Trying to find a specific Black male porn star

I apologize if this is the wrong part of the forum for this. I'm looking for a video I watched a few times online, it has a a white girl with a couple tattoos(not covered) and a bit of a bob haircut, and a Black guy who's not super short, but a bit short and chunky, with a big necklace that has a blinged out D on it. I can't remember his name for the life of me, and I know I could probably find the video if I could figure out his name. I think her name was Roxie Hart, and unfortunately that's both a name used by multiple porn actresses, and also the lead character of Chicago! If it helps, the story of the video is that he's coming to visit her friend, he runs into her, she puts up a little bit of faux resistance("I don't like black guys, my boyfriend's white") and ends up fucking him pretty quickly.

Thanks in advance if you can help! :)