckNcheese are trying to get this thread taken down. IT HITS THEM RIGHT IN THEIR VAGINAS 😆.
No offense, but normal black people are afraid of young black men, and its more often young black males killing young black males. In Durham, NC there are killings & shootings every week ... 5-10 a week, and I'd say 90% of them are young blacks. They're just too high-tempered and rather shoot first. Had 2 black females get into a gun fight last week, but both only wounded and in the hospital ... both now in jail. Only takes ONE to say the magic words ... "you disrespect me" and the fights start.
A lot of my married friends (both white & black) say they don't go out late at night. I know we don't here. And my ki.ds are both going out ONLY on weekends with their friends and they're in before midnight.
In order to address a problem, one has to first admit there IS a problem.

citation required for these racist propaganda promoted by white supremacists
MoT #542 Modern Slavery In America, Billions Made Off ****** Prison Labor

Angola penitentiary in Louisiana has used prisoners as slave labor to work for and enrich the biggest corporations in America. The 13th Amendment allows the government (federal, state and local) to ******* black people back into bondage and the same way corporations made billions off of it during chattel slavery corporations are making a killing off of it today.

I have the fact that I don't care what you think, and I'm not here to have any conversations with you.
Another juvenile that contradicts himself ... why not go back and count the number of posts you've directed at me (with your juvenile insults) and then count the number I've directed at you, you sorry ass little blackboi! You can't STOP addressing me ... you have nothing better to do. Even people have posted in your mail that you're an asshole. Now, post some more of your garbage that answers any question I've directed to you, and note the number of insults you've directed at me with profanity vs what I've said to you.
You're just a juvenile .... plain and simple. If this were my thread, I'd have your sorry ass kicked off the thread permanently.

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Fuck off slick...I do as I please...Voce Entede... :poop: 👌
Ah, there it is! There's that boisterous white behavior that thinks that he can do and say whatever he wants with no consequences. Thank you for revealing yourself.
Boy, there are repercussions for your fuckery even here. Keep acting out; and you're going to get spanked. Now take your silly ass to theCracka Barrel.jpg
Ah, there it is! There's that boisterous white behavior that thinks that he can do and say whatever he wants with no consequences. Thank you for revealing yourself.
Boy, there are repercussions for your fuckery even here. Keep acting out; and you're going to get spanked. Now take your silly ass to theView attachment 6867126
You are bitter piece of *******...that´s been playing the race card you´re whole life...What you going to do about it cupcake...I´m turning on the news now...Waiting for breaking news out of Washington State... :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
You are bitter piece of *******...that´s been playing the race card you´re whole life...What you going to do about it cupcake...I´m turning on the news now...Waiting for breaking news out of Washington State... :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
Keyboard Commandos.jpgWhat a hardcore keyboard commando you are. No one's impressed by you, mate. You're vying for attention. Go outside. Keyboard Commando patch.jpg