Act out scenes

We go to the strip club get drinks and a few lap dances after dinner. I watch you lap dance a complete stranger at his table with friends. You took one guy to the private boot so a stripper came over but you were just getting him hard. The stripper danced the pole in front of you as I watched from a distance. You pulled your skirt up revealing your soft smooth ass. His hand squeezed your ass with his fingers gripping your flesh with a certainty that you were his.You begin to unzip him out of sight of the club security. You reposition your hips over his hard dick so your wet pussy lips slide over the shaft of his dick not penetrating you.You begin to slowly slide back and forth in small movements so the stripper doesn’t notice. He sits quietly as he Reposition his hands on your thighs your soft naked skin as he feels his warm soft but solid dick coated in silky cream rubbing between your cheek and pussy lips . The heat from his dick is making your oussy melt inside. You begin to leak on his dick making a slippery mess between both your thighs. He tries to reposition his body to move his zipper digging into his flesh as he slides left you turn your head making your body slide right and the head of his dick penetrate your pussy and with a quick gasp you freeze sitting still so security doesn’t come over he doesn’t move either his full dick now growing inside you as you feel it reach as deep as you are and the ******* is in your stomach. You feel his big dick throbbing inside as you pause with this stranger in you raw the music begins to ease the tension as you try to get up he pulls you down onto him the feeling of his raw dick makes you lose yourself in the moment and you thrust fast and hard to the music your body urning for his cum and you must have it you give him a wet 3 minutes of quick burst and then he erupts inside as you sit on his dick until he is empty the song ends and the stripper leaves. You get up come back to me and he zip his pants and go back to his table his boys start to look over one by one as we continue to ******* cum on your inner thigh you wipe with your hand and lick it off your palm.You sit facing me as I hide the mess oozing out your pussy as you wipe and lick your palm over and over swallow his cum as it ooze out of your pussy. We finish our drinks and head for the door and him and his boys follow us outside to the car. The guy you fucked says can him and his 2 boys come chill with us……… a portion of a fantasy in which This is how the scene is set for the rest of the night
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There's no ambiance, no real build up. It's very generic. I can kind of see your passion but don't feel it. Your trying to hard, but hoping it's enough. Maybe if you add visuals it will give it some validity. But it's too blah!
There's no ambiance, no real build up. It's very generic. I can kind of see your passion but don't feel it. Your trying to hard, but hoping it's enough. Maybe if you add visuals it will give it some validity. But it's too blah!
Tryin' to give language or literature lessons in here? 🤣 Good luck!
But now that you are criticizing... please Jenna give us a better example. TY
I literally want my wife to act out the same situation in Indecent Proposal with my dream guy Mandingo. I just don’t know why but I always want to get penetrated as well it makes me feel so good and beautiful as I will never be anything more than a bottom